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    Posts posted by oamotme

    1. Gentlemen,

      Another recent addition - presumably a short service regular soldier/NCO who then served in the reserves.

      • Prussia Military Honour Medal , 2nd Class (pre or post 1864?) - or Merit Medal?

      • 1870-71 Prussian War with France Medal

      • 1866 Prussia Königgrätz Cross, dated 3 July – Combatants Cross

      • Wilhelm I Centenary Medal 1897

      • Prussia Military Long Service Badge 3rd Class (9 years) - Regular Army

      • Prussia Military Long Service Badge 2nd Class (15 years) - Landwehr


      I am slightly confused with the first medal - is it the MiIitary Honour medal if so it would seem to predate the rest of the group which seems wrong or is the later Prussian Merit Medal?

      Many thanks,




      German Miniatures x 6 Obverse.jpg

      German Miniatures x 6 Reverse.jpg

    2. Gentlemen,

      Whilst I have an interest in miniatures it is usually in Arabic ones, but on impulse I have just purchased this Finnish group - a civil one I think. It just looked nice and the rosette and date bar add to the ensemble.

      • The first award is the Order of the Lion, 4th Class, (Civil - no crossed swords).
      • The second is Medal of Merit 2nd Class (Civil) of the Cross of Liberty.
      • The third is the Air Civil Defence Medal 1st Class.
      • The fourth is the 1939/40 Winter War Medal in iron.

      Any further details would be much appreciated.

      Many thanks,


      Finnish Miniatures Group Obverse.jpg

      Finnish Miniatures Group Reverse Detail.jpg

    3. Dear Jeremy,

      I have four in my collection and the prices I paid were as follows:

      • 1996 Egyptian Pounds 125 (silver)
      • 1998 US Dollars 10 (gilt)
      • 2005 British Pounds 15 (gilt)
      • 2013 Euros 34 (gilt in case)

      As you can see they are not highly valued - perhaps with a certificate on a good day you'll get up towards US$100 or a little more - to my mind any more than that would be, either excessive or lucky.

      Kind regards,



    4. James,

      I agree that the Omani medals is a silver one - it must have been issued in very small numbers. Sadly the records of the manufacturer - Toye of London were destroyed in WW2. As to the exact reason for the issuance of the medal the wording is not clear when checked against actual dates so perhaps some form of anniversary commemorative as you suggest.

      Kind regards,


    5. Good morning from Riyadh,

      I have strayed from my comfort zone of Arabic awards and purchased what I believe to be an attractive set of late 19th century German (Prussian /German Empire) miniatures - no doubt a slippery slope. From my limited knowledge I would suggest that the group may be that of an enlisted man rather than an officer. Any thoughts?

      Kind regards, Owain


      German Miniatures Obverse.jpg

      German Miniatures Reverse.jpg

    6. Larry,

      Does this mean that a recipient could only have the silver or gold medal or could one progress from one to the other and retain both? I am assuming one couldn't go from silver medal to gold cross??

      The other dilemma to consider is whether the medals are the Leopold  (1934-51) or Badouin (1951-93) - I suspect the latter but there is probably no way of finding out for certain.



    7. Gentlemen,

      To add some substance to what are, without context, only piece of metal......


      “My grandfather, Victor Vaillant lived in Arvil, tiny village in eastern Belgium. He was owner of a small contracting business and had 6 children.


      When the German invaded Belgium, he was already recalled to the Belgian army. After several days of fierce battle, the Belgian army was totally overwhelmed and my grand-father along with his mates were made prisoner and kept in Germany for a while, then released. But he soon was enrolled by the German and sent to the STO (compulsory work service) in Eastern Germany.


      There he sustained an accident on duty over his right hand (he was right handed). The wound became infected and he lost a great deal of usage of his hand. He also contracted (I believe) a bronchopneumonia during that period which left him slightly short of breath for the rest of his life. He was freed by the allied at the end of the war and could return home after several years of semi-captivity.


      Having been at war, made prisoner and his injury in captivity being recognised as a war invalidity he was rewarded for that. But I do not have the details of these rewards. Hence the medals in your possession.


      Of interest, like many war prisoners, he was not the same man anymore! The business left behind during most of the war went bankrupt (although a great demand for reconstruction). This is how the whole family migrated to Liège, when my father was 17 years old.”


    8. Gentlemen,

      Whilst I specialize in Arabic awards a friend, knowing of my interest in medals, some years ago gave me his late grandfather's medals:

      • Order of Leopold II Medal 1st Class 'Gold'.
      • 1940-45 Commemorative Medal.
      • 1940-45 Resistance Medal.

      In addition to these medals, all in lovely condition, in their, cardboard boxes, there were two ribbon bars, noting his full entitlement, which also includes, now missing, I think, two Civic Crosses or Medals.  Could I ask if, from the ribbons and devices, the actual awards can be identified? I would like to obtain examples to make up the set.

      Thank you for your assistance,

      Kind regards,



      Belgian Group.jpeg

    9. Matthew,

      Your best bet for any Order of the Rafidain - Kingdom or Republic, is probably an European auction house - there was a 'rush' of these in the 1990s but they are becoming more difficult to find and the price has accordingly increased. In the UK , with historical links to the Kingdom of Iraq, the Kingdom issue are more common.

      With regard to the Republican Order of Perfection this is a very scarce item in any of its 4 classes - there are also two types (minor design variations). Again European auction houses will be your bets bet but patience will be required.

      At one stage in the 2000's there was a flow of awards out of Iraq but this has dried up almost completely.

      Good luck,


    10. Dear 922F,

      Yes, the Libyan Parliament used badges similar to the Egyptian Parliament both for the Chamber of Senators (Majlis Al Shiukh) and Chamber of Deputies (Majlis An Nawab). The Egyptian series is enameled in green and was originally manufactured by Lattes and later by Bichay whilst the Libyan series were only manufactured by Bichay. I attach images of the Libyan badges.

      Kind regards,


      Lybia Parliament Badge Obv.JPG


      Lybia Deputies Badges.jpg

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