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    Posts posted by TacHel

    1. Real? Yes... Authentic? Unsure...

      It's a Medal "For Distinguished Service In Defence Of The State Frontiers"

      Awarded to military border guard agencies and frontier troops of Russia as well as to soldiers of other departments for combat exploits and special services rendered as a guard of the state borders of Russia; for bravery and dedication displayed in combat during the detention of violators of the state border of Russia; for leadership in protecting the integrity of the state borders of Russia; for displaying a high degree of vigilance and proactive actions which resulted in the arrest of perpetrators; for high managerial skills in border stations and exemplary work strengthening the borders of Russia; for the excellent performance of duties in the protection of the state borders of Russia, to citizens for their active assistance to border agencies and border troops in their efforts to protect the state borders of Russia.

      The pictures aren't good enough to tell you whether it is genuine or not. Many many copies about...

    2. I am presently translating the 100+ page document to English. I will post it in here once finished.

      Some of the major changes to date:

      -All Soviet Era Orders and medals are now after modern Russian Federation awards in the order of precedense.

      -Soviet Orders will be mounted after Russian Orders but in front of decorations/medals.

      -Soviet decorations/medals will be mounted after their modern Russian counterparts but still in front of commemorative medals.

      -Soviet commemorative medals will be mounted after their modern Russian counterparts.

      (The firms who mount medals are going to have a very brisk business in the coming months!)

      -As mentioned in the initial post, the Orders retained from the Soviet Era will now be ribbon mounted and reduced to a single grade (class/degree).

      Although bearing the same names as their Soviet Era predecessors (Nakhimov, Ushakov, Kutuzov, Suvorov, Nevsky), these are modern Russian Orders with precedense over the old Orders.

      -Commemorative medals produced and bestowed by the state (300 Years of the Russian Navy, 1000th Anniversary of Kazan, 65th Anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, etc) are no longer considered "state awards". The key word here is "award".

      -New medals have been produced to complement existing Orders in order to increase the number of degrees to better match previous (Soviet Era ODMs) such as the "Medal for Parental Glory" (4 children) which now complements the "Order of Parental Glory" (7 children).

      More to come as my translation progresses.

    3. Just wanted to share this recently bought medal....a Ste Helene medal with an Eagle ...eagle looks to be old, but haven't seen one on a ribbon before - maybe someone else has?

      Regards, Owen

      The ribbon looks bran new... :unsure: Leaves me to doubt about how long that eagle has been there...:whistle:

    4. By presidential decree number 1099 dated 7 September 2010, the State Orders of the Russian Federation have gone through a major remork!

      -Amended award criterias.

      -New awards.

      -Major changes to existing awards.

      For example (see pic below), the Orders retained from the USSR (Nakhimov, Ushakov, Kutuzov, Suvorov etc) have been amended to a single degree and hung from a (5 corner mounted) ribbon for the left breast. The Order of Alexander Nevsky has been changed back to the Imperial model.

      Will keep you appraised as I translate more of this quite lenghty decree.

    5. Medal of Merit in Space Exploration: Established by presidential decree number 1099 dated 7 September 2010. (So new it hasn't even been uploaded into the official Russian ODM web site yet!)

      Awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for achievements in research and development of space applications, for outstanding contribution to the development of rockets, space technology and industry, in manpower training, in research and design activities, in implementation of international programs, as well as other achievements in space activities aimed at the comprehensive socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, for strengthening its defense capabilities and ensuring national interests and increased international cooperation.

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    6. Collectors of Soviet ODMs will immediately recognize these breast awards. Retained from the Soviet Era with slight changes to the design but with the addition of a third class vice the 2 from the KGB time.

      Background: President Yeltsin created the Border Service of Russia in 1994 taking that department out of the FSB (ex KGB). President Putin reversed this decision in 2003 abolishing the service and reintegrating it into the FSB as the Border Guard Service of the FSB.

      These badges have the same award criteria as their predecessors. As soon as I find the detailed orders, I will post them here.

      Awarded to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and petty officers of Border Troops, or to other soldiers urgently enlisted in assisting the Border Guard Service, for exemplary performance of duties in the protection of the state border of the Russian Federation, skillful actions to apprehend violators of the border, for displaying courage, perseverance, endurance, excellent performance in combat training, and for military discipline.

      Below is the badge 1st class.

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    7. Decoration for Officers of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

      Established by Order of the minister of national defense number 460 of 3 November 2005.

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      Awarded to officers of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation who have made a significant contribution to solving the challenges facing the Directorate of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and served there for at least 5 years: for exemplary performance of duties and high performance indicators; for diligence and initiative displayed during in the performance of official duties.

    8. Decoration for Officers of Engineering Troops

      Established by Order of the minister of national defense number 315 of 18 August 2000.

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      Awarded to officers of engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, or serving in higher military command formations in the field of military engineering, for distinction, initiative and diligence displayed in the performance of official duties.

    9. Here are a few quite attractive decorations for officers I recently acquired.

      Decoration for Officers of the Rear of the Armed Forces (logistics)

      Established by Order of the minister of national defense number 21 of 16 January 2000.

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      Awarded to officers of the Rear Services (Logistics) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for diligence and distinction in the performance of duties, for courage and valor during service, as well as for great personal contribution to the development and strengthening the rear of the Armed Forces of the RF.

    10. Ooooooooooooooh...:rolleyes: That attempted coup...:whistle:

      Looks for paper bag for head...:blush:

      No new medal, but if you read the award criteria, award isn't limited to the people who participated in the events of 1991.

      ...for merit in the implementation of democratic reforms, economic and political reforms, strengthening of Russian statehood, for contribution to the solution of national problems... (http://award.adm.gov.ru)

      I have no doubt many in 1993 also received it.

    11. Frank,

      Any idea how many were officially awarded, and what the exact criteria was?

      I'm also kind of curious if there was a similar medal struck for the '93 coup, now that I see the White House on this medal...


      All info on award criteria can be found here: http://award.adm.gov.ru/medal/medal_9.htm

      '93 coup? What '93 coup? It happened in '91... The medals were struck in 92.

    12. One thing I've learned about Russian folklore after living in this part of the world for some time - and after drinking a lot of vodka with Russians. Much of folklore isn't "lore" :ninja:

      I didn't dare mention it, but I hear you... When you see some of the things happening there... The way the FSB (ex KGB) rebuilt itself under Putin after being dismantled and decentralized under Yeltsin... Just Google stories in Russian on line papers on how FAPSI was squashed and sucked back into the FSB... Gave me goose bumps! Worthy of a Tom Clancy novel!

      The cherry on the sundae, as far as the story goes (cursed medal), was when general Lebed's plane crashed for no apparent reason.

    13. Another thing I learned from visiting many Russian phaleristics forums...

      Very few people who received it still wear it. There seems to be a strange illness/fate/stigma associated with this particular medal. People awarded it have been dying in droves since the mid 90s... Illness, weird accidents etc... They even talk of a curse! Don't you just love Russian folklore?

      Oh and BTW, the medal is hung backwards on the picture. St George slaying the dragon is the obverse.

    14. Should you find a genuine article, silvered with a serial number... Expect to pay multi hundred (US) dollars. I often browse Russian auction sites, they go from between $250 and $900 depending on the number on the reverse.

      Look for crispness in the detailing, the silver finish is dull and incredibly thin, any wear not accompanied by visible uncovered tombac (yellow brass) should be treated as suspect. Contrary to plating/dipping, the thinness of the silvering doesn't bring down the detailing. Also, as previously mentioned, the etching of the serial number on the reverse will uncover that same yellow brass, if the etched number doesn't show brass at the bottom of the etching grooves, pass on it.

      WARNING: if you see one for sale on eBay with the number 32, pass... The seller's already sold about 15 of them with that number.:rolleyes:

      Unfortunately, in the quest for easy money in a still growing market... Russians are producing copies of the rarer awards at an incredible rate and in ever increasing quality. It's getting quite difficult at times to tell the difference. One particular maker was fined and then closed by the government for producing high quality copies of modern Russian Orders. They hadn't won the contract and didn't care because they were making more money selling to the general public than to the government. Only a VERY CLOSE examination of the maker's mark, enamel type (hot or cold) and tones could lead you to the truth... IF you knew what to look for.

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