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...hehe...quite possible my friend ! ...here's another use of Dienstrock with a few Braunhemd thrown in... ...the SA-Kapelle Quedlinburg... "Braun sind die hemden und rot ist das Blut, stark sind die herzen und stark ist der Mut. Hitler's Getreue so schallt unser Schwur, rettendes Neue zeigt an unsre Uhr." .
@ Ulsterman...nice photo, thanks for sharing... @ Laurens... Thanks again for the information Laurens...personally, I prefer the traditional Braunhemd photo's...the Dienstrock is more formal looking... ...but having said that, here's an example of a SA musikkorps wearing the Dienstrock.....and if you look closely you will note just in behind the front row, a small SA-mann wearing his Braunhemd with 'swallowsnests'.....maybe he didn't receive the memo about wearing the full uniform ! "Mein Kamerad im Braunhemd du, la? unser Banner wehn, Der Sturmsoldat will rote Fahnen und schwarze hakenkreuze sehn, Der Sturmsoldat will rote Fahnen und schwarze hakenkreuze sehn!" .
Hi Laurens, Thanks for the information on the SA unit locations...with regards to the Musiker from St.354, I'm waiting on delivery of a small 1934 porcelain tinnie (made by Meissen) for Standarte 354...it's nice to think that this Musiker may have taken part in that very same 'treffen'....it really helps to bring history alive when one can put a face to a certain event... Can you also confirm if it was in 1933 that the Dienstrock (four-pocket tunic) became the new form of attire for SA personnel ? ...was the Dienstrock worn by all ranks? ...was it considered more a 'dress uniform' style of jacket ? ...would the SA rank and file carry on wearing the regular 'brownshirt' on a day to day basis ? or had the traditional 'brownshirt' become a mode of dress only for wear on days of celebrating the old street fighting times ? ..over to you !
Hi Laurens, ...hmmm....possibly, possibly.... ...does this mean a Doctor wears a 'Askulapstab' = a serpent entwined around a stick...? ...and a Vet wears a 'Schlange' = a serpent on its own....? ...I have enlarged the image as much as possible, but I simply can not make out any numbering at all... ...there is another SA-mann with a similar device in the same photo (not too clear on the image I posted)... ...fourth from left... ...does that look like the same thing ??? ...also note the men on each side of him...both are wearing military awards alongside what looks to be like a rally tinnie of some kind... ...and this one...
Hi Laurens, You ceratinly know what you are looking for! Sharp eyes... Are you a secret expert on SA uniforms ??? According to "The SA : A Historical Perspective" by Jill Halcomb... "SA-Sanit?tsf?hrer" "SA medical students with four clinical semesters wore the insignia of the Gruppe, but behind each collar tab was worn a metal Askulapstab, roughly from 1933 until 1937. Qualified SA doctors with a degree wore collar tabs of their rank in their Gruppe colour. From the ranks of San.-Standartenf?hrer through San.-Obergruppenf?hrer, the Askulapstab was worn behind both tabs. Dentists (Zahnarzt) wore a metal gothic "Z", (think of a wolf-hook rune) and veterinarians (Tierarzt) wore a metal Schlange (serpent). Pharmacists (Apotheker) wore a pair of metal gothic "A" cyphers behind both tabs." I have enlarged the image as much as I can before detail is lost....and to my mind the insignia looks more like the image of a serpent entwined around a stick, which would mean he is a Vet.... ..what do you think?
Tinnies SA Tinnie Database
Claymore replied to JNoble's topic in Germany: Third Reich: Organisational Membership Badges & Tinnies
..thanks Mametz... ...are we going to see any of these SA and HJ tinnies of yours ??? -
Tinnies SA Tinnie Database
Claymore replied to JNoble's topic in Germany: Third Reich: Organisational Membership Badges & Tinnies
Hi Pete, Sorry for that...but it is rather good isn't it.... ...who knows....maybe that will be my crowning glory....(what do you think ???) ...anyway... ...a friend of mine asked an interesting question... ...I'm sure we've all seen examples of printed NSDAP party programmes...the most common being those that show the N?rnberg rallies for instance...i.e, what events will take place and when... ...but has anyone seen programmes that show events that make up a local 'Sportkampftage-treffen'.... ...the SA tinnie above is for an event held in Chemnitz in 1935 for Brigade 34...did they have a printed programme for example that listed the sporting and ideological events for that particular meeting ?? ...can these tinnies be backed up with paperwork ??? -
Tinnies SA Tinnie Database
Claymore replied to JNoble's topic in Germany: Third Reich: Organisational Membership Badges & Tinnies
...ever felt like you had the spirit of Tigger within ?? ...that you needed to bounce around happily...??? ...feeling that way just now.... ...(Jackanory time).... ...Question: 'What was it that made you collect this particular kind of militaria, i.e, SA tinnies?' ...Answer: I remember looking at this 'tinnie' thread back in January '07....and spied quite a few outstanding looking tinnies....until that moment I hadn't bought any SA tinnies.....and then I saw one particular SA tinnie posted by 'Ralph A' (on page 28 of this thread).... ...needless to say, I found it to be one of the best looking SA tinnies that I had ever seen, and that one tinnie convinced me to begin collecting that very day...but at that moment, I did think to myself that such a tinnie would surely be very rare, very expensive, and I would never see the like of it again... ...(nervous cough)... ...I found one just like..... ...and here it is.... ...the very SA tinnie that made me start collecting SA tinnies... ...(drum roll)... ...tada! "SA Brigade 34, Chemnitz, 1935" ...could it possibly be in any better condition ??? ..I don't think so !!! . -
..a small grouping of SA musicians...preparing for a recital..... ...note the youthful appearance of the musician, front row, fourth from left, he looks like he would be more at home in the HJ... ...also note that not all of the musicians are wearing 'swallowsnests', or the single epaulette...maybe this was around the time they became part of the new uniform regulations....either way, it again highlights just how varied SA uniforms could be within such a small grouping... Titled...."if you hum it, we can play it!" "Von all unsern Kameraden war keiner so lieb und so gut, als unser Sturmf?hrer Wessel, ein lustiges hakenkreuzlerblut, als unser Sturmf?hrer Wessel, ein lustiges hakenkreuzlerblut" .
Tinnies SA Tinnie Database
Claymore replied to JNoble's topic in Germany: Third Reich: Organisational Membership Badges & Tinnies
..aye, aye....sounds like fightin' talk...... ...let's see what you're made of.... ...show us what you've got.... -
...with the vast array of SA uniforms, it would be somewhat costly to have a collection of photo's that covers everything that the SA wore....so with that in mind, I directed my efforts to locating only one particular range of photo's.... ...SA musicians...the earlier the image the better...all from many different units, but one thing in common, 'swallowsnests' on the shoulders... ...I'm particularly fond of this image...it's not so easy to see, but he is wearing a musiker 'lyre' collar patch...
Tinnies SA Tinnie Database
Claymore replied to JNoble's topic in Germany: Third Reich: Organisational Membership Badges & Tinnies
..got a few particularly striking looking SA tinnies on the way to me just now....one of which is a real beauty...will post it when it arrives... -
Hi... If there is one organisation, in my mind, that typifies the 3rd Reich, it is the SA... And with that thought, here are a few SA 'Gruppe' photo's....I don't know which units they are, but they are prime examples of the larger posed SA photo's... Primarily, these photo's help to show the vast differences in uniform shades within the standard image of a 'Brownshirt'... I have one thing to ask....for anyone who wishes to also show their SA images....please, please, only post photo's that you actually own....i.e, not images that have been 'liberated' from other online sources, forums, auction sites, historical sites, books, periodicals, etc, etc....let's see the real deal...the actual photo.... (( I know that some have a reluctance to post photo's...because of 'liberation' by other's....but hey...look at it this way...why collect in the first place?? Are you going to hold onto that photo your entire life and keep it hidden away??? Share it out !!! Blazon your name across it if you so wish.....but let's see some new images.....feel free to brag about how wonderful your photo is )) So with that in mind...here's a particularly proud looking group of fellows....
Tinnies SA Tinnie Database
Claymore replied to JNoble's topic in Germany: Third Reich: Organisational Membership Badges & Tinnies
...is it okay to keep posting SA tinnies ????? ..okay then ...a nice silver SA tinnie.... "Wettkampftage der SA Gruppe Niedersachsen 6.-8.Sept. 1935 Hannover" -
Tinnies SA Tinnie Database
Claymore replied to JNoble's topic in Germany: Third Reich: Organisational Membership Badges & Tinnies
Hi Pete... ...nice to see SA tinnies from someone else :-) ...the first SA tinnie that you posted is identical to one I posted a few pages back...except mine is made of 'Lederplastik'....according to Tieste, there are three versions :- 1. Red 'Lederplastik' 2. Green 'Lederplastik' 3. Metal ...I wonder what the significance of the different colours / materials were meant to represent....? ...as for your second SA tinnie....nice 1939 image of a SA-mann throwing a stick-grenade.... ...which is an excuse to post another new SA tinnie of my own....made in grey plastic...and for the same year, 1939... ...I do like the crisp detail found on plastic tinnies... :-) ...the manufacturer details on the reverse are 'Walgo Kierspe-BHF i/W M9/20' ....I believe the lettering 'i/W' stands for 'im Weste'... ...the company Walgo is still going strong in Kierspe... http://www.walgo.de/ "S-A-Gruppe Kurpfalz, Gruppen-Wettkampftage 1939'