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    Posts posted by TacHel



      Established by the Lipetsk City Council of Deputies, amended by same on 26 Ocotober 2010.

      Award includes a monthly cash award of 5000 rubles, extraordinary service in hospitals, free medicine prescribed by doctors at regional clinics in the community, extraordinary telephone system, exemption from user fees for the use of fixed telephones, exempt from payment for housing and utilities, TV master antenna, radio and gas. In the case of the death of the honored citizen, the surviving spouse is entitled to 50% of the monthly payment and above mentioned services for life. In addition, an honored citizen has the right to free travel on all forms of urban passenger transport (except taxis).


      Established by decision number 50/2155 of the Duma of the Tual region (oblast).

      Awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation in recognition of their outstanding personal achievements in the sphere of economy, manufacturing, transportation, science, technology, culture, arts, education, health, sports, environmental protection, environmental security, law and order and public security, as well as the implementation of a charitable, state, municipal and other activities conducive to raising the profile and prestige of the Tula region. Award may be made posthumously.


      Awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign nationals and stateless persons, for outstanding services to the citizens of the region, for activities designed to benefit the region and ensure its prosperity, long-term and sustained popularity among residents of the area as a result of an effective charity; committing brave deeds for the benefit of the region; from area residents, for prolonged social, cultural, scientific, political, economic, impeccable public and municipal service, as well as other activities with outstanding results for the Tomsk region.


      Established on 31 October 2003 by decision number 717 of the Smolenks city council.

      Awarded to Russian citizens and foreign nationals for wide recognition and respect from the residents of Smolensk for their outstanding achievements in the field of economy, science, culture, arts, education, health, sports, protection of civil rights and other areas. Award may be confered posthumously.

    5. The following awards are for HONORARY CITIZENS.


      Awarded by the city of Biisk to citizens of other municipalities or foreign citizens who have contributed outstanding innovative work, significant contributions at improving the efficiency of production, the development of science and technology, culture, art and education, in health, life and rights of citizens of the city, committed feats of arms, displayed the highest examples of civic duty in the name of the homeland.


      Established into Law number 10 TO-ZO by Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver region on 10 February 2003. Highest award for citizens of the Tver oblast.

      Awarded for outstanding personal contribution in socio-economic development, for activities that promote the welfare of the area and raise its prestige in the Russian Federation and abroad.


      The title of "Honored Citizen of the Tambov Region (Oblast). Established on 28 February 2007 by Decree 462 of the Duma of the Tambov region, it is the highest award of the region.

      Awarded to citizens for special merit in public and state activities, for outstanding contributions to the socio-economic and cultural development of the region, high achievement in science, culture, production and other activities conducive to the development of the Tambov region, the welfare of the population of the Tambov region, for enhancing the visibility and credibility of the Tambov region in the Russian Federation and abroad, as well as for courage and heroism in the performance of service and civic duty.


      Awarded to citizens of the Kemerov Oblast (Region) for meritorious service to the Kemerov Region; for heroism, courage, boldness and valor; for raising the profile of the Kemerov region, achieving significant results in the socio-economic development of the Kemerov region in cultural, scientific and other spheres of public life.


      Established by decision N 7 /20 of the Board of Deputies of Chernogolovka on 6 March 2001. Awarded to citizens of Chernogolovka for great personal contributions to the organization and development of Chernogolovka as a Science City, which has resulted in global recognition as the Chernogolovka Scientific Center, or in the social development of the city.

    10. This section has mostly dealt with state and military awards, but many other levels of government issue their own awards in modern day Russia. Cities and oblasts (regions) also bestow a very wide range of awards. One of the awards bestowed by many Russian cities is the title of Honoured Citizen.

      Contrary to similar western awards, this is much more than an "honorary title", it comes with a large range of monetary rewards, increase in pensions for retirees, tax deductions, increase in the quality of medical care and in lodging, increase in the quality of care in retirement homes, free city transportation (taxi, bus, metro etc). The title of "Honorary Citizen also exists and in Russian they are often spelled the same and one must look at the award prerequisites and affiliated rewards to fully differentiate the two.

      The title of HONOURED CITIZEN is reserved for residents and usually includes at least some of the aforementioned prizes, the title of HONORARY CITIZEN is usually bestowed unto non residents and can also awarded to foreigners who have made a great impact on local life and is rarely if ever accompanied by any type of actual reward save the decoration and title.


      Neck badge at left, lapel badge at right.

      The title of Honored Citizen of the City of Moscow is awarded for:

      - Long-term and sustained popularity among the residents of Moscow on the basis of effective charity;

      - Committing brave deeds for the good of the city;

      - From the residents of Moscow, for long-term social, cultural, scientific, political, economic and other activities with outstanding results benefiting the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    11. Well, I've got good news and maybe not so good news...

      All 7 medals For Merit (the really nice highly enameled ones) are pretty easy to find in Russia. Matter of fact I'm looking at the full set for sale going for $455 (USD). Do you know anybody in Moscow that could purchase them for you? I have NEVER seen one for sale outside of Russia. Individually they average $65 (USD).

      As for the medals For Distinction (less enamels), the Border Management one pictured above is the only one I've seen for sale so far and also in Russia for $55 (USD).

    12. The seven medals above are all "FOR MERIT". The FSB has now issued a second series but this time "FOR DISTINCTION" that pretty much matches the above medals in colour and sub-departmental affiliation. They have a bit less enamels but are still attractive. The ribbons match in colour and differ by the addition of a second narrow coloured stripe near the right edge.

      If the FSB follows the trend of other services, the medals For Merit would be bestowed to warrant-officers and officers and the medals For Distinction would go to soldiers, sergeants and master sergeants. I have yet to find their respective orders of institution though. If anybody has a link to FSB awards, I would be most grateful!

      Medal For Distinction in Counterintelligence

    13. I found out a bit more about this officer for you. OK... I was curious too! blush.gif

      His name is Anatoly Lebed, born 1963, joined the service in 1981 (wow, same years as me!).

      He served in Afghanistan in a helicopter regiment as a flight engineer, that's where he earned his 3 Orders of the red Star. He served for some years in Germany then retired to the reserves in 1994. In 1999, he went to the North Caucasus as a volunteer in the combined militias after purchasing his own equipment! When military ops moved into Chechnya, he went to Moscow and re upped in the service and got right back to the fighting. In 2003, while engaged in combat in the Ulus-Kert mountains, he stepped on a mine and lost a foot. His superior physical fitness allowed him to remain in the service with a prosthesis. In a subsequent battle, he was injured by multiple fragment wounds in the back while shielding his men from the blast of a rocket propelled grenade. Even wounded he continued leading the patrol leading to the capture and destruction of a terrorist base.

      He was awarded the Title of Hero of the Russian Federation on April 6, 2005 by Presidential Decree "for courage and heroism in the performance of military duties in the North Caucasus". He then held the rank of captain.

      In this picture following an awards ceremony, which explains the position of his newly received Order of St George 4th class, he is seen in conversation with the Russian President and Defense Minister. To his right are 2 officers of his unit who just received the Order of Courage. Behind him, one of his NCOs just decorated with the Cross of St George 4th class.

    14. President Medvedev congratulating the highly decorated unit commander.

      On his left breast, the Lt-Col is wearing the badge of Hero of the Russian Federation, the Order of St George 4th class and no less than three Orders of Courage.

      On his right breast he is wearing three Orders of the Red Star (probably earned in Afghanistan), the Order For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces 3rd class, a Soviet Era Guards badge and his paratrooper badge. The silver-grey badge at center is unknown to me, possibly a special qualification badge?

    15. On April 4, 2011, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev awarded the Order of Kutuzov to the 45th Separate Guards Airborne (Spetsnaz) Regiment.

      The unit, which already had the sashes (ribbons) of the Order of Alexander Nevsky and of the Order of St George adorning its regimental colours, was presented the award as per the September 7, 2010 decree, for the successful execution of combat assignments, and for the personal courage and heroism of its members. . The personnel of the regiment participated in anti-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus, particularly in the Chechen Republic, and in operations in Georgia.

      From 1991 to 2010, this award belonged to the category of so-called "sleeping orders" because it was connected to the statutes and symbols of the Soviet Union. The aforementioned 2010 presidential decree, under which the Order was given a new appearance, aligns it with current Russian awards.

      President Dmitry Medvedev attaching the ribbon of the Order of Kutuzov to the regimental colours.

    16. The Special Control Service (Служба Специального Контрола) is a sub department of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation. Its function was to monitor seismological readings during nuclear tests. More recently, it has used seismology to monitor the ban on such tests ensuring compliance with international treaties. Its motto is "seismology in the service of defense".


    17. A very interesting development on this subject of lawful exportation of Russian ODMs.

      It would seem the Russian government (courts) have finally identified "ancient" as meaning 50+ years. Although I haven't found any written evidence of this, many Russian dealers and sellers in on line auction sites now accept to ship outside of Russia if the items are less than 50 years old. More and more Russian sellers are appearing on eBay and other auction sites. I personally have been dealing with multiple Russian dealers without problem for a few years now.

      The only problem is usually how to get the money to the seller, many are using a proxy on PayPal, that's how I've been dealing for a few years without the slightest hitch. (Knocks on wood).

    18. #1 - FSB medal for Distinction in Border Management

      #2 - Def Min Commemorative medal for 50 Years of the Special Control Service 1958 - 2008

      #3 - Medal for Veteran of EMERCOM

      #4 - MVD breast badge for 200 Years of Internal Troops

      #5 - Def Min breast badge for Excellence in Special (Military) Construction

      #6 - Def Min Decoration for Merit of Airborne Troops

      #7 - Def Min Decoration for Merit of Space Troops

      #8 - Def Min Decoration for Merit of Ground Troops

      #9 - Def Min Decoration for Distinction of Strategic Rocket Troops

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