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    Posts posted by oamotme

    1. Eric,


      The medallion in the blue box, issued by the Central Bank of Iraq is to commemorate, in 1971, the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Iraq Army. The green and gold ribbon is for the military issue medal but it appears that you have 1st class ribbon (gold) on  second class medal (silver).


      The bronze medallion appears to be Ba'ath Party issued piece commemorating the 1968 revolution/coup when Saddam's cronies took power inscribed with such phrases as "One Arab Nation" and "Unity Freedom, Socialism".


      Your medals are a basic mix of royal and republican medals and a few Syrian ones to. The red and black ribbons are the republican bravery medals which were amended to the red, white, green and black ones for the Gulf War and have the added script "God is Great" and "Mother of Battle".






      P.S. The first word on the box is "Bulgarski......

    2. Chris,

      In the early 1990's I had the good fortune to visit twice Tewfiq Bichay at his home in Quebec. In discussion I recall him mentioning that whilst Sadat took an interest in the design of some awards he was very keen on the appearance of his uniform and was quite vain in this regard. Indeed images of him in uniform wearing the Sinai Star neck badge - only awarded to him in memory of the combat death of his brother, have him looking quiet smart. Incidentally I gather from a book on wartime Cairo by Artemis Cooper that Sadat was implicated in a spying case on behalf of the AXIS powers and the reason the two German/Egyptian spies were not executed was because Sadat would also have had to have been shot and this was an unacceptable course of action to the British authorities at the time when relations with the Egyptian authorities were strained.



    3. John,

      I seem to have missed this post. I detail below what I have - not all mention Aden, but all bar one purchased in Aden, Sana'a or Ta'iz in Yemen.

      Kind regards,


      1914-15 Star Bnz Aden Local Transport Sarwan Munasir Othman WWI War Medal Silver S. & T.C. Agent Hussein Noor Silver A.H. Corps 1-Asst. H.S.K. Abdullah Chotoo Silver No unit Ali Mushed Silver No unit Cassim Hassin Silver Aden Troop Sowar Saleh Fadthl Silver Aden Troop 529 Sowar Ahmed Khan (DNW auction) Bnz Aden Labour Corps No name - only unit - "Aden L.C."
    4. Something else????? Thanks to searching in Arabic and Google Translate - beware of errors, but......

      "His Holiness Patriarch imitate His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, the Grand Cross of St. Ignatius of Antioch Mar

      A token of love and loyalty and honor, bestowed upon His Holiness Patriarch holy Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I was total beatitude, His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, the holy and the Grand Cross of St. St. Ignatius of Antioch, which is the highest honor in the Syriac Orthodox Church, has held the ceremony after he delivered His Holiness Patriarch Speaking at the official ceremony in the presence of mass tens of thousands of Coptic worshippers"

      Sadly the definition of the image is not good.



    5. Dragomir,

      I have amended the St. John Order translation - see above.

      The script on the star is not wholly legible, but something along the lines of,

      "The Great Saints, Worthy Messengers, Peter and Paul, Founders of the Antioch Church"

      The words 'worthy' and 'church' may need amending - I did have a proper translation but have misplaced it - if I find it I'll confirm/amend this translation.

      Kind regards,


    6. Dragomir,

      It appears to read,

      Top, "Order of St John of Damascus"

      Bottom, "Patriarchate of Antioch and Whole (not 'near') East"

      ......but I'll check with my Arab colleagues tomorrow - I'll also confirm the star inscription.

      Kind regards,


      P.S. The purported head of John the Baptist is held in a shrine in the Ummayed Mosque in Damascus - he is honoured as a prophet in Islam

    7. Dragomir,

      I tried to buy this or one like it in 2010 but it had already been sold. Off the top of my head and as the heading notes it is a breast star of the Order of Saints Peter and Paul of Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. The names Peter, Paul and Antioch are in the inscription. I need to find my notes on this to make sure.

      Kind regards,


    8. Dear Gro,

      The Inscription , in three lines reads,

      "The Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahariyah

      Decoration of the Security of the People (or People's Security Decoration)

      General Security."

      This dates from the period 1986 onwards.,

      Kind regards,


    9. Goo,

      Thanks - much clearer - the script reads "National Unity, Patriotic Mobilization, Liberation" - a PLO slogan. The text beneath the badge remains unclear, but following discussion with some of my Arab colleagues the consensus is that it reads Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) which was founded in 1961 and merged in 1967 with other Palestinian groups to become the Popular front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). From some quick on line searches it appears that the date 10 September 1964 refers to the date that the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) was formed. So this medal is linked to the PLO, PLF and PLA! As with all matters Palestinian further research is needed.

      Kind regards,


    10. Dear Gro,

      An interesting piece. The images is too blurred to read the logo on the central badge but the lower obverse script appears to read "Unity, Nation, People, Community, Liberation", but to be sure a clear image would be useful. The reverse reads, I think, "Established/Instituted on 19/9/1964". 1964 was the year the Palestine Liberation Organization was established but I recall this was in May during an Arab League Conference so I am unsure as to what this specific date alludes to - further research.

      If it is for sale I would be interested and please contact me off line.

      Kind regards,


    11. Gentlemen,

      In yesterday's on line Daily Telegraph there was a series of images concerning 11 November:

      "In pictures: acts of remembrance since 1918


      This picture shows a wreath from the 'Camberwell Organised Unemployed' being presented on November 11 1921. Some of the men are wearing pawn tickets behind their medals.

      Picture: Topical Press Agency/Getty Images"

      This is the first time I have seen such an image. I wonder how many of these pawned medals were never redeemed and ended up in the melting pot - far too many I suspect.



    12. Gerry,

      Now I am kicking myself for not bidding! Both Omani miniatures are the very scarce first types in the name of Sultan Sa'eed bin Teymour which means they were awarded for service in the period ending in 1970 when he was deposed by his son, Sultan Qaboos. It may be a long shot but if you can match from Tinson's book list of British recipients of the DSM for the period 1967, when it was instituted, to 1970 and then cross reference against Mention in Dispatches list for the Campaign Service Medal campaigns of Borneo &/or South Arabia you might get a match.

      Yours in frustration,


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