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    Posts posted by Takc

    1. and my humble and little input

      головные уборы -?headgear

      шлем - helmet (or hat)

      стальной шлем - steel helmet

      летный шлем (или шлемофон) - flight helmet (or helmet with headphones set)

      танковый шлем (или шлемофон) - tanker helmet (or helmet with headphones set)

      фуражка?- visor cap?(or?peak?cap)

      буденновка - winter wool helmet, or simply budionnovka

      пилотка - side cap

      кепка - cap, kepi

      панама - suri-hat, sun-hat

      папаха - (tall astrakhan hat)

      кубанка - Kuban fur hat

      подшлемник - helmet liner

      берет - beret

      чехол (на стальной шлем) - cover (steel helmet cover)

      Обмундирование -?uniform

      гимнастерка - tunic

      китель - high-necked tunic

      бриджи - breeches

      галифе - galife trousers

      брюки - trousers

      тужурка - jacket

      плащ - greatcoat

      плащ-палатка - (greatcoat, which transforms into a cover)

      шинель - wool greatcoat, or simply greatcoat

      бурка - fur coat (burka)

      черкеска - Cherkess greatcoat (Cherkeska)

      ватник - padded jacket

      бушлат - pea-jacket

      тельняшка - sailor's vest

      рубаха нательная - underwear shirt

      носок, носки - sock, socks

      портянка, портянки - foot cloth (feet-clothes)

      Обувь -?shoes

      ботинок, ботинки - boot, boots

      сапог, сапоги - jackboot, jackboots

      Прочее,?одежда -?Other,?clothes

      комбинезон летный - combined jacket-trousers flight suit

      комбинезон танковый - combined jacket-trousers tanker suit

      афганка - afghan uniform set

      маскировочный халат (зимний - белый) - camouflage coat (cover) (winter - white)

      Экипировка?и знаки различия -?Equipment and distinction signs (insignia)

      ремень - belt

      пряжка - buckle

      портупея - shoulder-belt

      лопатка малая - showel small

      подсумки - pouches

      фляга - flask, canteen

      котелок - mess-pot

      ложка - spoon

      вилка - fork

      нож - knife

      вещьмешок - backpack bag

      рюкзак - backpack

      планшет (полетный, командирский) - side bag, map case (flight, commander's)

      погон, погоны - shoulderboard, shoulderboards

      пуговица, пуговицы - button (s)

      шеврон - chevron

      нарукавная нашивка - arm patch, arm insignia,?sleeve?patch

      эмблема - emblem

      кокарда - cocarde

      звезда - star

      Оружие и боеприпасы -?Weapon?and?ammo

      патрон - shell?case?plus?bullet

      пуля - bullet (bullet itself)

      снаряд -?-?shell

      граната - grenade

      пистолет - pistol

      револьвер - revolving pistol

      пистолет-пулемет - submachine gun

      ракетница - rocket launcher (also for small pistol-type - shine rockets launcher)

      винтовка - rifle

      автомат - automatic gun,

      пулемет - machine gun

      противотанковое ружье (ПТР) -?anti-tank?rifle?(ATR)

      гранатомет - grenade launcher

      артиллерийское орудие - artillery gun

      танк - tank

      самолет - airplane

      корабль - ship

      you are welcome to add or ask to add, gents :)

    2. Also, let's start a topic on the soviet belt buckles.

      One may think that there were only three or four modifications - maybe five.

      But actually, there were about of a hundred if we take both military and civil kinds, including their year modifications.

      here is the militia belt buckle, mod. 1947-1955 (1958-9).

    3. I saw you were discussing a soviet plaque... interesting.

      And I want to offer to you to discuss another very interesting topic - soviet military toys.

      I'll start from two plastic helmets. This summer I got third, but have no pictures of it.

      These two were in my collection for two years, and now one of them is owned by a son of my very good friend (see admiral's visor caps topic, the boy which is there is that namely happy owner of one of these helmets).

      Third helmet is of a bigger size and has no star and liner.

    4. I think I'm going off the undertheredstar website with that star on the crown thing, but everyone makes mistakes!

      Do modern train personell wear such 'militaristic' uniforms?

      Stewart, friend, the visor caps were and are the undetachable part of railroad uniforms.

      uniform it is, militaristic or not, but it has the same common things as every uniform in the world.

      Modern railroad service officials and workers do wear uniform, a bit different, but you always can see how does it look








      http://www.rzd.ru/museum/index.html?he_id=1297 and follow the numbers at the top

      http://www.rzd.ru/museum/index.html?he_id=118 and also follow the numbers to view the pictures

    5. Rick, all your questions about courtesy and picture postings you may ask directly from Sergey.

      It was not me who did it and it also was not MY initiative.

      I have explained very clearly what happened.


      Then, about your shoulderboards.

      The golden stripes of non-regular kind on the shoulderboards could be met at those, or earlier, or later times. It also happened for soldiers to wear a handmade shoulderboards. And this is normal. But in your case the matter is the configuration.

      Post #5 shoulderboards are at least a mix of boards+emblems+buttons+stars and this configuration is NOT LEGIT.

      Very educated and respected experts say that there were NO REGULATIONS which said about such an emblem usage on shoulderboards. The rest config of the shoulderboards tell that the shoulderboards are at least a mix, which was created by someone much much later. The word "mix" is very soft for this case. "Mix" is a minimum of bad what they see.

      As maximum - people say that the shoulderboards are fake.

    6. As an outsider, this sort of aggressive "re-tailoring" seems dangerously close to faking. Is such practice considered normal? Maybe if some party, for whatever reason, wanted you to destroy what you had . . . ??

      I do not consider this to be an agressive retailoring. Sometimes there is a need to restore the items, or to make them look in the way they should.

      Having got this item from a seller, would you really be sure that it's appearance was?not?changed?since?1945?

      Very often I buy incomplete things and then search for original items to complete them. Adding them at the item I of course do not think that now I have all-original and intact thing, but it's collecting value rizes if it is completed?with?correct?original accesories,?rather?than?an?incomplete?thing.

      I personally hate incomplete things, but this is just my humble opinion and I am not to force anyone to do my way. It was just an advice.

      All I do to my things is a very gentle and respectful restoration, repair and support of things.

      I repeat, this is my humble opinion and of course I leave others with their own approach to collecting.

    7. I will explain.

      Our new member Sergey is also registered at russian ww2 forum (just like RichieC, Vodorosl, Denis R,?me?and maybe some others).

      He took the picture of shoulderboards from post # 5 and posted them in the ww2 russian forum with a question "What the emblem is this?". Few very educated members replied that the emblem belongs to cavalry scouts, but they have never seen or known that it was worn on the shoulderboards. After, they confirmed that the shoulderboards themselves are very oddful. One of them, a very knowledgeable person and NKVD uniforms expert posted few reasons confirming the fake nature of the shoulderboards, which at least proves it is a mix of items and max is a fake thing.

      After seeing that some members here are willing to?buy?them,?I?posted?the?link?to?russian?ww2?forum?topic,?created?by?Sergey, to tell them that no need to hurry with obtaining of these shoulderboards.

      Rick, that's it.

    8. The text Rich asked to translate tells:

      Сама фуражка подлинная. Но она может быть как начала 50х, так и конца 70х. В этот период расцветка фуражек была одинаковая.

      НО вышитая эмблема "колесо с крыльями" на тулье фуражки - не с этой фуражки, она ставилась на ЖД фуражках других периодов. А также нашивалась на груди кителя ЖД в 70-80х.

      Звездочка точно никогда не носилась на околыше фуражки ЖД.

      The visor itself is original. But it can be both from the beginning of 50-ies, or the end of 70-ies. At this time the colour of the visors was similar. But the sewn emblem "wheel with wings" at the crown of the visor cap - is not from this visor cap, it was established for railway service visor caps of the other time frames. And also was sewn onto the breast part of kitel of railway service uniform at 70-80-ies.

      The star cocarde definitely?was?never?worn?at?the?crown?of?railway?service?visor?caps.

      Also, the visor cap of VOSO I have posted - namely it requires the winged wheel atop of the crown and a star at the band.

    9. That is all right.

      Funny it is, and posts 45, 46, 47 also show the button, which is actually a button of those which were produced in germany after the war as a reparation production to SU.

      Typical thick bordered?with feldgrau paint.

      As for the caps, I see only one feature of them which is enough to decline to buy them. The rest features are also important, but look at this picture, and it will tell the difference how fabric made caps differ from others, whether handmade or quasi-fabric made.

    10. This fine coat. There is no doubt in that that it the present. Simply I have paid your attention to some mistakes. And here such button should be present on a pursuit. -1

      Nope. There should be a BORDERED middle-sized button. Look at your picture of a soldier and you will see the border goes around the button. The button 1 you shown is a BORDERLESS one.

      Rich, find two mid size bordered buttons, take off the collar tabs, change them in places, and sew on. Also, the sewing must be done so the thread should be hidden somewhere between piping and collar tab body, or between the piping and greatcoat material.

    11. The wing on the white uniform is correct, it actually matches up exactly to a wing on P.219 of the Stepanov (and others) book on Russian Air Force Uniforms V1. I am not saying if it is a good or bad wing, but the design is dead on for what it should be (according to this book).DD

      Actually, an expert needed, and as far as i am not an expert, I will not comment, only support my previous post on a probable fake character of the wings. Also the fact that it is sewn on the NAVY summer kitel is not on behalf of the emblem itself, I think, also having in mind that the kitel has 1943-1960-ies time frame,?and?the?arm?sewn?insignia?of?airforce?was?amended?in?1943?(Order of the NKO # 25?dated?15?jan?1943? here is the source of info http://www.rkka.ru/uniform/terms/emb_vvs_ruk.htm ).

    12. оно требует имени и пароля потребителя. Furthermore, я верю Рик может перевести, но он имеет не cyrillic средство программирования характера установленное на его компьютер.

      Or something like that.

      okai zen ai vil help yu :)

      heer it iz ze helpful link


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