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    Posts posted by Taz

    1. The Distinci?n "Ren? Ramos Latour" is awarded to Cuban workers in recognition of reached merits during 25 or more years, in the mining-metallurgical field and had kept an exemplary and matching attitude to revolutionary principles.

      Also, in exceptional cases, it can be awarded to other workers or to foreign citizens who had contributed noticeably to the development of the mining-metallurgical field.

      The Distinction ?Ren? Ramos Latour? will be awarded by the Excecutive Secretariat of the National Syndicate of Mining-Metallurgical Workers together with the Mining, Geology and Sidero-mechanic Industry Ministers, depending on the case.

      Notice this example has a plain suspension and not the useual five sided one.

    2. Hello Mariner,

      The Arab Legion (al-Jaysh al-Arabī) was the regular army of Transjordan and then Jordan, certainly did fight on the allied side.

      In 1939, John Bagot Glubb, better known as Glubb Pasha, became the Legion's commander and transformed it into the best trained Arab army.

      The Arab Free Corps recruted by the "Grand Mufti" Haj Amin Muhammad Al Husseini was pro Nazi. On April 25th, 1941 Amin Al-Husseini was made chief architect of the Nazi offensive in Bosnia. Amin Al-Husseini takes the title "Protector of Islam".

      100,000 Bosnian Muslims joined the Nazi ranks,seeking Nazi approval to establish an autonomous Nazi protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.

      Husseini declared Fatwa-Jihad against Britain, so troops of his, or aligned to him almost certainly fought against the British in Iraq

      Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS, and close colleague of Amin Al-Husseini, financed and established an Islamic Institute ('Islamische Zentralinstitut') in Dresden under the Mufti. The purpose was to create a generation of Islamic leaders that would continue to use Islam as a carrier for Nazi ideology into the 21st century.

      In my post above there is a picture of the Bosnian Muslim Flag Under Amin Al Husseini.

      Regards Eddie.

    3. Tankers are soooooo gay....

      Long live the Infantry !!!!!!!!!! :-)

      Lol Chris,

      A Tanker carries Petrol a "Tankie" operates Tanks.

      Not really much difference any more, Infantry are motorised and Tankies have been Infantry trained for years.

      My first year and a half was in Assault troop equiped with Saracen APC's.

      We were trained on Carl Gustavs, Zeberdee radar and used SLR's, SMG's, GPMG's, LMG's, M79 grenade launchers, 9 mm Brownings and Riot guns in that time and later during my two and a bit tours of N.Ireland. Also both times in the NI search team.

      We trained with the French Paratroopers and Commandos in France Plus the normal everyday tank training.

      So more of an upper class footslogger come Tankie, only we could drink and shoot better :D

      :cheers: Eddie.

    4. Eddie

      The picture of the interior of the turret is of an M1A1, I have pictures of the M1A2 SEP in my collection of pictures I took at work. The 120mm Smooth Bore has a larger depletated uranium round as the 105mm rifled gun is smaller. I my self prefer the Big Gun... Both Guns are made from German design as well as the breech.

      SSG Luna, Lorenzo


      If its not restricted would you mind posting a few?

      Both good guns without a doubt I don't think the 105mm has been developed to its full capabilty though.

      The Challenger trials of the 120mm smoothbore gun started in 2006 but i haven't heard or seen any details on how it went yet.

      It would make replen a lot easier if all the forces used the same guns and ammo. We Brits love the Ole HESH round though because of its all-round capacity and they can't be used with a smoothbore barrel.

      Regards Eddie.

    5. It's probably more accurate to relate an Oberabschnitt to a Region of Germany and an Abschnitt to a District.

      Hi Robin,

      Strictly speaking if you were to take the translation from German to English yes, and probably easier :D .

      They belong to the close administration units (Engere verwaltungseinheiten). It would just be an administrative Region or district.

      However in the case of the SS it also refers to Military structure as a further breakdown shows.

      Kommandoamt der SS

      Kommandoamt der Allgemeinen SS

      SS-Oberabschnitt = Division ( several Abschnitte)

      SS-Abschnitt = Brigade (several Standarten)

      SS-Standarte = Regiment ((3-4 Sturmbannen 1,000-3,000 men)

      SS-Sturmbann = Batallion (3 St?rmen 250-600 men)

      SS-St?rm = Company (3 Truppen 70-120 men)

      SS-Trupp = Platoon (3 Scharen 20-60 men)

      SS-Schar = ( 2 "Rotten" 8 men)

      SS-Rotte = ( 4 men)

      Best regards Eddie

    6. Hello again,

      Well the name of the SS-Oberabschnitt is ?S?dost"

      Division is only the equivilent name for the Wehrmacht as an example to explain what it is.

      As an award in acknowledgment for members of this Oberabschnitt only.

      Other "Oberabschnitte" would have had their own.

      Just a little more info on The SS structure for you.

      SS-Oberabschnitt = Division

      SS-abschnitt = Brigade.

      SS-Standarten = Regiment (From 1935 Standarte were called regiments)

      Regards Eddie.

    7. Hi again guys,

      Here is the information that I posted on the MPHS over at Soviet-awards which is the reason why I asked if they had mentioned it.

      In my opinion this has to be classed as a special Acadamy for political officers. The Ministry of State Security Acadamies almost certainly had more intense Political training too. At other schools and Acadamies Political training would have been mandatory to a certain level.

      The "Wilhelm Pieck" Milit?rpolitische Hochschule der NVA (MPHS) was located in in Berlin - Gr?nau.

      This Academy was for NVA officers who wanted to follow an NVA political career.

      After Graduation from the MPHS they could be promoted to "Stellvertreter" of the Battalion Commander or work in the Arbeitsgruppe "Polit" of a Regiment, Brigade or the equivilant.

      They were not only responsible for the Political training of the soldiers, also they were for the organisation of the Culture and Freizeit of the soldiers in their Regiment, Brigade etc. Also they helped the Commander by the organisation of "Wettbewerbe" and were responsible for any other duties the Commander thought fitting.

      MPHS students were also able to study in Military Academies, either at the MAK in Dresden or Moskau.

      Regards Eddie.

    8. Rick,

      The National Revolutionary Police, Polic?a Nacional Revolucionaria (PNR) is the "normal" Police, that's just it's official name.

      The PNR duties include uniform policing, criminal investigation, crime prevention, juvenile delinquency, and traffic control. The PNR is divided into municipal divisions, each with its own police chief. These local police agencies are responsible to the national directorate of the PNR, through a hierarchical structure that incorporates provincial levels of oversight.

      The Security division of MINIT is responsible for policing crimes such as espionage, sabotage and other offenses against the state security.

      The Ministry of the Interior and the National Revolutionary Police have been closely integrated with the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) since the revolutionary victory of 1959.

      In addition to formal policing by the PNR, the Cuban system of control utilizes the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) as auxiliary eyes and ears of the police. The CDR maintains nightly neighborhood watches known as la guardia to prevent crime. They deal with juvenile deviance and assist crime victims.

      Regards Eddie.

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