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    Everything posted by archie777

    1. Challenge Coins awarded to SA Special Forces Operators and Attack Divers
    2. Genl Visagie was the Patron for the SARP Special Taskforce
    3. Here we have Challenge Coins awarded for SAP Special Taskforce Operators, whi participate in the UAE SWAT Challenge in 2023
    4. Current award for the SA Special Forces Operator
    5. The Order of the Star of South Africa (Grand Officer) (SSAS) was awarded to Genl Visagie by the State President PW de Klerk
    6. Hi Marco, That picture is of a friend of mine. The one in my collection is also 16 links. Don't know why hid only have 12. As far as the Star for Distinguished Service, I know that the recipients have a choise to either wear it around the neck with the links, or as a decoration on the chest. As far as the difference in the Faithful Service medal, the cream colour was also white, but due to ageing, it became cream. The white one is surely well kept to the elements of nature. Will comment more later, when I have my notes with me. Regards Archie
    7. An Officer of the South African Special Forces wearing with proud his Golden 10 years Operator badge and his Attack Diver 2 badge We were only allowed to wear the highest profficiency badges, with our wings and medals, but nithing more
    8. Here we have all the awards for the Gazankulu Police. I will cover each award soon
    9. South African Police Special Taskforce Sniper Challenge coins awarded to the snipers
    10. Painting of W/O1 Jaap Kloppers signedby him before his death Limited edition of 20 made
    11. Thanks this Marco. Its definitely a sample with a different suspender.
    12. Viking statue awarded to Commanders of 4 Special Forces Regiment Its made of solide brass
    13. I will soon cover the awards of the SA Police and SA Police Service
    14. Here we have the General sword for Genl Visagie More pictures to follow
    15. Here we have the miniatures for the ADs On the secondand third pictures, we have on the left the previous miniature Attack Diver badge and on the right the current issue Please note that all full size Attack Diver badges have 3 pins and the miniatures only 2. Its easy to pickup fakes, but originals are really hard to find
    16. Here we have a sword awarded to the Generals in the South African Police
    17. Hi pride, I visit you Fb page and you really have excellent stuff there. Will definitely visit your blog Have a wonderful evening Regards Archie
    18. This is how the badge was numbered, but the style and place for the numbers differs through the years Here we have the current issue of the Attack Diver badges. Also numbered on the reverse, but in the middle
    19. Here we have the SARP Star for Distinguished Leadership for Gebl JJH Claassen. He was the fouth Commissioner of the Railways Police
    20. If there is any questions, please feel free to contact me any time
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