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    Posts posted by TacHel

    1. The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) has its own awards system consisting of both medals and breast badges. A great many badges seen on pictures of Russian servicemen and police officers denote unit, district etc. The badges below are awards, and as of today, the only awards worn as breast badges in the MVD. Mind you, I know of 2 more that are awaiting ministerial approval, I will add them to this thread when/if they make it.

    2. The prob here my friend is that French military flags/banners/standards were never cheaply made. If there's one thing the French will NOT cheapen it's this. Their military colours are of the highest quality and always embroidered, been like this for centuries.

      I'll have a looksee on the web if some merchant in Europe might have silk screened copies if you want... I also have quite a few contacts in France that can look for some cheap imitation... But don't hold your breath.:(

    3. TS...

      These are DEFINITELY NOT military standards.

      They're either home made (modified) ordinary flags, or they were used in front of a federal government building. The fact that the center motif AND the 4 corner motifs ALL say "RF" means federal government, NOT military.

      Don't bother... If you're looking for something military, these aren't it. Sorry.

    4. Just my personal opinion, I'm no expert but...

      The mast tip could be from any organization.

      The design on the flag seems to have been painted on through a stencil... Hardly indicative of a period item.

      If it were me, I'd give it a wide berth... Looks like an old ordinary flag painted to resemble a regimental standard, and a very poor job of it too.

    5. I think this might be a new hobby of mine.

      Be careful, it is QUITE addictive! But incredibly rewarding also.

      I guess you have to start somewhere and what better way?

      Dang! Got that right! Your very first medal is an original Victorian Era medal to a small unit that's in great shape and worth multi hundreds of dollars.

      You lucky *bleep*!:rolleyes: Good for you!:cheers:

    6. Hello guys!


      I think the dual pin setup on yours is the typical French/Belgian style mount we see on most of these awards, is it not? If the pins are brass, it might be a modern medal or replacement pin as I think the old ones were steel?

      It is a French mount. My question was about whether the medal itself was of French or British manufacture.

    7. As for the 2 French medals, they're both "unofficial" commemorative medals. They were given to vets returning for the commemorative celebrations but were also readily available for purchase by tourists.

    8. Translation:

      If Philippe did not land on June 6th, at Omaha, his friend Stephen Ermano had related everything. Stephen, another veteran, passed away last year. Shortly after his death, Philippe carried out his last wish. Early in the morning, he advanced on Omaha Beach at low tide. Then, there, dispersed the ashes of his friend on the sand. "Steve" wished to rest among his own, these young comrades, who's blood, at one time, reddened the ocean here.

      Wow... As poignant as it gets.

    9. JPL, you missed the link by one click.

      This is the order of precedence

      And like JPL mentioned, UN medals aren't treated as foreign. I think this might have something to do with the fact the founder of the UN Peace Keeping Force was the then Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. The medals were incorporated into the Canadian honours' system while he was still in office. This "trend" ultimately led to NATO and MFO medals being included.

    10. Established by his Holiness Patriarch Alexy II and the Holy Synod on 1 October 2004. The Order is awarded to ecclesiastics, generals, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, other persons who showed courage in defense of the Fatherland, who have made contributions to the development of cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Army, and in providing spiritual and moral support for the troops.

      The award is split into 3 classes. 1st, 2nd and 3rd.


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