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    Posts posted by TacHel

    1. The Great Master hath spoken,

      And all in the land of Faleristica

      Were stunned by his knowledge and wisdom,

      The neophytes, prostrate before him in awe,

      Would later, in his honor, sacrifice Swanson TV dinners.

      All is well once again in the land of "gongs",

      And the people rejoiced in the knowledge

      That whatever the poser,

      They could always rely on the Master!

      Honestly Rick... You impress the living "H" outta me man!:cheers:

    2. Osmosis is pretty much accurate. :beer:

      So many things enter into this...

      reading things like the Personalnachrichten reveals which class of Wuzzit a Feldhilfsarzt got rather than a Feldunterarzt;

      endless decades submerged in Rank Lists imprints the minutiae of actual practice for officers awards;

      rolls of many-classed awards splits remaining hairs very nicely indeed (Lippe-Detmold's even allow sorting out by AGE/seniority in equal status but different classes of awards);

      peering at thousands of photographs, hundreds of award documents...

      and on and on--

      it accretes like the layers of a pearl--and often because of the same irritation at not knowing something arcane and obscure and going to frankly crazy lengths to find out "why."

      We all START out as Sméagol... but often END up as Gollum.... "fading" away, mumbling, fingers worn away by typing. :unsure::speechless1::whistle:

      Rick, I honestly think you must leave (or rather sell) your knowledge to posterity... What happens if you get hit by a bus tomorrow? Or get hit in the back of the head by an old Soviet satellite? All of that knowledge will be lost... The countless hours of research, thousands of paper cuts and TV dinners... Rolls are nice, but simply raw data. A book actually explaining award criteria with links between rank/seniority and award class would be invaluable! It would probably be the first such book ever printed and would be translated and distributed World wide! Think of the fame and money! Think of how many other books you could buy! You could probably afford to hire a typist! Nerdy women with thick glasses, hair nets and bucked teeth all over you! You might actually get to unseal your front door (if you can find it) and venture out into the sunlight once again!

      Food for thought...

    3. No, not a joke... Is there a reference that would give me more info? I have nearly 100 German Imperial awards in my collection, I can identify well over 90% of all imperial awards... But identifying them isn't enough!

      I already have 5 or 6 very good reference books, some from Germany from the 30s and 40s. They show the awards, they talk about the makers, the ribbons but NONE explain in detail the award criteria or who they were bestowed to! In recent threads I've read from Rick and others mention "this was usually awarded to senior NCOs" or "to junior officers"... Where does one find such info?

      Is there a book out there somewhere with that king of information? If not, is anybody planning on writing one? I don't care if it's in English, in French, in German...

    4. Would this be a form of "reduced wear" in a fashion statement-- "only wear the important stuff, everybody has the medals" or is a pair like this likely the top row as worn on a civilian suit?

      Actually Rick, these might've been all he had at the time.

      The inter-allied Victory Medal only came out in 1922.

      The French WW1 commemorative medal only came out in 1920.

      The Combatant's Cross only came out in 1930.

      The Cross for Volunteer Combatant only came out in 1935.

      So between 1918 and at least 1920, this is all this man would've had to wear.

    5. Here's another that was retroactively included into Order No. 633 of 14 June 2000.

      Breast badge for "Model Police Patrol Officer"

      Awarded to members of police patrol services who have worked continuously in the patrol service for not less than five years: for high personal achievements in operational performance, for improving professional skills in the prevention, detection and solving of crimes and the arrest of wanted criminals; for the development and introduction of new working methods enhancing the effectiveness of the patrol service, for initiative and resourcefulness; for active cooperation with other bodies of the MVD contributing to the enhancement of public order and strengthening the fight against crime.

    6. Recently found out that this medal was produced by at least 8 different makers and that at least 3 completely different designs exist. To date I have only seen the variants shown in the previous post and in this one worn on uniforms.

      A slight variation to this design exists where the wreath is actually gilded. I have been unable to find any documentation as to possible differing award criteria for the different variants.

    7. Honor Badge "For Valor in the Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons"

      Awarded to soldiers of the Federal Office for the Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons, who have served there for at least 3 years, for exemplary performance of military duties and the successful completion of special assignments. Instituted by order of the Defense Minister #310 on 4 August 2006.

    8. I just went over the award criteria for the Médaille Militaire, quite possible for your sgt.

      * For those with eight years of military service;

      * Those who were listed in order of the army regardless of their length of service;

      * Those who received one or more injuries in fighting before the enemy or under orders

      * Those who have distinguished themselves by an act of courage or dedication deserving an award.

    9. Hi,

      needs to be taken into account that the tunic with 7 buttons was worn until 1910 before being replaced.

      It MAY be that it was worn in garrison duty during the war.... dont know enough about these to say....

      Well that throws a curve on things.

      I did read though that the unit had a reserve component (dunno if company or battalion strength), if like other countries, maybe these poor schmoes wore old stuff into WW1. Akin the 1914 German reservists going to war wearing 1870 stuff... A possibility?

      The ONLY other possibilities are awards mentioned above by Vet and Paul probably earned in another unit... This is a good one!

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