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    Posts posted by ilja559


      Medal instituted in 2008. It is to be granted to individuals, for their contribution to the development of women's rights and issues. Like the other medals, with the exception of the Order of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the Medal for the Development of Women may be awarded in gold, siver and bronze to a maximum of ten persons a year.

      The Proposed Criteria for the National Award for the Medal for the Development of Women

      The award categories and the corresponding criteria for those awards are as follows:

      CATEGORY 1:
      Nominations for Award in respect of a person:
      Candidates must demonstrate innovation in the promotion of gender equity for no less than ten (10) years through the promotion of:
      • Gender equality in the work place.
      • The elimination of all forms of discrimination against women by the promotion of gender equity.
      • Legislative and cultural reform to ensure gender equity.
      • Institutional mechanisms for the advancements of women.
      • Economic empowerment by: Overcoming marginalization, oppressive social norms access and rights to resources; Offering women choices and opportunities; and Encouraging women to fulfill their potential
      • Education- based programs, initiatives or personal action in the empowerment of women; and
      • Entrepreneurial activities

      CATEGORY 2:
      Nomination for reward in respect of Organizations
      Corporations/ Organizations must demonstrate innovation in the promotion of gender equity for no less than ten (10) years through:
      • The empowerment of women through initiatives, policies (procurement, hiring, training, etc.) or corporate social responsibility.
      • Outstanding contributions to women’s organizations that support soc-economic empowerment and/or through achievement in the corporate world.


      The medal consists of three parts: a medallion to which is attached a bar and winged shaped which partially surrounds the medallion and is hinged to it.


      1. Women’s symbol- ( This symbol for the planet Venus is used in Biology for the female sex
      and is a stylized representation of Venus’ hand mirror. Generally it is a circle with a small equilateral cross underneath.) In this drawing it occupies the centre of the medal and its cross quadrisect the map of Trinidad and Tobago.

      2. A Globe- representing the world is contained within the circle of the symbol.

      3. A winged Form- articulated and suspended from the central disc is a stylized winged shaped element whose radial sections are defined in bas relief.

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