I'm having trouble finding this lad in the civil records. Neither the birth registrations nor the censuses seem to have him. There's a marriage between a Mathew H Wade, grocer, 64 Charlemont Street and an Anne O'Dowd, 42 Harrington Street but it's in 1904, which seems too late a date for the performer O'Dowda Wade, and also a rather humbler address than either 5 Sandymount Avenue West or 49 Kenilworth Square. (The only reason it might be apposite is that it was a custom in Ireland for suffragists who married to take each other's surname; they didn't hyphenate in this case.)
1904 Mathew H Wade and Anne O'Dowd marriage registration, he's a grocer of 64 Charlemont Street, she's from 42 Harrington Street.pdf