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    Posts posted by Taz

    1. I've just posted another E-mail to the Staatliche M?nze Berlin. It was before the fall of the wall, the VEB M?nze der DDR. Maybe they will have the time, to at least reply.

      So if I am correct the assumption that Cuban awards were made in the GDR ,or at least the parts relies on the few GDR style pins and suspension fixings we have seen so far.

      Regards Eddie.

    2. Was the question of Cuban awards made in the GDR ever cleared up? I have yet to see any hard evidence that this was the case, let alone where they are made after 1990.

      The similarities are there but the suspensions are shorter and the Medals smaller in diameter than GDR awards. In honesty I have no doubt that Cuban Industry was and is, very capable of producing their own awards if need be.

      The knowledge of producing high quality Orders and Medals is not the problem looking at the Early and Batista era awards for example. The problem would most likely arise with the number of awards required.

      Anyway just so little still known right now, thanks for the promt reply.

      Regards Eddie.

    3. Very interesting, and a nice badge.

      It seems that there is an updated version of the book.

      Czechoslovak & Czech Military Badges 1922-2004

      Author: Zdenek Krubl

      Pages: 117

      Language: Czech, English and German


      This publication is the first of its kind, as there has not been a fully illustrated book of military badges produced in Czechoslovakia or the Czech Republic up to this time. With the help of collectors of military badges this publication illustrates and gives information on all of the badges.

      It may used as a check list of the qualification and proficiency badges of the former Czechoslovak Army (CSA) and the Czechoslovak People?s Army (CSLA) from 1922 to July 1992. Included in the publication are illustrations of the badges of the Army of the Czech Republic issued from 1993 up to 2004. Collectors will find this publication a useful guide to military badges of this period and it will also help them to see how many they need to complete their collection.

      Regards Eddie.

    4. I wonder too with so much massive solid silver whether at some point these were replaced by the Soviet style diamond shaped badges? The contrast between these splendid badges and the usual Warsaw Pact stuff is startling.

      I have noooooooooooooooooooooo information at all on these. I've seen several different military academies, and all dated in the 1950s.

      Soviet style Czech acadamy badges indeed did exist, nowhere near the quality of your 50's examples or their Soviet counterparts by the look of this one.

      The only info I was able to find out was that this example is a Higher military academy badge possibly, Brno.

      Regards Eddie.

    5. Here is a litte more info on this award. Also called the Medal of the Holy Land.

      This Medal was designed by Leo XIII (Dec. S.C.P.F. 2 May. 1901), who empowered the Custodian of the Holy Land to bestow it upon pilgrims who presented a certificate of good, moral Christian life from their parish priest and a genuinely religious intention in making the journey to the Holy Land. It serves as a testimonial and souvenir of the pilgrimage. The decoration is a cross similar to that of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, save that the four small crosses are crutched instead of being simple of form. A medallion with the inscription LEO XIII CREAVIT. ANNO M.C.M. occupies the centre of the large cross. On each branch of the large cross are graven figures of the Annunciation, Nativity, Baptism of Christ, and Last Supper respectively. On the crutched-shaped extremities are the words, CHRISTI AMOR CRUCIFIXI TRAXIT NOS. On the reverse side of the cross, the figure of Christ appears in the centre of the medallion. On the branches are representations of the Agony in the Garden, Flagellation, Crowning with Thorns and Crucifixion, and on the extremities of the branches the words SIGNUM SACRI ITINERIS HIERSOLIMITANI. It is worn on the left breast suspended from a red ribbon with four small blue transverse bars bordered with white, which in turn are edged with dark yellow. There are three classes of medals: gold, silver, and bronze, adapted to the condition of pilgrims and the services they have rendered to the Holy Land. The recipient must pay the cost of the medal and bestow an alms of at least two dollars towards the maintenance of the Holy Places. Each year the custodian must inform the Propaganda how many decorations have been bestowed and the amount of the alms given (Dec. S. C. P. F., 10 June, 1901).

      Popes Pius VII and Pius IX conferred special decorations which were temporary and not permanent. The former bestowed a medal for military bravery, and another for zeal and courage in stamping out the brigandage, which had taken such hold in the Papal States during the seven years of the French occupation. The latter conferred the Mentana and Castelfidardo medals upon the papal and French soldiers who came to his help at those places.

      Pontifical decorations are bestowed either by motu pro prio, and then forwarded by the secretary of state, or upon petition, when they are expedited through the chancery. The most certain and expeditious mode of procuring the coveted decoration is by a petition from the bishop of the diocese of the person to be honoured. The petition must state the name, age, country, in short, a brief history of the life of the applicant, bringing out in relief the eminent labours or work in science, literature, arts, controversial or other religious writings, or generous and self-sacrificing gifts or endowments made or done for society, the Church or its head, which are deemed worthy of papal recognition and reward. This petition must be endorsed by the ordinary of the applicant. The endorsement of another than the diocesan bishop will not suffice. The petition is sent to an agent at Rome, who presents it to the cardinal chancellor of the orders, who not only registers the petition and the endorsement of it by the bishop, but also seeks information from other sources as to the character of the party and his eminent good works.

      Here the Silver version:

    6. Any tip about when it was made or what kind of guy it belonged to?

      You're Welcome Douglas,

      To try and help with your other question.

      The Medal for Merit in Protection of Public Order was awarded to members of the Civic Militia and Security Service. This not being a long service Medal makes pinning down a date harder.

      It was instituted in 1971 and wasn't awarded after 1990.

      Regards Eddie.

    7. Very nice Rick,

      Would be great to see the Medalla "Osvaldo Herrera" or the Medalla "Ciro Redondo" linked up with these as a group.

      As of yet we don't even know what these early Medals look like, apart from the ribbon colours of course. And to which "Column" they were awarded to

      The Medalla "Ciro Redondo" was awarded to Rebel Army combatants who as members of Column N?.8 "Ciro Redondo", commanded by Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, took part in the invasion from "Las Mercedes", in Sierra Maestra, to the former province territory of Las Villas, in 1958 and had maintained an exemplary and according attitude with the revolutionary principles.

      The Medalla "Osvaldo Herrera" Was awarded to Rebel Army combatants who as members of Column N?.2 "Antonio Maceo", commanded by Commander Camilo Cienfuegos, took part in the invasion from "El Salto", in Sierra Maestra, to the former province territory of Las Villas, in 1958 and had maintained an exemplary and according attitude with the revolutionary principles.

      Regards Eddie.

    8. Guys,

      It's a "best of" The Soviet army Badge. There are also "Best of" the Navy and Soviet Air Force Badges.

      Earlier versions of these badges are made of brass and enameled (1960's). Later versions of the Proficient Army Serviceman (for enlisted men), badges are aluminium and painted (1970's & 80's).

      Regards Eddie

    9. Hi Douglas,

      Left to right:

      #1 Decoration for Merit in Protection of Public Order 3rd Class (Medal "Za Zaslugi w Ochronie Porzadku Publicznego")

      #2,3 & 4 Three classes of the Medal of Merit for Country Defense (Medal Za Zaslugi dla Obronnosci Kraju)

      #5,6 & 7 Armed Forces in Service for the Country Medal (Long Service Medal) (Medal "Sily Zbrojne w Sluzbie Ojczyzny")

      #8 Cross of Merit

      #9 Order of Poland Restored (Polonia Restituta)

      Regards Eddie

    10. The top of a "Gomer Pyle" hat goes with the medals you posted at start of the thread, Eddie?

      Have you actually :unsure: got the Soviet-style paper AWARD CARDS all to the same person? :jumping:

      (We should probably block out all names and anything revealing of award decree serial numbers/places... since families still have to LIVE under the Regime That Will Not Die.)

      Paperwork-- naturally-- is still virtually impossible to find. Too risky to get out.

      I just hope :ninja: When The Time Comes that it will not all be thrown away-- since NONE of the decorations we have seen (so far) are serial numbered, so there will never be any way to VERIFY groups otherwise than IN paper.

      That's right Rick the cap was part of the Medal group.

      As for the award cards unfortunatly none. The reason is as you state, Cubans will part with their Medals but not with the paperwork because of the risk at the customs. I wonder if the Ration book is from the same person, if it is then I know who the Medals belonged to. Maybe some time in the future it could be checked as to what awards he recieved.

      I assume the Medals, cap badge, star and cap are the mementos he kept after leaving the FAR.

      Of course its a matter of believing or not that the items are from the same person. Then again why at this moment in time would someone make up that it's a group? No prices of groups or single Medals are really known.

      Regards Eddie.

    11. I recived this group today.

      The Marcos Marti is an issue from the Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores Agropecuarios y Forestales.

      Just to add, the medals have obviously been well worn and it seems they were fixed seperatley and not on a ribbon bar of any sort.

      Also with the group I was sent a food ration book which are still being used today.

      Regards Eddie

    12. Medal ?Ignacio Agramonte?

      Decreto Ley #30

      Awarded to chiefs of large units, units and small units, and to Revolutionary Armed Forces officers who obtain positive results during the instruction periods and, with their devoted, exemplary and creative work in operative, combat and political preparation, had co-helped strengthening, enhancement, development and consolidation of a high level preparation and combat readiness of the troop

      The Ignacio Argamonte medal will have a First, Second and Third degree.

    13. Order ?Carlos J. Finlay?

      Decreto Ley #30

      Created by Decree N? 77, of January 21, 1928, which will be awarded to Cuban and foreign citizens in recognition for extraordinary merits and achievements in the development of natural or social sciences, scientific or investigation activities that contribute in a significant way to science progress and mankind benefit, and specially to the preservation and improvement of the peoples? health and welfare.

      It will also be awarded to Cuban and foreign institutions, as well as work collectives for the reasons stated before.

      The requirements for its awarding, description and other related to the Orders to which this article refers will be stated in the timely approved Statute, and the statements of Law N? 17 will be applied to it.

    14. Medal ?Eliseo Reyes?

      Deceto Ley #30

      Given to Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel and to other people for valour and active participation acts in relevant situations or combat actions, where an effective work to the consolidation of the defence of our homeland and the keeping of the principles of socialism had been accomplished.

      It can also be given in exceptional cases to friendly countries? citizens for the same reasons.

    15. Many thanks to Esteban-Cool from Soviet.Awards.com for the translation of this Decree.

      LAW DECREE N? 30


      FIDEL CASTRO RUZ, President of the State Council of Cuba.

      I let know that the State Council has agreed to the following :

      That the Law N? 17, of June 28, 1978, establishes the rules for the System of Awards and Honorific Titles of the Republic of Cuba.

      Before passing the latter law, some legal texts that were used to create Orders and Medals were valid, and some of them shall remain.It is necessary to establish the awards structure to which the latter numeral related to Law N? 17 refers, to have the new and future awards that shall be created, integrated and united to System of Awards and Honorific Titles of the Republic of Cuba.The State Council, supported by the established in the quoted law has proposed creation of Orders, Medals, honorific Titles and Distinctions, the organisms of the Central Administration of the State, the Workers? Central of Cuba, the National Syndicates, the Union of Communist Youth, The Federation of Cuban Women, the National Association of Small Farmers, the National Directorate of the Revolution Defence Committees and other entities and organizations.The State Council, according to the Unique Transitory Rule of the mentioned Law N? 17, must quote about awards, honorific titles and distinctions.The State Council, considering the latter, must determine the awards and honorific titles which will be part of the System and the hierarchy order between them, as well as the distinctions which must be awarded by politic, social and mass entities and organizations.

      The State Council, according to the attributions given by the Paragraph c) of Article N?. 88 of the Constitution and by the quoted in Law N? 17 of the System of Awards and Honorific Titles of the Republic of Cuba, decides to pass the following:

      LAW DECREE N?. 30


      ARTICLE 1. The awards, honorific titles and distinctions created by this Law Decree, integrate the System of Awards and Honorific Titles of the Republic of Cuba and will be ruled by the statements of Law N? 17 and its regulation and statutes or corresponding regulations, if they have them.


      ARTICLE 2. As Awards of the Republic of Cuba, the following medals have been ratified:

      Commemorative Medal "XX Anniversary", created by Law N?. 1252, of July 16, 1973, just as modified by Law Decree N? 4, of May 2, 1977.

      Commemorative Medal "XX Anniversary of the Revolutionary Armed Forces", created by Law N? 1314, of November 23, 1976, awarded till December 2, 1981, according to the said in Law decree N? 9, November 29, 1977.

      Anniversary of the University of La Habana", created by Law Decree N? 12, of January 9, 1978, awarded till November 30, 1979, according to Law Decree N? 29, of October 27, 1979.

      Also are ratified, as tribute to the ones that for defending the most legitimate interests of the cuban people filled with glory the pages of its history during the Independence Wars, the following medals:

      Medal of "The Independence" created by Decree N? 129, of February 24, 1911, fulfilled by Decree N? 1147, of December 23, 1911 and modified by Decree N? 592, od July 31, 1913.

      Medal of "The Emigration" created by Decree N? 918, of October 10, 1913 and modified by Decree N? 1509, of September 20, 1929.

      The awarding requirements, criteria and their characteristics for these medals, are the ones established by the legal texts which created them, but will be adjusted according to what is established in Law N? 17, of June 28, 1978, of the System of Awards and Honorific Titles and their rules.

      ARTICLE 3. With a new structure, the following Orders are ratified:

      Order "Jos? Mart?" Created by Law N? 1230, of December 2, 1972, which will be awarded to Cuban and foreign citizens and Chiefs of State upon great feats for peace and mankind; for valuable and extraordinary contributions in education, culture, sciences and sports, as well as extraordinary merits and outstanding attitudes in creative work.

      Order "Carlos Manuel de C?spedes" Created by decree N? 486, of April 18, 1926 and modified by Law N? 586, of October 7, 1959, which will be awarded to to Cuban and foreign citizens, Chiefs of State or Government, political or state leaders who outstand in the struggle for the national liberation of the peoples, the friendship shown towards the Cuban Revolution, or for the international prestige reached on behalf of the peoples and for outstanding contributions to the consolidation of peace and pacific coexistence.

      Order "Playa Gir?n" Created by Law N? 949, of July 18, 1961, which will be awarded to Cuban and foreign citizens and Chiefs of State or Government who extraordinarily outstand in the struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, fascism and any other exploitation form; by valuable contributions to the development of the armed forces and their defensive capacity; for great feats on behalf of peace and mankind progress, as well as for the defense of our homeland and the Revolution?s conquests.

      Order "Carlos J. Finlay" Created by Decree N? 77, of January 21, 1928, which will be awarded to Cuban and foreign citizens in recognition for extraordinary merits and achievements in the development of natural or social sciences, scientific or investigation activities that contribute in a significant way to science progress and mankind benefit, and specially to the preservation and improvement of the peoples? health and welfare. It will also be awarded to Cuban and foreign institutions, as well as work collectives for the reasons stated before.

      The requirements for its awarding, description and other related to the Orders to which this article refers will be stated in the timely approved Statute, and the statements of Law N? 17 will be applied to it.


      ARTICLE 4. To the recognition of extraordinary merits described in them, the following orders are created:

      • Order "M?ximo Gomez" given to members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in active duty, reservists and retirees, and to civilian citizens for extraordinary merits in the defense of our socialist homeland; for outstanding planning and directing great military operations or for brilliantly directing the Rebel Army fronts or columns during the National Liberation War.
      It will be also awarded exceptionally to friend countries? military.

      The Order "M?ximo G?mez" will have a First and Second Grade.

      • Order "Antonio Maceo" given to members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in active duty, reservists and retirees, and to military units of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, for extraordinary successes in military operations; for troops? high level combat qualities; for firm and decisive combat actions, or for the training and readiness which contribute to the defense, development and consolidation of our socialist homeland.
      It will be also given to military and military units of friend countries for the same reasons.

      • <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-list: l4 level1 lfo4; tab-stops: list 36.0pt">
      Order "Camilo Cienfuegos" given to members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in active duty, reservists and retirees, as well as military from friend countries, for extraordinary merits acquired in the development and accomplishment of combat actions, in defense of the conquests and sovereignty of our socialist homeland.Order "Ernesto Che Guevara" given to members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in active duty, reservists and retirees, for extraordinary merits in the accomplishment of internationalist missions on behalf of the independence and sovereignty of the peoples who fight against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism and any other exploitation way.Exceptionally, it can also be awarded to other Cuban citizens and friend countries? military who, showing internationalist solidarity had accomplished outstandingly this kind of missions.

      The Order "Ernesto Che Guevara" will have a First, Second and Third Grade.

      • Order "Combatant of the Liberation War" given to whom, as combatants of any of the Rebel Army fronts, columns or units, had acquired extraordinary merits during the National Liberation War and had maintained an exemplary and matching behaviour with the revolutionary principles.
      In very exceptional cases, will be able to be given to other people who without being Rebel Army combatants had acquired extraordinary merits during their participation in the insurrectional fight and had maintained an exemplary and matching behaviour with the revolutionary principles.

      • Order "L?zaro Pe?a" given to Cuban and foreign workers, for extraordinary labour merits; for important contributions to national economy or for a correct and perseverant working behaviour, whether in industry, agriculture, services, administration, construction, transport, science, arts, culture or technics.
      It can also be given to enterprises, economical units and Cuban and foreign labour collectives for the same reasons.

      It will also be given to, who during their stay in Cuba or from their respective countries, contribute to economical, scientific and cultural enhancement and development of our country.

      The Order "L?zaro Pe?a" will have a First, Second and Third Degree.

      • Order "Julio Antonio Mella" given to Cuban and foreign youngsters in recognition of extraordinary merits reached in creative work; in study, research in artistic or literary culture or sports; or in the struggle for the conquests and defence of the achievements and interests of the Cuban or foreign youth, as well as the consequent practice of proletarian internationalism.
      Also, in exceptional cases, can be given to other people for the same reasons or for extraordinarily contributing to the integral formation of the young generation.

      • Order "Frank Pais" given to Cuban and foreign citizens, in recognition of extraordinary merits acquired in education, or to whom had contributed in a significant and unselfish way to the integral formation of the citizens or had made outstanding contributions to the development of the education.
      It will also be given to individuals, social organizations and other Cuban or foreign institutions who had accomplished significant deeds to people?s education.

      • <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-list: l4 level1 lfo4; tab-stops: list 36.0pt">
      Order "Mariana Grajales" given to Cuban female citizens whose work in any field of creative labour, becomes an exceptional proof of revolutionary or internationalist attitude; or for contributions to the formation of new generations, to the goal of the women incorporation to society, the development of the country or to the defence of the Homeland; to foreign female citizens whose outstanding work in any field, means an extraordinary contribution for her people or mankind, if her deed has transcended to international level and outstand in the defense of the revolutionary ideas, anti-imperialist struggle and liberation and independence of the peoples. <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-list: l4 level1 lfo4; tab-stops: list 36.0pt">Order "Ana Betancourt" given to Cuban female citizens for relevant merits acquired because of their unbreakable loyalty to revolutionary and internationalist principles and extraordinary attitude in creative labour, defence and study, and to foreign female citizens who outstand in defence of the revolutionary and internationalist principles, anti-imperialist struggle and liberation and independence of the peoples, or to which relevant actions in any field mean an important contribution to their people, and that their solidarity spirit had reached international fame. <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-list: l4 level1 lfo4; tab-stops: list 36.0pt">Order "of the Solidarity" given to Cuban and foreign citizens and entities, in recognition to extraordinary merits reached in labours related to or with our or other peoples, on behalf of mankind, peace, the cause of socialism and against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, fascism, racism and any other exploitation form. <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-list: l4 level1 lfo4; tab-stops: list 36.0pt">Order "Juan Marinello", given to Cuban or foreign citizens, for making a sustained activity which becomes an important contribution to the ideological struggle of the peoples and an extraordinary contribution to the development of artistic and literary culture and journalism.Order "for Sport Merit", given to Cuban and foreign citizens, in recognition of extraordinary merits reached in sports or for a significant and unselfish contribution to the development of physical culture and sport.It will also be given to technicians, specialists and to Cuban and foreign entities and organizations who had contributed in an extraordinary way to the development, sport or enhancement of our sportsmen.

      • Order "F?lix Varela", given to Cuban and foreign citizens and cultural collectives in recognition of extraordinary contributions to the unperishable values of national and world culture. Order "F?lix Varela" will have a First and Second Degree.

      ARTICLE 5. The awarding criteria and the description of created in the latter Article and other related to their organization, will be quoted in the approved statute for each one of them, and the dispositions of Law N? 17, June 28, 1976 of the System of Awards and Honorific Titles and their rules will be applied to them.


      ARTICLE 6. As the new medals of the Republic of Cuba, the following are created:

      1- "Gold Star" Medal, which will be awarded to Cuban or foreign individuals, cities and towns, to whom the title "Hero of the Republic of Cuba" is given, as its representation insignia.

      2- "Gold Star of Labour" Medal, which will be awarded to Cuban or foreign individuals, to whom the title "Hero of Labour of the Republic of Cuba" is given, as its representation insignia.

      3- Medal "Antonio Maceo", given to Revolutionary Armed Forces members, in active military service, reservists and retirees, and to friendly countries? military, who with unselfish, firm and decisive combative action had contributed to the defence, development and consolidation of our socialist homeland,

      4- Medal "Calixto Garc?a", given to Revolutionary Armed Forces members, in active military service, reservists and retirees, and to friendly countries? military, who outstand by their unselfishness in the accomplishments of assigned tasks.

      5- Medal "Ignacio Agramonte", given to chiefs of large units, units and small units, and to Revolutionary Armed Forces officers who obtain positive results during the instruction periods and, with their devoted, exemplary and creative work in operative, combat and political preparation, had co-helped strengthening, enhancement, development and consolidation of a high level preparation and combat readiness of the troop

      The Ignacio Argamonte medal will have a First, Second and Third degree.

      6- Medal "Jes?s Men?ndez", given to Cuban and foreign citizens in recognition of relevant deeds; for a sustained and distinguished working attitude, as well as a successful directing, advice, collaboration and orientation of the Cuban, other countries? or international syndical movement; for an exemplary attitude on behalf of labour and loyalty to the principles of the working class and proletariat and for exceeding the tasks of socialist emulation.

      It can also be given to work collectives for relevant successes in the constant accomplishment of production plans.

      7- Medal "Combatant of the Liberation War", given to who actively participated as combatants in any of the Rebel Army fronts, columns or units, and had maintained an exemplary and according attitude with the revolutionary principles.

      In exceptional cases, can be given to other people who without being Rebel Army combatants, had significantly participated in the insurrectional struggle and had maintained an exemplary and according attitude with the revolutionary principles.

      8- Medal "Clandestine Struggle Combatant", given to who significantly participated as clandestine combatants during the Liberation War, and had maintained an exemplary and according attitude with the revolutionary principles.

      9- Medal "Ciro Redondo", given to given to Rebel Army combatants who as members of Column N?.8 "Ciro Redondo", commanded by Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, made the invasion from "Las Mercedes", in Sierra Maestra, to the former province territory of Las Villas, in 1958 and had maintained an exemplary and according attitude with the revolutionary principles.

      10- Medal "Osvaldo Herrera", given to Rebel Army combatants who as members of Column N?.2 "Antonio Maceo", commanded by Commander Camilo Cienfuegos, made the invasion from "El Salto", in Sierra Maestra, to the former province territory of Las Villas, in 1958 and had maintained an exemplary and according attitude with the revolutionary principles.

      11- Medal "Eliseo Reyes", given to Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel and to other people for valour and active participation acts in relevant situations or combat actions, where an effective work to the consolidation of the defence of our homeland and the keeping of the principles of socialism had been accomplished.

      It can also be given in exceptional cases to friendly countries? citizens for the same reasons.

      12- Medal "Internationalist Combatant", given to Revolutionary Armed Forces members, in active military service, reservists and retirees, who had distinguished themselves in an exemplary way during the accomplishment of internationalist missions, or had kept a consequent attitude in their work during their service. The Medal "Internationalist Combatant" will have a First and second Class.

      13- Medal "Internationalist Worker" given to Cuban workers, who in the field of production, services, science, technics, education, health and sports, had accomplished in an exemplary and unselfish way internationalist missions in solidarity with brother peoples and had maintained an exemplary and according attitude with the revolutionary principles.

      It will also be awarded to foreign citizens, who, because of their internationalist work, had acquired relevant merits who help to raise the material, culture and technic level of our country.

      14- Medal "Combat Brotherhood", given to members of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Auxiliary forces members and to other Cuban citizens who in the protection of the frontiers, had actively participated in combat actions and reached outstanding merits.

      It can also be awarded in exceptional cases to friendly countries? citizens for the same reasons.

      15- Medal "For Internal Order Safety", given to members of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Auxiliary forces members and to other Cuban citizens, for relevant merits acquired in protection, defence and safety of the internal order and in the fight against crime and other criminal actions.

      16- Medal "For Bravery during Service", given to members of Ministry of Internal Affairs and to other Cuban citizens who distinguish themselves for their bravery and boldness saving human lives or highly valuable material goods, during fires, natural disasters or other similar situations.

      It can also be given in exceptional cases to friendly countries? citizens for the same reasons.

      17- Medal "Labour Exploit", given to Cuban workers, for the accomplishment or overaccomplishment* of assigned shock or priority duties; for the implementation of new methods, processes or rationalizations in production and services, which significantly increase production or work productivity or cost decrease, and for distinguished successes in the vanguard movement.

      18- Medal "of Friendship", given to Cuban or foreign citizens, organizations or institutions, who in an individual or collective basis, distinguish themselves in their activity towards the achievement of the building of a fairer society and for strengthening the fraternal friendship bonds, mutual cooperation and help between peoples.

      19- Medal "Rom?rico Cordero", given to Cuban peasants in recognition of relevant merits reached and active participation in the agriculture development of our country, or for their distinguished contribution to the transformation to superior agriculture production and cooperation stages, as well as who actively participated in the defence of the peasants? right to land and their contribution in the struggle for national liberation.

      It will also be given to Cuban and foreign political, social and mass organization leaders, which work dedicated to achieve the active participation of the peasants in the building of socialism is considered decisive and distinguished.

      20- Medal "Abel Santamar?a", given to young Cuban and foreign nationals for their revolutionary attitude reached in creative work; in artistic and literary culture; in sports; in struggle for the conquests of the Cuban or foreign young generation and for the consequent practice of the proletarian internationalism.

      Also, in exceptional cases, it can be given to other people for the same reasons or for contributing in an outstanding way to the integral formation of the young generation.

      21- Medal "Jos? Antonio Echeverr?a", given to young Cuban youngsters in recognition of extraordinary merits reached in study.

      To be continued..................................................

    16. Well I would imagine they will become very common because the abuse those guys, and also their colleagues in the Fire Service get on a very regular basis from all the neds and idiots every time they get called out is unbelievable. Considering the duty they provide, they are very under appreciated at times and certainly deserve a medal just for turning out every day. :cheers:


      UNISON has welcomed the introduction of the new Queen?s Ambulance Service Medal, announced yesterday by Health Minister Andy Burnham.

      UNISON national officer Sam Oestreicher, said:

      "This award does more than honour individual acts of heroism and bravery above and beyond the call of duty. It gives long overdue recognition of the unavoidable and sometimes lethal hazards faced by ambulance staff on a daily basis

      "UNISON would like to see the acknowledgement brought by this award reinforced with action elsewhere to reduce the risks to ambulance staff to a minimum.

      "We have been calling for a zero tolerance policy and tougher sentences for those who assault ambulance and other NHS workers. That would help underline the medal's positive message".

      In 2005-6 there were 58,695, physical assaults on NHS staff.

      UNISON has more than half of all UK ambulance staff in membership.

      Apparently the award itself will be similar to the existing Police and Fire Service Medals and will be bestowed by the Queen.

      Regards Eddie.

    17. I hope that QE2 does the recipients a favor and stops with this silliness of hers to have the head/crown proportion changed even more.

      When she started out it was a 3:1 proportion.... now it is 1:3... soon there will just be a huuuuge crown with a pinprick sized head...

      Yes Chris,

      That large crown looks strange, started back with the South Atlantic 1982 Campaign Medal as I recall.

      I'm pleased for the service that it is to be recognised though, whatever it my look like.

      St Johns have a Medal as do the Nursing service and of course Australia the ASM.

      Awards for the Queen's Police and Fire Service Medals have existed since 1954 so it's taken a while. But as they say better late than never.

      Regards Eddie

    18. Further info with examples of the critaria needed to be awarded the Queen's Ambulance Service Medal.

      1. The Queen's Ambulance Service Medal for ambulance services is intended for all NHS ambulance services within England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

      2. The medal will be awarded to recognise meritorious service. Meritorious service is defined as valuable services characterised by devotion to duty, including prolonged service marked by exceptional ability, merit and exemplary conduct.

      3. The following are examples of the type of service that might be recognised:

      a) a significant contribution to either local or national developments that can be rolled out to other Ambulance Services;

      b) success in organising NHS Ambulance Services under special difficulties;

      c) commitment beyond the call of duty when dealing with major, serious or dangerous operational incidents which make exceptional and sustained demands on personnel. Such incidents would include multiple casualties in horrific road accidents, rail, train and plane crashes, terrorist attacks, public disorder and large complex fires involving for example chemicals and explosives;

      d) special services to Royalty or Heads of State.

      4. The first medals are expected to be awarded in 2009.

      Regards Eddie

    19. The Finlay Order replaces its incarnation of 1928, just as the C?spedes Order was originally instituted in 1926 and carried over by the Communist regime.

      Wouldn't it be ironic if way back when, somebody managed to get BOTH versions of the same Orders!

      Now that would be interesting :D

      Not a great deal of info to add right now apart from that it was constituted in 1928 by the the Cuban government and is conferred by the Council of State for Medical and Scientific merit.

      Regards Eddie

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