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    Posts posted by oamotme

    1. Paul, Nick,

      I am advised by James Younessi that the badge reads as detailed below.

      Kind regards,


      “One Hundredth Birthday Anniversary [Platinum Jubilee] of His [Imperial] Majesty Reza Shah the Great”
      “Wrestling [Greco-Roman] Federation of Iran”
    2. Mark,

      Many thanks for the information - always good to put some 'history' on a medal.

      i suspect the 'stringing' of the medals is indeed a marketing ploy although it may have been done some time ago - despite having being to Yemen many times I have not been since 2011 and  since about then the tourist trade has been non-existent.

      Gay's medal is outside the scope of my collection and for the time being will go into the rainy day drawer.


    3. Gentlemen,

      I illustrate below a recently acquired Belgian miniature group of six including a 1935 Jubilee. I believe the group to be incomplete as whilst there are two Great War medals - Croix de Feu and Engages Volontaires there are no War or Victory Medals. The rosette & galon on the Order of the Crown indicate a 1st Class/Grand Cordon award. The group may well be that of a diplomat.

      Kind regards,


      Belgium Miniature Group in UK 1935 Jubilee.jpg

    4. Gentlemen,

      Notwithstanding the awfulness of the situation in Yemen some business continues and I detail below a necklace or bracelet of five GSM's recently received:

      4 x Clasp ‘Arabian Peninsula’:

      8267 Pte. Saleh Bin Saleh Audhali, A.P.L. (Aden Protectorate Levies)

      2369 Jundi Mohammed Qassim Al Kaldi, M.R.A. (Mukalla Regular Army) (Jundi = Soldier)

      284 W/Arif Aon Bilasqaa, K.A.C. (Kathiri Armed Constabulary)  (Wakil Arif = Lance Corporal)

      776 ?OR Salim Awadh Barbasheid, W.T.G. (Wahidi Tribal Guard)

      1 x Clasp ‘Cyprus’

      22703598 BDR. D.J. Gay, R.A. (Royal Artillery)

      Some common or at least familiar units - APL and MRA, but in almost 30 years of being in the region and collecting I have never seen the KAC or WTG issues. The latter naming has been partially obscured but nonetheless I am happy to give it a home. Any suggestions as to what the rank may be? Corporal? Usually the rank designation on the Tribal Guards issue is T.G. (Tribal Guard). 

      How Gay's GSM for 'Cyprus' ended up  in the lot is a mystery - possibly stolen when he was based in Aden? If this is the case and he qualified for the 'Arabian Peninsula' clasp, would it have been issued on an official replacement? If so and this can be substantiated perhaps I should add an 'Arabian Peninsula' clasp?

      Kind regards,


      5 x GSM.jpg

    5. Rusty,

      I attach an image of such a Royal Household pin - this one reads, 'Farouk The First'. I am unaware as to the specific designation of this particular badge.

      In the Abdine Palace in Cairo there is a good display of such badges with many variations - I will see if I can find some more images.

      There is also a small display in the Jewellery Musem in Alexandria.





      I attach two further images - these are from the Jewellery Museum in Alexandria - sadly not best quality. All read, 'Farouk The First".



      Alex D.jpg

      Alex G.jpg

    6. Antonio,

      I am advised the unidentified ribbons are as follows:

      • 3rd Row - No.3 - A Ministry of Interior award dating from circa 2009 - apparently some 2,000 MoI staff were awarded the ribbon 'of Distinction' however it appears that no medal accompanied the ribbon.  
      • 4th Row - No.1 - Abu Dhabi Police Diamond (60th) Jubilee ribbon - 1957-2017 - probably only awarded to the Abu Dhabi Police - again it appears that no medal accompanied the ribbon.

      Kind regards,


    7. Gentlemen,

      I recently obtained the is attractive group of five miniatures  - France, Netherlands, Belgium, Japan and Morocco.

      Can anyone identify the Moroccan piece? The central disc bears the Arabic text,  "Allah, Nation, King" - a common phrase on Moroccan awards.

      The crown suspension is also common to many Moroccan awards.

      I attach an mage of a full size awards with thanks to Emmanuel Halleux.

      Manufacturer is Bertrand of Paris

      Many thanks,


      Miniatures France Morocco Group Obverse.jpg

      Miniatures France Morocco Group Reverse.jpg

      Morocco Unknown Obv.jpg

    8. Rusty, A great summary  on the dimensions - your thread and research has become the 'go to' location for the details of this order. Thank you for your research. Regards from Riyadh, Owain

      P.S. With regard to the Rauch set of miniatures illustrated in your previous post, probably to a French recipient, it would appear that one of the awards is an 'extra' either added by the recipient to his chain - rather than get a longer chain, or perhaps added much later. Has the Ismail been squeezed in? The fact that the chain includes an Egyptian Monarchy Order of Ismail and a Republic Order of the Nile is of interest - the latter was for recipients of the rank of Prime Minister of similar. the Ismail would chronologically been awarded first but it appears to be an 'extra' in this group  although in seniority it may be the junior foreign award by rank or grade.

    9. Hendrik,

      The sequence of badges is as follows:

      • 5 years - green
      • 10 years - yellow
      • 15 years  - red
      • 20 years - blue
      • 25 years - black
      • 30 years - orange

      The text on each badge reads , "Number (in words) Years Service", e.g . "Twenty Years Service".

      Weight varies slightly from 10.1 grams to 10.8 grams and the dimensions are 61mm x 28mm.



    10. Gentlemen,

      Further to my ongoing research into the awards presented to Emperor Menelik of Ethiopia (ruled 1889-1913) I am having difficulty in ascertaining when and in what circumstances he was awarded the Order of the Red Cross. As he never left Abyssina/Ethiopia during his lifetime I am  'assuming' the award was made in connection with a diplomatic/humanitarian/missionary mission of some kind to the Emperor. This award dates from 1876 to 1899 thus the award to Menelik should date from the period 1889-99. The award is the lower right star in the images.

      Any guidance or suggestions would be much appreciated.



      P.S. The list of awards received by the the Emperor, excluding Ethiopian orders, are, as far as I am aware:

      France - Legion of Honour

      Germany - Order of the Red Eagle

      Hungary - Order of St. Stephen

      Italy - Order of Sts. Maurice & Lazarus

      Russia - Order of Alexander Nevski

      Turkey - Order of the Mejidie

      United Kingdom - Order of the Bath


      Menelik A.gif

      menelik Detail.gif

      Spain Red Cross Order Star.jpg

    11. Nick,

      The case lid and medal obverse reads, "Al Harass Al Maliki" (The Royal Guard)

      The top of the obverse is the Saudi flag , "La ila il allah mohammed rasool allah" (There is no god but Allah - Mohamed is his messenger)

      The lower half of the reverse image - a stuck on plate, "Ihda'a min Ri'aassah Al Harass Al Maliki" ("A Gift from the Royal Guard Headquarters).



    12. ....and if you have the time and patience the remaining laws/amendments for this order up to 1946 - I could find any later ones. As you will note the number of awards increases and the quotas exclude awards to foreigners .There is a different series post 1958. Owain



      Published in IGG No.35 of 9 September, 1928)


      217. CORRIGENDUM


      Reference the “Al Rafidain” Order Law, No. 29 of 1927, which was published at page 117 of the Iraq Government Gazette No. 15 of 1927.


      For the word “Medal” wherever it occurs in this Law, substitute the word “Order”.





      Published in IGG No.29 of 16 July, 1933)




      In accordance with Article 23 (Amended) of the Constitutional Law, by virtue of the powers vested in my by His Majesty King Faisal the First, pursuant to the proposal of the Minister of Finance and with the approval of the Council of Ministers, do hereby order the enactment of the following Regulation on behalf of His Majesty:-


      Article 1

      This Regulation shall be called “Regulation No.23 of 1933 Amending the Regulation relating to the Order of Ar-Rafidain No. 14 of 1928”.)


      Article 2

      The following provisions shall be added to the regulation relating to the Order of Ar-Rafidain No.14 of 1928:-


      1. If a promotion to a higher class takes place, the Order of the lower class shall be recovered from the possessor thereof and the difference in fees between the two classes shall be collected from him.


      2. In the event of the death of a possessor of an Order, the Order shall be recovered from his heirs within a suitable period of time, provided that this will be at the option of the heirs themselves. If such a recovery takes place the fees paid by the deceased holder of the Order shall be refunded to the heirs.


      3. If an Order is lost the holder thereof may, by permission from the President of the Council of Ministers, obtain an other Order to replace it against payment of the fees prescribed for the class of the missing Order as set forth in “Ar-Rafidain” Decoration Law No. 29 of 1927.


      Article 3

      The Ministers of the State are charged with execution of these Regulations.


      Made at Baghdad this 23rd day of Safar, 1352, and the 17th day of June 1933.


      The Regent



      RASHID ALI                                                             HIKMAT SULAIMAN

      Prime Minister & Acting                                                         Minister of Interior

      Minister of Foreign Affairs                                         & Acting Minister of Finance


      MUHAMMAD ZAKI                                                            JALAL BABAN

      Minister of Justice                                           Minister of Defence & Acting Minister

      of Economics & Communications



      Minister of Education


      (Published in the Waqayi al Iraqiya No. 1264 dated 22-6-33)




      Published in IGG No.15 of 15 April, 1934)




      We, KING of IRAQ


      In accordance with Article 26 (a) of the Constitutional Law and Article 3 of the Law for the Order of Ar Rafidain No. 29 of 1927, and pursuant to the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and with the approval of the Council of Ministers, do hereby order the enactment of the following Regulation:-


      Article 1

      Article 7 of the regulation for the Order of Ar Rafidain No.14 of 1928 shall be amended as follows:


      1. The word “eighty” shall be substituted for “fifty” in the first sentence.


      2. The words “one hundred and twenty” shall be substituted for “one hundred” in the second sentence.


      3. The words “one hundred and seventy” shall be substituted for “one hundred and fifty” in the third sentence.


      Article 2

      This Regulation shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.


      Article 3

      The Ministers of the State are charged with execution of these Regulations.


      Made at Baghdad this 19th day of Dhul Qi’da, 1352, and the 5th day of March 1934.




      JAMIL AL MADFA’I                                                           NAJI AS SUWAIDI

      Prime Minister & Acting                                                         Minister of Finance

      Minister of Interior                                        


      ABDULLA AD DAMALUJI                                               RASHID AL KHOJA

      Minister of Foreign Affairs                                         Minister of Defence


      JAMAL BABAN                                           ABBAS MAHDI

      Minister of Justice                                           Minister of Economics and




      Minister of Education


      (Published in the Waqayi al Iraqiya No. 1349 dated 13-3-34)




      Published in IGG No.51 of 23 December, 1934)




      We, KING of IRAQ


      In accordance with Article 3 of the Law relating to the Order of Ar Rafidain No. 29 of 1927, and pursuant to decision of the Council of Ministers, do hereby order the enactment of the following Regulation:-


      Article 1

      The word right mentioned at the end of Article 3 (a) of the regulation relating to the Order of Ar-Rafidain No.14 of 1928 shall be deleted and substituted by the word left”. The words “there shall be a brooch similar to and worn in manner similar to the brooch described in para (a) set out at the end of the paragraph (b) of the same article shall be substituted by the words “there is also a brooch, placed on gilt rays, to be worn on the lower part of the right breast”.


      Article 2

      This Regulation shall come into force from 1st November, 1934.


      Article 3

      The Ministers of the State are charged with execution of these Regulations.


      Made at Baghdad this 24th day of Rajab, 1353, and the 1st day of November 1934.




      ALI JAWDAT                                                            YUSUF GHANIMA

      Prime Minister & Acting                                                         Minister of Finance

      Minister of Interior                                        


      NURI AS SA’ID                                                        JAMAL BABAN

      Minister of Foreign Affairs                                         Minister of Justice


      JAMIL AL MADFA’I                                               ARSHAD AL’UMARI

      Minister of Defence                                        Minister of Economics and




      Minister of Education


      (Published in the Waqayi al Iraqiya No. 1386 dated 8-11-34)





      Published in IGG No.6 of 10 February, 1935)




      We, KING of IRAQ


      In accordance with Article 3 of the Law relating to the Order of Ar-Rafidain No. 29 of 1927, and pursuant to decision of the Council of Ministers, do hereby order the enactment of the following Regulation:-


      Article 1

      Article 2 of the Order of Ar-Rafidain No.14 of 1928 is amended as follows:


      1. The order in each class and division is a red seven pointed star on both sides, in the centre of the face of which is a white circle on whose upper part is inscribed “The Kingdom of Iraq” and on whose lower part the words “Patriotism is of the Faith”. The said circle is enclosed within a milled ring which is surrounded by seven semi-circles whose bases stand upon the milled ring and the radii of which radiate from the centre of the seven pointed star. The colour of the circumference and radii of the semi-circles is green. The milled ring and the point of junction of each two semi-circles are linked by a green stripe with white decorative work in between the semi-circles. The first circle contains a smaller blue circle on which is a gilt crown and the back of which contains a white circle on whose upper part is inscribed the words “Justice is the Foundation of the State” and on whose lower part is inscribed the words “Faisal The First”. The star is suspended from a gilt wreath of bay leaves and the whole is suspended by a red watered ribbon.


      2. The Military Division is distinguished from the Civil division by:


            1. Two crossed swords on the wreath.

            2. The Military ribbon contains three black parallel stripes one along each edge and one running down the centre; while the Civil ribbon contains two such stripes.


      Article 2

      Article 3 is amended as under:-

      The forms of the decoration and the manner of wearing it are as follows:-


      1. The first class decoration is hung by a broad ribbon which is of the same colour as the ribbon and its stripes ending in a rosette at the lower end to which the decoration is attached. It is worn over the right shoulder so that it hangs above the left hip. There is also a gilt brooch, which may be with decorative work or otherwise, the face of which contains the same designs that are contained on the face of the decoration. The brooch is worn on the lower part of the right breast.


      1. The second class decoration is worn on the left breast with a rosette on the lower part of the ribbon. It also contains a brooch similar to that of the first class, to be worn on the lower past of the right breast.


      2. The third class decoration is suspended by means of a ribbon worn round the neck.


      1. The fourth class decoration is worn on the left breast with a ribbon bearing a rosette on its lower end.


      2. The fifth class decoration is worn on the left breast and differs from the other classes in that its wreath is silver.


      Article 3

      Regulation Amending the Order of Ar-Rafidain Regulation No.47 of 1934 is hereby repealed.


      Article 4

      This Regulation shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.


      Article 5

      The Ministers of the State are charged with execution of these Regulations.


      Made at Baghdad this 7th day of Shawwal, 1353, and the 12th day of January, 1935.




      JAMIL AL MADFA’I                                               YUSUF GHANIMA

      Ag. Prime Minister,                                                     Minister of Finance

      Ag. Minister of Interior &                                         

      Minister of Defence


      JAMAL BABAN                                                       ARSHAD AL’UMARI

      Minister of Justice &                                                   Minister of Economics and

      Minister of Foreign Affairs                                                     Communications



      Minister of Education


      (Published in the Waqayi al Iraqiya No. 1396 dated 24-1-35)




      Published in IGG No.32 of 11 August, 1935)




      We, KING of IRAQ


      In accordance with Article 3 of the Law relating to the Order of Ar-Rafidain No. 29 of 1927, and pursuant to the proposal of the Minister of Justice and with the approval of the Council of Ministers, do hereby order the enactment of the following Regulation:-


      Article 1

      The following sentence shall be added to the end of para (b) of article 2 of the Regulation Amending Regulation for the Order of Ar-Rafidain No.18 of 1928, No. 23 of 1933:-


      “Pursuant to the proposal of the Minister of Foreign affairs the Council of Ministers mat decree the keeping by a foreign successor of the Order of his legator as a souvenir”.


      Article 2

      This Regulation shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.


      Article 3

      All Ministers of the State are charged with execution of this Regulation.


      Made at Baghdad this 10th day of Rabi-ul-Thani, 1354, and the 11th day of July 1935.




      YASIN AL HASHIMI                      RASHID ALI

      Prime Minister             Minister of Interior


      RA’UF AL BAHRANI                                 NURI AS SA’ID

      Minister of Finance                             Minister of Foreign Affairs


      MUHAMMAD ZAKI                                                JA”FAR AL ASKARI

      Minister of Justice                                           Minister of Defence



      Minister of Economics and                             Minister of Education



      (Published in the Waqayi al Iraqiya No. 1437 dated 23-7-35)




      Published in IGG No.19 of 7 May, 1944)


      240. REGULATION No. 68 OF 1943 AMENDING AL-RAFIDAIN ORDER REGULATION No. 14 OF 1928 – No.29 OF1935


      In accordance with Article 23 (as amended) of the Constitutional Law and Article 3 of the Law relating to the Order of Ar-Rafidain No. 29 of 1927, and by virtue of the power vested in me and pursuant to the proposal of the Acting Minister of Finance and with the approval of the Council of Ministers, I hereby order on behalf of His Highness the Regent the promulgation enactment of the following Regulation:-


      Article 1

      There shall be added:


      The phrase “or without a rosette” after the phrase “a rosette thereon” in line 3 of paragraph (b) of Article 3 of Al Rafidain Regulation No. 14 of 1928.


      The phrase “or a crown instead of a rosette” after the phrase “bearing a rosette” appearing in the last line of paragraph (d) of Article 3 of the said Regulation.


      Article 2

      This Regulation shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.


      Article 3

      All the Ministers are charged with execution of this Regulation.


      Made at Baghdad this 24th day of Dhil Qi’da, 1362, and the 22nd day of November, 1943.



      Vice Regent



      Prime Minister             Minister of Interior                             Minister of Justice

      & Acting of Defence                                                                                                 


      TAHSIN AL ASKARI                                  ABDUL ILAH HAFIDH

      Minister of Economics &                                            Works Minister of Education &

      Ag. Minister of Foreign Affairs                                              Ag Minister of Finance


      SALMAN AL BARRAKI                                         ABDUL RAZZAK AL UZRI

      Minister of Economics                                                Minister of Foreign Affairs


      (Published in the Waqayi al Iraqiya No. 12132 of 6-12-43)




      Published in IGG No.44 of 3 November, 1946)




      After perusal of Article 3 of the Rafidain Order Law No. 29 of 1927, and pursuant to the approval of the Council of Ministers, we hereby order the promulgation enactment of the following Regulations:-


      Article 1

      Article 7 of the Rafidain Order Regulation No. 14 of 1928 is deleted and substituted by the following


      Article 7

      1. The members of owners of orders shall not exceed:


      60 persons in Grade I

      200 persons in Grade II

      300 persons in Grade III

      The numbers of Grades IV and V are not restricted.


      1. The foreign owners of Orders who had already been granted orders shall not be within the numbers mentioned above.
      2. The orders granted to foreigners after the issue of this regulation shall not exceed one fourth of the limited number specified in Para (1).


      Article 2

      This Regulation shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.


      Article 3

      All the Ministers are charged with execution of this Regulation.


      Made at Baghdad this xx day of xx, xx, and the 3rd day of November, 1946.


      Photocopy excludes details of ministers.


      (Published in the Waqayi al Iraqiya – to be advised)




    13. Gentlemen, See instituting law below. Regards, Owain

      P.S. The things I type up in my spare time..........enjoy.


      Published in IGG No.15 of 9 April, 1927


      99. THE “AL RAFIDAIN” MEDAL LAW – “No. 29 OF 1927”


      WE, KING of IRAQ


      With the approval of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, do hereby order the enactment of the following Law:-


      Article 1

      • There shall be created a medal under the title of “Al Rafidain Medal” with 5 classes, the 1st being the highest.


      Article 2

      • This Medal shall be granted by a Royal Decree.


      Article 3

      The shape of each class of the Medal, the colour of its ribbons, the time and manner of wearing and all questions connected with the manner of its grant and possession shall be defined by regulations.


      Article 4

      The following fee shall be levied on Iraqis granted this medal:


      Class of Medal           Rs.

      Class I                      120

      Class II                     80

      Class III                   60

      Class IV                   40

      Class V                     15


      Article 5

      This law shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Government Gazette.


      Article 6

      All Ministers are charged with execution of this Law.


      Made at Baghdad this 22nd day of March, 1927, and the 19th day of Ramadhan, 1345.




      JA’FAR AL ‘ASKARI                      RASHID ALI             YASIN AL HASHIMI

      Prime Minister             Minister of Interior                 Minister of Finance

      & Minister of Foreign Affairs                                                                                    


      NURI AL SA’ID                                                       MUHD. AMIN ZAKI

      Minister of Defence                                                    Minister of Comms. & Works


      “ABDUL MHADI                                                     AMIN ‘ALI

      Minister of Education                                     Minister of Awqaf


      (Published in the Waqayi al Iraqiya No. 527 dated 31-3-27)




      Published in IGG No.24 of 23 June, 1928)




      WE, KING of IRAQ


      In accordance with Article (26) of the Organic Law and Article (3) of the Law of Order of Al Rafidain No.29 of 1927, and pursuant to the resolution of the Council of ministers, do hereby order the publication of the following regulations:-


      Article 1

      Each of the 5 classes of the Order shall be of two kinds: civil and military.


      Article 2

      The decoration of the Order of each class is a seven pointed star, in the centre of which is a white circle on the upper part of which is inscribed the sentence “The Kingdom of Iraq” and on the lower part the sentence “Justice is the foundation of the State” in the case of the civil decoration and “Patriotism is of the Faith” in the case of the military decoration, and containing a smaller blue circle on which is a gilt crown.


      The star is suspended from a gilt wreath of bay leaves and in the case of the military decoration two crossed swords are placed on the wreath.


      The whole is suspended by a red and black ribbon.


      Article 3

      The forms of the decoration and the manner of wearing it are as follows:-


      1. The first class decoration is hung by a broad ribbon of red watered silk with three back stripes ending in a rosette at the lower end to which the decoration is attached. It is worn over the right shoulder so that the decoration hangs above the left hip. There is also a brooch composed of a star similar to the decoration placed on gilt rays, to be worn on the lower part of the right breast.


      2. The second class decoration is suspended from a red watered silk ribbon with two black stripes and a rosette thereon and is worn on the left breast. There is also a brooch similar to and worn in manner similar the brooch described in paragraph (a).


      3. The third class decoration is suspended from a red watered silk ribbon with three black stripes thereon, and is worn around the neck.


      4. The fourth class decoration is suspended from a red watered silk ribbon with three black stripes, bearing a rosette, and is worn on the left breast.


      5. The fifth class decoration is suspended from a red watered silk ribbon with two black stripes. It differs from the other classes in that the wreath is silver. It is worn on the left breast.


      Article 4

      Possessors of the Order will wear it (a) on the occasion of official receptions and (b) such other occasions as may be directed by His Majesty the King or by the Prime Minister.


      Article 5

      The Order shall be granted to, and promotion in the Order shall be conferred upon, those who serve the country well: provided that the 1st class or promotion to the 1st class shall only be granted, in respect of prominent services, to those who hold or who have held important appointments under the state.


      These conditions shall not apply in the case of foreigners not employed in the service of the Iraq State.


      Article 6

      The grant of the Order or promotion to a higher class of the Order shall be made by a resolution of the Council of Ministers provided that in the case of foreigners not employed in the Iraq Government the said grant or promotion shall be at His Majesty’s discretion at the recommendation of the responsible Minister.


      Article 7

      The possessors of decorations of the first class shall not exceed the following members:-


      Of the 1st Class     50 persons

      Of the 2nd Class     100 persons

      Of the 3rd Class     150 persons

      Of the 4th Class     200 persons


      The grant of the 5th Class decoration of the Order is unlimited.


      Article 8

      A possessor of the Order may be deprived thereof if he is guilty of disloyalty to the State or the Throne or acts so dishonourably as to unfit himself to continue to possess the Order. Such deprivation shall be made by Royal Irada issued at the recommendation of the Council of Ministers.


      Article 9

      These Regulations shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette.


      Article 10

      All Ministers are charged with execution of these Regulations.


      Made at Baghdad this 10th day of June, 1927, and the 23rd day of Dhil Hujja, 1346.




      ‘ABDUL MUHSIN AL SA’DUN                                        NAJI SHAWKAT

      Prime Minister                                                             Minister of Interior

      & Minister of Foreign Affairs                                                                                    


      YUSUF GHANIMA                                                  DAUD AL HAIDARI

      Minister of Finance                                         Minister of Justice


      NURI AL SA’ID                                                       SALMAN AL BARRAK

      Minister of Defence                                        Minister of Irrigation & Agriculture


      ABDUL MUHSIN SHELASH                                             TAWFIQ AL SUWAID

      Minister of Communications & Works                                   Minister of Education



      Minister of Awqaf


      (Published in the Waqayi al Iraqiya No. 659 dated 14-6-28)



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