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    Posts posted by TacHel

    1. New development, the Federal Security Service (FSB) has produced and bestowed its own Caucasus Cross. I'm still looking for the official ministerial order but have received multiple confirmations from Russia that this is a genuine article.

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      My contacts in Russia also mention a new projected award of the MVD for the same service.

    2. Oh oh... Yet another find about this elusive cross.

      It wasn't a "given" for simple service in the Caucasus... You actually had to be recommended for it. Seems officers were very good at recommending each other while the troops were pretty much forgotten. You see? It doesn't matter what country's military you serve in, the story never changes.:rolleyes:

      Finally found one!! :jumping:

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    3. Nice pieces; the Russian Federation is an interesting new area. I particularly like the Defense Ministry Decoration for Officiers of the General Staff of the Armed Forces

      Thanks for the post. :beer:


      I also think so. But am really surprised so few people seem interested in ODMs of a huge nation such as Russia that is producing an incredible array of very intricate and attractive items at times. In a way, it keeps prices fairly moderate for now and I can really go all out before the situation changes. Same thing for the Ukraine, their ODMs are starting to hit the market at incredibly low prices, that won't last either, once a market is established by the collecting community, expect prices to soar!

      There's a larger picture of the Decoration for Officiers of the General Staff of the Armed Forces at this link, it is also one of my favourites. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=45980

      I have another lot on the way from Russia that will hopefully beat the XMas postal rush...

    4. post-3030-043292000 1290127732_thumb.jpg

      1- Defense Ministry Commendation of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force

      2- Defense Ministry Commendation of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces

      3- Defense Ministry Commendation of the Minister of Defense

      4- Interior Ministry Commendation of the Chief of Staff of Interior Troops

      5- Defense Ministry Commemorative Breast Badge for 300 Years of the Rear of the Armed Forces (logistics)

      6- Defense Ministry Decoration for Officiers of the Rear of the Armed Forces

      7- Defense Ministry Decoration for Officiers of the General Staff of the Armed Forces

      8- Interior Ministry Commemorative Breast Badge for 200 Years of the Interior Ministry

      9- Defense Ministry Decoration for Combat Duty in the Strategic Rocket Forces

      10- Defense Ministry Decoration for Officiers of Engineering Troops

      11- Defense Ministry Honorary Decoration for Distinction in the Special Weapons Service of the Armed Forces

      12- Ministry for Emergency Situations Breast Badge for Excellence in the State Inspectorate for Small Crafts

    5. post-3030-067343500 1290127077_thumb.jpg

      1- Federal Protective Service (FSO) Medal for Distinction in Labour

      2- Defense Ministry Decoration for Service in Military Intelligence

      3- Federal Security Service (FSB) Cross For Bravery

      4- Federal Protective Service (FSO) Decoration For Service in the FSO of Russia

      5- State Comemorative Medal 65th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

      6, 7 & 8- Ministry of Defense Medals for Distinguished Service 1st, 2nd and 3rd class (new model)

      9, 10 & 11- Border Guard Service of Federal Security Service (FSB) Breast Badges for Excellent Border Guard 1st, 2nd and 3rd class

      12- Interior Ministry (MVD) Commemorative Medal for 100 Years of the Canine Service

    6. Found them all. :D

      Officer of the Order of Canada (OC),

      Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE),

      Officer of the Order of Quebec (OQ),

      Knight of Grace of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem,

      1939-45 Star with "Battle of Britain" bar,

      Air Crew Europe Star,

      Canadian Voluntary Service medal with bar,

      Defense Medal,

      1939-45 British War medal,

      Jubilee Medal for the Centenary of Canadian Confederation,

      Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee Medal,

      Jubilee Medal for 125 Years of Canadian Confederation.

      At age 33, Senator Molson was one of the oldest fighter pilots in the service. After a couple of confirmed kills on german bombers, he was shot down late in the battle (November) sustaining injuries. After returning to Canada in 1941 he commanded 118 fighter sqn RCAF equipped with Kittyhawks which formed part of the X and Y Wings guarding the Alaskan coast shortly after the entry of the USA in the war. He later served in a variety of HQs as a staff officier and commanded several training bases. He was discharged in September 1945 by then holding the rank of Group Captain.

      A very interesting gentleman, I encourage all to look him up in WIki or any other source.

    7. We recently renamed our main squadron hangar in honor of Senator Molson (BoB pilot, 118 SQN CO, senator). We are putting together a display at its main entrance that will include a replica set of his many decorations.

      To date, we have identified the following awards:

      Officer of the Order of Canada

      Officer of the Order of the British Empire

      Officer of the Order of Quebec

      1939-45 Star with Battle of Britain clasp (1 SQN RCAF)

      Aircrew Europe Star

      Defense Medal

      CVSM & Bar

      1939-45 Victory Medal with M.I.D.

      QEII Coronation medal

      1967 Confederation medal

      Possibles: QEII Silver Jubilee Medal, Order of St John, CD, Service medal of St John?

      If anybody has data on this subject, or even a good picture of the gentleman wearing all of his gongs, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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    8. Commendation of the Chief of the Air Force

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      Awarded to military and civilian personnel who have served (have worked) in the Air Force for at least 10 years, veterans of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, or to others who have made significant contributions to the Air Force for assistance in the tasks assigned to the Air Force. Worn on the left lapel.

    9. Commendation of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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      Awarded to soldiers, citizens of Russia and foreign citizens who have made a significant contribution to the development of the RF Armed Forces and interstate relations in the military field. Worn on the right lapel.

    10. Although their exact Russian appellations translate to "memorial badges", the awards below are in fact what we in the Western World would term as "commendations".

      This first one is the Commendation of the Minister of National Defense of the Russian Federation

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      Awarded to soldiers, citizens of Russia and foreign citizens who have made a significant contribution to the development of the Minisrty of Defense of the Russian Federation and interstate military relations. Worn on the right lapel of the dress uniform.

    11. I've been trying to find data on this medal for over 2 years now and have found NOTHING! mad.gif

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      The Russian Federation's Ministry of Defense web site only covers awards, not a single commemorative medal issued by the ministry is mentioned there. This makes finding the actual ministerial order for any defense ministry commemorative medal quite a difficult undertaking, dozens of Russian legal, federal and archival sites must be methodically searched and this is quite time consuming, especially when your knowledge of the Russian language is somewhat limited.

      This particular commemorative medal is for the 50th anniversary of the Special Control Service (dealing with nuclear research, development etc). I found 2 designs sharing the same ribbon and reverse inscription leading me to believe (perhaps astray) that at least one of the two is an unadopted prototype. The lack of any data might also mean that both were unadopted prototypes and that their was actually no commemorative medal approved by the minister.

      Any data on this subject would be greatly appreciated! This puppy is really starting to try my patience!

    12. Besides, I'm afraid if I break them out again, there goes more of my retirement savings!!! Which in 61 days will come in handy. Finally getting to retire from the Air Force after 26 years. Still don't know what I'm going to do when I grow up though.

      Thanks again,


      My apologies to the initial thread for this a bit off%20topic.gif reply but...

      Tony, 26 years isn't too bad... I'm still in, and to give you an idea of how long I've been in so far, look at my avatar, it was my very first A/C. :whistle:

    13. I was in Moscow February 1996. Yes I know, Moscow in February "Are you crazy?!?!". I was down a side street off of Red Square and was looking at a table of shiney things when the guy selling the stuff pulled out from under the table, a piece of leatherette with a bunch of medals on it. I had no idea what they were, but they were Soviet and they were cool looking so I bought the whole sheet. I think I paid $10.00 in rubles, paying in American $$$ was forbidden, so we were briefed.

      So there I am with a pocket full of bright and shiney medal things. Not thinking anything about it, we went through the metal detector to enter Lenin's tomb. All the sirens and buzzers went off, I thought they were going to shoot me. When they started searching my pockets and started pulling all this stuff out, all they could do was laugh and call me a silly American tourist.

      So, fast forward ten years, I'm going through some boxes I found out in the garage, lo and behold, I come across all those medals. So I go online to see what they are and one thing led to another, and here I am, several thousand dollars poorer, but collection richer.

      The magical lot was all the jubillee medals and military anniversary, Lenin 100th anniversary (which the guy selling them told me was an Order of Lenin), and a whole pocket full of tinnies.

      Tonytdyagain, very nice group! But one of them doesn't belong there and IMHO, should be either thrown in the garbage or given to children to play with.

      The 4th medal from the left top row, it's an "Umalatova medal". If you're not familiar with them, check here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=43341

      It simply doesn't belong wih nice genuine articles from the Soviet Era...

      BTW, I like your user ID... I myself have had the great pleasure of spending 10 (non consecutive) weeks at home in the past 14 months! -SIGH-

    14. Actually... I should've transferred the entire write up over here.

      Here's para 2:

      Medal of Merit in Space Exploration "may be awarded to citizens and foreigners for outstanding achievements in the development of space industry in the Russian Federation."

      So yes, foreign citizens can also get it.

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