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    Posts posted by Sergey

    1. The second letter

      14.11.43.Hi dear Kira Vladimirovna,

      you are mistaken speaking, that I have forgotten you. You are mistaken Your letter has made bad mood . Your letter is not the answer to my letter. I have congratulated you on a holiday, but you have not answered .You should receive my other letter in October .

      Further in the letter very bad handwriting .

      .........We have released Zhitomir. How are you doing at Vladimir. Probably also goes forward. It is very glad. It is ready to kiss you.

      Yours faithfully M. Sokolov.

    2. I am sorry for my bad translation

      The first letter

      Dear Vladimir Sergeevich ,

      it is very a pity that you do not write to me ,why you badly concern to me. I have left for Tashkent. Soon I shall leave for the Uzbek mountain village. I there worked in the past to year. I shall work 2 мonth .But I can and will be late Why you do not write to me. I shall be very glad if you write to me. In Tashkent today late spring. Apple-trees and apricot trees blossom. The winter in it to year was very much cold.To live here I do not want. This question is solved. I do not wish to change Moscow for Tashkent. How are you doing-if all well write.

      Tashkent street Ogorodnaja 4, Institute UzNIIVOS. For me

    3. * * * * *

      Hello Chuck

      Many thanks for the interesting story about Armenia .In my life there was 1 year earlier when I lived in Armenia .This time of Soviet Union .On those years at the area of Opera theatre was possible was to buy a lot of interesting .Once I have bought there an ancient Iranian pistol for ridiculous money .The truth it there were ninetieth years .The border and customs have appeared later .

      Then very interesting books in Russian and many subjects of time of tsarism were on sale .It was time when people tried to lose the past as soon as possible .It was interesting to go to a plenty of the opened antique shops to look weight of interesting things .Thanks once again for the story about Armenia .

    4. Hello Sov

      I have some great old photos at home. I'll try to remember to share some when I get back. I'm in Armenia right now and I was in Georgia for two weeks before. In fact, I'll be returning to Tbilisi before I go home in early July. I bought maybe 100 old photos so far this trip and some of them are of soldiers wearing their Buds. You'll like them. Are you collecting these images for publication?

      Good topic. I enjoy the old photos and I know lots of others do, too.


      It is interesting to see your opinions on Armenia and a condition of the antiquarian market. Interestingly in Yerevan the Flea market on the area works o not

    5. On Russian Internet these hours refer to gift. Probably they are made of the end of 80 years. Were produced two models-Russian and the English text .The first order for manufacturing of such hours is accepted from Ministry of Railways (МПС). Provisional cost in Russia from 20S the USA .http://www.molnija.ru/search.php?type=result_simple

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