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    Posts posted by oamotme

    1. Nick, The is a commemorative medallion marking in 1978 the 10th Anniversary of the 1968 Ba'ath Revolution which brought the Ba'ath party to power and ultimately to the rule of Saddam Hussein. The case bears the inscription "Central Bank of Iraq". It is not an order or medal to be worn. No uniform (wearable) medal was issued to mark this anniversary. Kind regards, Owain

    2. Caz, Not been there for a while but from my previous visits no success at all. Try you hotel for suggestions as to junk shops although much which passes for antiques in Bahrain, Saudi , Oman or UAE comes from India or Pakistan and should viewed with a degree of cynicism. Regards, Owain

    3. Nick,

      The obverse has Gamal Abdulnasser of Egypt and I suspect it is one of the many souvenir or memento medals issued during the 1950s and 1960s. I can't read the obverse script other than the last word which is 'the nation'.

      Kind regards,


    4. Nothing specific at all in all three museums. I'll next be in Cairo in October and will again visit both the Abdeen Palace and the Military Museum - the latter I believe was set up many years ago with the assistance of all people the North Koreans hence there is a somewhat propaganda driven feel to the whole place. The Abdeen Palce is nice but 'could be better' but all in all both are well worth a visit.



      P.S. On another matter I note your post on HM Yacht Maroussa - do you have any information on its predecessor HMS Noor al Bahr?

    5. Chris ,

      I visited the BA in February and whilst I can confirm that it is well worth a visit if you are in Alexandria, there is no medal display or exhibit. There are a few medals on display at the National Museum and also at the Jewellery Museum but the displays of themselves would not justify a visit to Alexandria.

      Kind regards,


    6. As the centre is a Moroccan it may be that an original Bertrand of Paris manufactured centre has been 'married' to the cross. The rim of the centerpiece is different from the rim of the cross. Is there a reverse image? Regards, Owain

    7. Gentlemen,

      I attach images of the obverse and reverse of the set of miniatures.


      1. France - Order of the Legion of Honour, Commander, 3rd Class.

      2. France - Order of Public Instruction, Officer of the Academy, 2nd Class.

      3. Spain – Order of Isabella the Catholic, Grand Cordon, 1st Class.

      4. Egypt – Order of the Nile, Grand Officer, 2nd Class.

      5. Yugoslavia - Order of St. Sava, Grand Cordon, 1st Class.

      6. Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Pro Merito Melitensi, Grand Cordon, 1st Class.

      7. Italy – Order of the Crown, Grand Officer, 2nd Class.

      8. Tunisia – Order of Glory, Commander, 3rd Class.

      9. Rumania – Order of the Star of Rumania, Commander, 3rd Class.

      10. Belgium – Order of Leopold, Knight, 5th Class.

      11. Rumania –Order of Cultural Merit, Knight 2nd Class.


      With kind regards,


      France Miniatures Eleven Obverse A Edit.jpg

      France Miniatures Eleven Reverse B Edit.jpg

    8. John, Welcome to the forum. Arab awards are nigh impossible to research, but Tinson's book is beacon of light in the darkness and one of the very few books on Arabic awards. This forum represents the other great source of information. Kind regards, Owain

    9. Carol,

      This is most informative and interesting - thank you. The designation of category by ribbon must be fairly unique. I now know that the miniature is a Knight 2nd Class for Literature. I suspect the answer is 'no' but I must ask, are there lists of the recipients of this award?  I believe the recipient of this particular award was a French national and he also received the Order of the Star of Rumania. Again many thanks.



      Romania Order Miniature Obverse.jpg

      Romania Order Miniature Reverse.jpg

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