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    Posts posted by Taz

    1. Now we have a correct image of the Orden "Blas Roca" what is the award in the first post with the Orden "Blas Roca" ribbon.

      Well.... it seems to say Solidarity and while I was checking the SNTECD site I found this image. So possibly a Trade Union solidarity award/badge. It depicts the Plaza de la Revolution in Havana.

      The photo shows the tower on Liberation Square, the English name used on Cuban sites

      Regards Eddie.

    2. After doing a little research on the SNTECD site, it happens that the Union changed its name from first the SNTE (National Union of Workers of Education), then SNTEC (National Union of Workers of the Education and Science) and later SNTECD (National Union of Workers of the Education, Science and Sport).

      Because of the fact my example has SNTEC and not SNTECD we can derive that it is an earlier Medal.

      Regards Eddie

    3. Maybe this will help a little with the abbreviation recognitions.


      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Administraci?n P?blica

      Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores Agropecuarios y Forestales

      sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Azucarera

      Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de las Ciencias.(SNTC)

      Sindicatos Nacional de Trabajadores Civiles de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias.

      Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de la Gastronom?a y el Comercio.

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Comunicaciones.

      Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de la Construcci?n.

      Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de la Cultura.

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educaci?n y el Deporte.

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Alimenticia.

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Ligera.

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de las Industrias Qu?mico-Minero-Energ?ticas.

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Marina Mercante, Puertos y Pesca.

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Metal?rgicos y Electr?nicos.

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Salud (SNTS)

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Tabacaleros

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Transporte.

      Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Hoteler?a y el Turismo

      Regards Eddie.

    4. Medalla "Combatiente de la Producci?n y la Defensa"

      Taz, can you add any details from the decree?

      This is what I have at the moment Rick

      Medalla "Combatiente de la Producci?n y la Defensa"

      1) Awarded in recognition to the maintained exemplary attitude and the results of "good" reached in the activities for the preparation and combat readiness, in the interest of the troops and forces or elements of the territorial defense in its control within the framework of his territory, which has helped notablely in the development and fortification of the defense capabilities of our country in the last three training years.

      2) Awarded in recognition of exemplary attitude in the Revolutionary Armed Forces and consequent military service for more than 20 years, dedicated to the defense of our Socialist Mother country and its territorial integrity and in occasion when needed to carry out other tasks and functions that the Revolution assigns to them.

      If I remember correctly these were two awardings recorded in the Gaceta Official and very likely that the critaria from the Decreto ley is included.

      I'm waiting for the second translated installment as we speak.

      Regards Eddie.

    5. Well not really much to add, a guy mentioned that he owned medals from these countries that were made in the DDR , no evidence to prove it one way or the other though.

      It's seems likely now though, no new information yet.

      Regards Eddie.

      PS: Maybe one of the Ricks would like to move this discussion to a new thread?

    6. Nice scan of this medal. Note that the ribbon is actually brown, not the red in illustrations on the 2 ribbon references on-line.

      That's strange Rick, is your ribbon bar red, green yellow? the one I got was, the actual medal ribbon is more of a grey brown tone like yours.


    7. Guys, don't right the firm off just yet!!!.

      Another Mail recieved from Gabriele Federlin today :D

      wir haben inzwischen heraus gefunden, dass mit gro?er Wahrscheinlichkeit ein Abzeichen hier gefertigt wurde. Sollte ich zuf?llig eines finden, gebe ich Nachricht. Auch Ihnen frohe Feiertage.

      Just says that its almost certain that an "abzeichen" was made there and if she finds one she will let me know.

      Not sure if it was a badge, Order or Medal right now though or if it was just the one or more to follow. I was very pleased with this as she took the trouble to ask around for me.

      Regards Eddie.

    8. Hi Rick,

      I think it's just been changed by the guy who it was awarded to.

      I recived the Distinci?n "Marcos Mart?" yesterday in the post and noticed that it was the same award.

      It has the same regular Trade Union reverse as the other Marti.

      Regards Eddie.

    9. Still awaiting confermation right now but the VEB PR?WEMA in Markneukirchen seems a likely candidate if Cuban awards or parts of, were made in the ex GDR.

      Apparently Orders and Medals of many brother and socialist aligned states were made there, Angola,

      Sudan, Albania and Cuba. Some Soviet awards also.

      I'm awaiting a reply with interest.

      Regards Eddie.

      I recieved this reply today from Frau Federlin the current manager of the firm.

      der VEB Praewema hat f?r die Armeen verschiedener "sozialistischer Bruderstaaten" gearbeitet. Ob wir auch f?r Kuba Medaillen bzw. Orden gefertigt haben, ist heute leider nicht mehr nachvollziehbar. Tut uns leid, dass wir Ihnen nicht behilflich sein k?nnen.

      Just to roughly translate, "VEB Praewema worked for different socialist brother states" however she couldn't confirm that Cuba was amongst them.

      Regards Eddie.

    10. Yes, but does the FT stand for something...like....French Tank

      FT is apparently just a random combination and isn't supposed to have any meaning.


      There is a most persistent myth about the name of the tank: "FT" is often supposed to have meant Faible Tonnage, or, even more fanciful: Franchisseur des Tranch?es (trenchcrosser). In reality every Renault prototype was given a combination code; it just so happened it was the turn of "FT".

      Regards Eddie

    11. Still awaiting confermation right now but the VEB PR?WEMA in Markneukirchen seems a likely candidate if Cuban awards or parts of, were made in the ex GDR.

      Apparently Orders and Medals of many brother and socialist aligned states were made there, Angola, Sudan, Albania and Cuba. Some Soviet awards also.

      I'm awaiting a reply with interest.

      Regards Eddie.

    12. This is the highest decoration of La Uni?n de J?venes Comunistas (UJC)

      the Union of Young Communists.

      Decreto Ley #30

      Order ?Julio Antonio Mella?

      given to Cuban and foreign youngsters in recognition of extraordinary merits reached in creative work; in study, research in artistic or literary culture or sports; or in the struggle for the conquests and defence of the achievements and interests of the Cuban or foreign youth, as well as the consequent practice of proletarian internationalism.

      Also, in exceptional cases, can be given to other people for the same reasons or for extraordinarily contributing to the integral formation of the young generation.

      Regards Eddie

    13. What does the Orders Book look like? That is a very low serial number for the date! I'd have expected many more, with the stage fighting was at then.

      So many of these awards are "out there" without ever seeing any form of the presentation paperwork! sad.gif

      Example of the docs.

      Regards Eddie

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