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    Posts posted by Harrier

    1. Next up is the reefer jacket of Konteradmiral Heinrich Ruhfus, former Kommandant/Oslo and Kommandant/Toulon. Captain of the NIOBE at the time of her tragic sinking (still commemorated by the German Navy on July 26 of each year) and captain of the Konigsberg, also at the time of her sinking. He was court-martialled (and completely exonerated) after the NIOBE incident. Count von Luckner (the "Sea Devil" and former captain of the NIOBE) testified on Ruhfus' behalf, saying that there "was absolutely nothing" Ruhfus could have done to prevent the sinking, which claimed the lives of 69, including 50 cadets considered the "flower of the new Navy". Ruhfus was considered the "Mr. Chips" of the German Navy and was a much-beloved figure. His wife, following the NIOBE tragedy, almost had a nervous breakdown, as many of the lost cadets had spent weekends at the Ruhfus home.

    2. Based only on some photos I have looked at, I think the Red Military Service Cross was for Silver recipients. I will happily be corrected on this.

      One other thought on "drop-tail" crosses. Does anyone have any idea why so many minatures of Spanish Crosses use a "drop-tail" eagle? Frankly, minatures are not my field at all, and I probably wouldn't know a good one from a bad one, but it seems to me that many of the ones which come up for sale, including ones on the sites of reputable dealers, as well as some I have seen in the hands of serious collectors, have this feature.

    3. Eduardo,

      I agree with you 100% that there are variations and the best way is a complete hand inspection!

      I have spent many, many hours looking at photographs and examining real tunics to try to get a "feel" for these things. Although I have seen a very few tunics with buttons a LITTLE bit lower than normal, that has only been the exception, not the rule. Both the tunic from the museum and the chaplain tunic you posted are, to me, re-done postwar tunics and I would never be comfortable with them. Real KM tunics are always, in my experience, well-made and use very nice cloth. Every fake tunic has some "red flag" about it.

      As Rick Research noted, name tags (unless the officer was Reserve) are helpful in determining if the rank shown is even possible for what the tunic is supposed to be. My only rule is that if ANYTHING deviates from normal, the tunic must be looked at very, very closely. It may be fine or it may not.

      For Payton's tunic, I would need to see it in hand. To me, the buttons are a bit lower than I like to see, but the more important parts are the cloth and the construction of the collar, but of which "look" more modern to me than I am used to seeing. Again, I am NOT saying it is wrong for sure, but I would like to "feel" it to be comfortable.



    4. Kriegsmarine tunics have 4 (and sometimes 5) ACTUALLY FUNCTIONING rows of buttons

      on the front. Most, but not all, with the 4 button configuration, have a 5th, non-functioning set. Either the 4 or 5 configuration could also have another set under the lapels (at the notch area). This last set was purely a "fashion statement".

      Postwar Bundesmarine uniforms copied U.S. Navy button configuration, with 3 sets of buttons. To turn a BM tunic into a KM tunic, extra button rows MUST be added, either at the top or at the bottom. Almost invariably, if the buttons are added at the bottom, the last row will then be noticeably below the upper line of the lower pockets. Fortunately (for us), most BM tunics have lapels which are narrower than their wartime counterparts, so adding the extra set at the top will make the lapels look even narrower, as the initial fold of the lapel will have to start higher than originally intended by the tailor in order to have a functioning buttonhole above the top row of the 3 already in place. This is one of the reasons I fear conversion of other nation's tunics more than I fear conversion of a BM tunic.

      Now, go back and look at the tunics posted and envision in your mind the alterations, including button changes, which could be made.

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