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    Posts posted by Lapa

    1. Classification of Soviet Awards

      Dear Marc,

      you are right: It's not really THAT problem :cheers: .

      What might be the correct English translation of Andrew's classification categories:

      Type - Variation - Sub-Variation :unsure: ?

      (Maybe: T / V / sV :unsure: ?)

      Does Andrew work with only 3 categories or are there some Sub-Sub-Variations possible :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


      BTW: So I will have to re-classify my collection :rolleyes: .


      So far, Andrey has been successfully using a 3-level system: Type (Тип) - Variety (Вариант) - Subvariety (Разновидность).

      I already (long-ago...) re-classify my collection, and I exclusively use that system now.


    2. Thank you Marc,

      you mean that the key komponent of this set is the neck badge. If yes than indeed we would have 4 different types. Will you see different brest stars as variants?



      I mean that you should catalog each item separately.

      Component 1: Breast Star

      There are 2 varieties to the brest star (enamel/stones)

      Component 2: Neck Badge

      There are 2 varieties (5/6 torches) each with 2 subvarieties (enamel/stones)


    3. This is starting to feel more like a guessing game than a quiz. :speechless:


      As much as I thought that Admiral Postnikov would be a tough question, I believe that this one should be easier. As to being a guessing game, I don't think that it needs to be. Let's simply put things this way: we may not know too well the history and events of the Eastern Front, beyond the obvious ones.

      So, one more hint: Christophe was, globally speaking, looking in the right direction... :rolleyes:


    4. Christian,

      Andrew's classification - language problem

      ...The problem among the non-Russian speakers in the collectors community is, that almost the whole Mondvor website is in cyrillic Russian :( . Is there a possiblity to get Andrew's classification in English language :unsure: ?

      It is a problem without being really a problem. If you go through the pages carefully, even if you do not read Russian, you can still figure out the types, the varieties and the sub varieties, as well as their respective serial number ranges. I agree it requires a little bit of attention, but one can do it without too much of a problem.

      I am sure that Andrew's is all for having his site also available in English, provided he gets some help to translate the mountain of information that is on the original site :rolleyes:

      Does Igor http://www.collectrussia.com/ use Andrew's or PMD's classification :unsure: ?

      It seems to me that Igor (and others) still use PMD classification (please show me a PMD T2 Order of Lenin :rolleyes: ), but also use additional classifications (Durov, etc) when it brings them some sort of advantage (a Veeeeeeeeeeeeeery rare sub-sub-sub variety...).


    5. Dear Marc,

      somehow - yes ;) .

      If I find something, which helps the discussion and the topic, I post it :D . I think, that's the correct way, how to deal with a topic.

      Sorry again for the extremly bad scans :blush: .

      O.K., the pics are so bad, that you (and nobody else) can't give any (serious) expertise ... :rolleyes:

      Who knows, maybe my RBL is made of plastic and I am a complete lunatic :cheeky: .

      Given the fact, that I really bought my RBL in spring 1994, that I have good eyes & a clear mind and that I am somehow an experienced collector of Soviet stuff, what's your frank opinion - not expertise! - about the RBL T2/V1 s/n. 8660 :unsure: ?

      Many thanks in advance :cheers: .

      Best regards :beer:



      Ok, so, since we are discussing in general terms and not so specifically about the piece you own, 8660 is 46 higher than the currently highest known specimen of this type/variation. By the way, I have long ago given up on McDaniel's classification, which I consider to be by now largely outdated. I use instead the Mondvor classification, which is much more correct, precise and accurate.

      So, according to that classification, your order is a Type 2 Variation 2 Subvariation 1, with an interval range of 6462 to 8614 (mine fits nicely in this range). As I mentioned above, is is a mere 46 higher than the current highest known SN; although the next variation (МОНЕТНЫЙ ДВОР mintmark) begins at 8637, I tend to think that there might have been some overlap in the use of the mintmark punches (it happened for some other orders). I personally think that yours might be the currently highest know SN for T2V2S1.


    6. RBL s/n. 8660 awarded during the GPW


      I just checked Anatoly Kutsenko's book again and he list the following dates of awarded RBLs:

      s/n. 8031 - 28.06.1941

      s/n. 9030 - 19.01.1942

      So the s/n. 8660 should have been awarded in the second half of 1941 - just during the first months of the GPW :jumping: .

      Paul McDaniel mentiones also the maker's mark "b" - as at my item - for the RBL T2 in his "Red Bible".

      A bit more than 20.000 RBL T2 screwbacks had been awarded - most of them during the GPW.

      Best regards :beer:


      BTW: Marc, my RBL T2 is almost ident to your RBL T2 s/n. 7706 http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=228673


      You lost me there with your several few posts. Are you making both the questions and the answers?

      I guess you posted pics of your order to get the opinions of other collectors. As it is, I (for one) cannot tell anything from the pics you posted due to them being grossl out of focus. That is the only thing that I can tell so far given the material shown.


    7. SMOLENSK 1941 ?

      Dear Marc,

      the Battle of Smolensk 1941 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Smolensk_(1941) had been called the "Soviet Verdun" :unsure: ?

      But far less than 300,000 Soviet troops had been killed ... :rolleyes:

      Best regards :beer:


      BTW: I guess, that both of my proposals don't match ... :blush:


      Same again :rolleyes:

      Pay attention to the fact that I did not simply write 'It is refered to as the "Soviet Verdun"'.


    8. OK guys, let's try this once more :rolleyes:

      This time, we are looking for a place.

      It is refered to as the "Soviet Verdun" in the former USSR. There took place one of the bloodiest battle of WW2; more than 300,000 Soviet troops were killed there, to which should be added the German deads (I don't have any figures about them, but I've been told it was awfully high too).

      1. What is the Russian name of the place?

      2. Where is it located? What front was it part of?

      3. What was the maximum size (approximate) of the battlefield?

      4. How long did the battle last (beginning/ending dates)?

      5. What was the first unit engaged in the opening battle?

      6. What is there today?

      Let's have fun :jumping:

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