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    Posts posted by Taz

    1. (Order Usmiechu)

      This unique Order was Instituted in 1968. And is the only decoration in the world conferred by children to adults.

      It came about from a childrens idea; had been designed by them and can be awarded only in result of their proposal, independently of the color of their skin, domicile, nationality, religion, profession, political views etc. to adults with a friendship and patience manifested to children.

      It is the only distinction which is not connected with any government, state, local or any political or social organization.

      It was founded in Poland but it is international, being awarded by the children from various countries of the world. It delivers them a feeling of worth, being important, satisfaction that there are some questions in the world of adults which children can decide themselves.

      So far the order has been granted to actors, writers, doctors and to many others.

      Among the awarded are:

      ? Steven Spielberg

      ? Peter Ustinov

      ? Astrid Lingren

      ? Pope John Pope II

      ? Mikhail Gorbatchov

      ? Dalai Lama.

      Its conferment is accompanied by a special ceremony, during which recipients must drink a full cup of acid lemon juice to the bottom, keeping a smile on their faces.

      Badge: round, light blue enameled gilt medal, 35 mm of diameter.

      Obverse: a golden smiling sun as if drawn by a child's hand.

      Reverse: non-enameled, bears the handwritten looking inscription Order Usmiechu.

      Ribbon: 25 mm, white with woven golden leaves and blue forget-me-nots.

      Lukaz has this medal as his avatar.

    2. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universit?t Greifswald

      At the end of the Second World War this Historical university was closed then re-opened on 15th February 1946.

      On the instructions of the Soviet military administration the economic department remained closed.

      During the GDR period there were several organizational re-shapes, closings and re-orientations.

      The medical faculty was reshuffled to a military-medical academy, the law faculty abolished. Only the philosophical, theological, medical and mathematical-scientific faculties remained. An agricultural faculty had been created 1946 with the former, in 1835 created agricultural academy Greifswald Eldena, in 1950 however this was moved to the University of Rostock only later to be re-instated at the Greifswald university. From 1946 to 1955 an educational faculty existed. The worker and farmer faculty (Arbeiter- und Bauern-Fakult?t) " Martin Andersen Nex?" likewise established after end of war were closed 1962.

      These cuts in Greifswalder university structure were cancelled in most cases after 1990. The autonomy of the university, their academic autonomy and the liberty of science and art, of teachings and study were restored. Already in December 1989 the section theology was revalued again to a theological faculty


      (1965-75) Enameled, Screwback, wording "Milit?rmedizinische sektion".

      (1975-85) Enameled, Screwback.

      (1985-86) lacquered, Screwback.

    3. Because the Pakistani armed forces remained much more British-influenced than those in India (long story there). According to John Gaylor's book, the Baluch Regiment was forrmed from a merget of the 8th Punjab, the old 10th Baluch Regiment, and the Bahawalpur Regiment in April 1956. It has somewhere between 21 and 59 battalions, sources are vague. If the second phase of Ashok Nath's work ever sees publication, much may be revealed.

      Thanks Ed,

      Small Pics of badges, are they all Pakistani?

    4. Everything in Pakistan, including Pakistan, was part of India until 1947.

      Compared to what I see in India, I am surprised (= shocked) at how crude these Pakistani badges are. And I know they can make better. Are these real?

      Yep Ed,

      same name different countries after 1947.

    5. Award critaria OP PARAKRAM MEDAL


      New Delhi, the 20th August, 2001

      No. 116-Press/2001 - The President is pleased to institute a medal for recognition of the services of Armed Forces personnel and civilians in the 'OP PRAKRAM' in 2001; and in this behalf, ordain and establish the following ordinance:

      Firstly - The medal shall be styled and designated the "OP PRAKRAM" (hereafter referred to as the medal ).

      Secondly - The medal shall be circular in shape, made of cupro - nicked , 35 mm in diameter and fitted to a plain horizontal bar with standard fittings. It shall have embossed on its obverse the Jai Stambh and the inscription "OPERATION PRAKRAM' embossed both in English and Hindi along the rim. On its reverse it shall have State Emblem embossed in a circle. A sealed pattern of the medal shall be deposited and kept.

      Thirdly - The medal shall be worn suspended from the left breast by a silk ribbon 32 mm in width having three equal parts of Blue, Olive Green and Sand colour, starting left to right. Blue and Olive Green parts shall be separated by a white stripe 2' mm in width. Olive Green and Sand colour parts shall be separated by a red stripe of 2 mm in width.

      Fourthly - Awarded to the all categories of personnel who were born on the effective strength of the Army, Navy and Air Forces and were mobilized / deployed / involved in planning and conduct of operations at various Headquarters in support of 'OP PRAKRAM'.

      • All ranks of the Para Military Forces, Central Police Forces, Railway Protection Force, J&K State Police Forces, Home Guards, civil defence organization and any other organization as specified by Government who were deployed in operational areas under Army's operational control or any other personnel of such organization deployed in areas as may be specified by the Government, who assisting in implementing coordination and conduct etc of operation.

      • All personnel on the effective strength of the Coast Guard who were operationally deployed at sea or were part of of the operational planning at various Headquarters.

      • Civilians of either sex serving regularly or temporarily under the orders/directions or supervision of the above mentioned forces in operation areas.

      • Civilians deployed for Local Naval Defence, War Watching Organizations, Naval control of Shipping and Examination Services.

      Fifthly - The qualifying areas for the purpose of this medal shall be as follows:-

      Army - All formation units/regiments and sub units which were mobilized and deployed in support of OP PARAKRAM, and also all ranks posted at various headquarters including Army Headquarters involved in planning and conduct of mobilization/deployment.

      Navy-All personnel from ships, submarines , aircraft , coast batteries and coastal defence forces , War Watching, Naval Control of Shipping, Examination Services, including Coast Guard units that were deployed at sea in the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal including the Andaman Sea and involved with operational activities of OP PRAKRAM.This includes all personal ashore at Naval Headquarters, Command Headquarters, Flag Officer Maharashtra Area and Flag Officer Goa Area Headquarters, Naval Officer-in-Charge staff that were actually involved with operational, logistics and administrative planning of OP PRAKRAM.

      Air Force -All Wings / Forward Base Supply Units / Stations, Squadrons and sub units which were mobilized and deployed in support of OP PARAKRAM in Western Air Command, South Western Air Command and Central Air Command and elements of Maintenance Command deployed / mobilized in support of Western Air Command, South Western Air Command Central Air Command as also all ranks posted to various Headquarters including Air Headquarters involved in planning and conduct of mobilization / deployment.

      Sixthly - Conditions of Eligibility

      • A person who has completed aggregate service of 180 days in qualifying area. The qualifying period for the Medal will not count towards any other medal instituted for that area for same spell of service.

      • Personnel of Army Aviation Corps, Naval Air Squadrons, air crew of Air Force, ejection crew of Air Dispatch units and personnel borne of the effective strength of Air Maintenance Battalions / Coast Guard Air Squadron who have carried out a minimum of five operational sorties of twenty hours of operational flying in /over the qualifying area.

      • All recipients of gallantry series of awards during OP PARAKRAM irrespective of the time limit or a person who died in service or was evacuated as a result of wounds or other disabilities attributable to service in the qualifying area irrespective of time limit or number of operational sorties or, number of operational flying hours shall be eligible for this medal.

      • All Naval / Coast Guard personnel on board Naval, Coast Guard, merchant ships and crafts under the operational control of the Indian Navy who have completed an aggregate service of 180 days in the qualifying area or have undertaken an aggregate of five armed patrol sorties in qualifying area.

      Seventhly -It shall be the competent for the President to cancel and annul the award of medal to any person, and also to restore it subsequently.

      Eighthly - It shall be competent for the Government to frame such instructions as may be necessary to carry out these ordinances.

    6. I would be interested in seeing photos of the Pakistani cap badges for their various corps and regiments. They would be similar to the British and Commonwealth designs.

      Any pics out there?


      Here is a starter for you, Pakistani Corps of Engineers

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