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    Posts posted by TacHel

    1. Tim, this medal not being rare nor having much value, on top of being unofficial... I very much doubt anybody is making and selling repros. I think it is simply an extremely cheap model. And I think you were right in returning it, not for the reason I just stated but as a matter of principal, the seller misrepresented the merchandise.

    2. The only two I can help you with are the 2 fourragères (lanyards)

      They are unit awards.

      The red one is the "Fourragère de la Légion d'Honneur": worn by members of a unit that was awarded the Croix de Guerre (War Cross) 6, 7 or 8 times. You'll often see them with "olives" in the colours of the 1914-18 or 1939-45 CdG ribbon if the total number of awards were split between the 2 conflicts. It can also come with an olive in the colour of the ribbon of de CdG TOE if the unit received it 6, 7 or 8 times.

      The grey and pink one the Fourragère de la Croix de Guerre des Théâtres d'Opérations Extérieures (CdG TOE): worn by members of a unit awarded 2 or 3 CdG TOE.

      You can find all the info on these at the web site FRANCE PHALÉRISTIQUE, but it's entirely in French.

      Below are pics to show you what I mean by "olives". The fourragère in the colours of the Médaille Militaire (yellow and green) is for 4 or 5 awards of the CdG, you can see the 2 olives in the different colours of the WW1 and WW2 CdG ribbons denoting the total number of awards was cumulative from both wars.

      The red fourragère below is for 6, 7 or 8 awards of the CdG TOE as denoted by the olive in the colours of its ribbon.

    3. Commemorative Breast Badge "200 Years of the MVD of Russia".

      Awarded to officers and employees of internal affairs, military and civilian personnel of internal security forces and federal public servants for faithful performance regardless of length of service (work); to former employees of internal affairs or veterans of military internal forces who impeccably served in bodies of internal affairs or in the Internal Troops of Russia and had previously received awards from institutions or organs of the criminal police, correctional system, state fire service, federal bodies of the tax police, Customs Service of the Russian federation and other federal bodies with executive powers who provide for military service; to citizens who have rendered assistance in the tasks entrusted to the MVD of Russia.

    4. And another...

      Breast Badge for "Participant in Combat Operations".

      Instituted by ministerial Order No. 333 of 31 March 2000. Awarded to servicemen and officers of the Interior Troops of Russia, for faithful execution of combat duties and fighting for the rule of law, combating crime and terrorism, conducting counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus region; to members of the bodies of Internal Affairs and internal security forces, other employees of the MVD, for taking part in law enforcement activities and public safety in combat theaters.

    5. Thanks for sharing this.

      But I'll be honest with you, I can't wait for the day Russian authorities really clamp down on all of these political and veterans' associations that are dishing out medals, decorations and orders all over the place. I've seen way too many pictures of Russian generals garnishing their racks with these "thingies"...

    6. I can scan you pics of my CGDs at any resolution you require... But as far as ribbon devices go (star & palms), they're already on and won't be interchanged... If I broke a prong switching them I'd cry...

    7. Decoration "For Combat Duty in the Strategic Rocket Forces"

      Instituted on 9 July 2000 by ministerial order 359.

      Awarded to soldiers doing military service under contract in the Strategic Rocket Forces with class 2 training qualifications or above and with excellent bearing during alerts, serving in alert crews of the Central Control of Strategic Rocket Forces, of control stations or relay stations, in alert crews at missile regiments or in the regimental command and control station: for 300 cumulative days on alert; serving in alert crews in other military units for 400 cumulative days on alert; to commanders of military units engaged in combat alert duty who rate as "excellent" during alert exercises.

    8. Strategic Rocket Forces Decoration "For Distinction"

      Instituted on 12 May 2006 by ministerial order 195.

      Awarded to soldiers, sergeants, master sergeants, in military service by conscription or by contract in the Strategic Missile Forces for not less than 1 year: for exemplary performance of military duties, excellent performance in combat training; for high achievements in the development and maintenance of weapons and military equipment.

    9. Here are two decorations (worn on the upper right breast) of Rocket Troops.

      At left, Decoration "Chief Marshal of Artillery Nedelin", at right, Decoration "For Service in Strategic Rocket Forces".

      Decoration "Chief Marshal of Artillery Nedelin"

      Instituted on 7 April 1998 by ministerial order 162.

      Awarded to military and civilian personnel of the Strategic Rocket Forces, as well as veterans of the service, for distinction displayed in the line of normal duties, combat assignments, in carrying out special tasks, for courage and valor in the line of duty, as well as social activities strengthening the position of Strategic Rocket Forces.

      Decoration "For Service in Strategic Rocket Forces"

      Instituted on 4 December 1998 by ministerial order 539.

      Awarded to soldiers of the Strategic Rocket Forces for planning, organizing and serving in alert areas, for outstanding performance of combat duties, exemplary fulfillment of military duties and high personal performance in service while serving in the Strategic Rocket Forces for 10 years or more; for service in the Strategic Rocket Forces for 15 years or more if previously awarded the Honor Badge "Chief Marshal of Artillery Nedelin".

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