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    Posts posted by TacHel

    1. In 1968 when Canada abandoned British uniforms for our own national one we altered the rank structure. Mind you, this was mostly in name for NCOs.

      Army "Staff Sergeant" became "Warrant Officer", the 3 chevrons disappeared and the crown moved to the lower arm.

      Air Force "Flight Sergeant" also became "Warrant Officer", the 3 chevrons went away and the crown went down to the lower arm.

      Navy Petty Officer 1st class, retained the name but also lost the chevrons and the crown went to the lower arm.

      What you call Quartermaster sergeant, we call Master Warrant Officer in the air force, Chief Petty Officer 2nd class in the navy and company sergeant major in the army, it's the rank between W.O./P.O.1 and C.W.O./R.S.M./C.P.O.1

      Below are the ranks of air force W.O. and M.W.O., only the background colour changes for the army (green) and the navy (black). For the navy, the single crown is the rank of Petty Officer 1st class, the crown with the wreath is Chief Petty Officer 2nd class.

    2. Here are the Canadian ranks for RSM (Army), CWO (Air Force) and CPO1 (Navy).

      These are the heavy bullion badges worn on the mess kit and thus the detailing isn't as crisp as on the normal parade tunic badges.

      Army = red backing

      Air Force = blue backing

      Navy = black backing

      The basic ranks of RSM, CWO and CPO1 are the Canadian coat of arms.

      The addition of the tri-service crest under the basic rank denotes a senior appointment such as Brigade or Divisional RSM, Fleet CPO1 or Air Group or Air Division CWO.

    3. I just received the latest catalog from Carsten Zeige, Auction 33, 26 September.

      On page 13, items 204 and 205... I have never seen Crown Orders like these before.

      For those without the catalog, 204 is the neck badge for a commander, 205 is the associated breast star. Both have an enamel ribbon in the colours of the Order of the Red Eagle around them.

      Can somebody please enlighten me as to the meaning of this? I've honestly never seen this before or even heard of it.:blush:

      Thank you...

    4. I usually retrieved ministerial orders from this Russian web site: http://www.consultant.ru/

      But for the past few weeks when trying to access Defense Ministry Orders about medals I keep getting a message saying the Orders in question were modified in June 2008 and I am unable to access the original orders or the amended version.

      Can anybody help?:(

    5. Great find tsarenko! It made me think. Since the Commemorative Medal for the 50th Anniversary of the Space Age (Памятная медаль

      "50 лет Космической Эры") is on the same Defense Ministry Order as the Medal for Service in Space Forces (Медаль За службу в Космических войсках), maybe the medals below are also on the same ministry orders as the medals associated to the same service or event?

      Could the Medal for the 300th Anniversary of Naval Infantry (Медаль За "300-лет морской пехоты) be on the same 3 November 2005 Order as the Medal for Service in the Naval Infantry (Медаль "За службу в морской пехоте)???

      Could the Commemorative Medal for the 90th Anniversary of Military Intelligence (Памятная медаль "90 лет военная разведка") be on the same Order as the Medal for Service in Military Intelligence (Медаль За Службу В Военной Разведке)???

      Could the Commemorative Medal for the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Submarine Forces (Памятная медаль "100 лет Подводным силам России") be on the same 10 March 2006 Order as the Medal for Service in the Submarine Force (Медаль За службу в подводных силах)???

      Can you easily find these Orders of the Defense Ministry? I did not keep links to them...:blush::whistle:

    6. Tsarenko, these are definitely Defense Ministry commemorative medals. Civilian/veteran's organizations and unit commanders do not, and cannot inscribe "Министерство Обороны Российсккой Федерации" (Defense Ministry Russian Federation) on the reverse of their medals. The pic below shows the reverse of the 6 medals. I have many medals made by unit and fleet commanders, NONE are identified as Defense Ministry awards.

    7. Dear TacHel! If I'm not mistaking, on photo 1 we can see medal 'for service in Naval Infantry', which was est. by Order #455 November,3,2005.

      Unfortunately Maxim, it is not. If you examine the picture above, #1 is the Medal for Service in Naval Infantry. #2 is the Medal for 300 Years of Naval Infantry. You can see the quaint differences on the medals and the extra narrow black stripe on the ribbon of the commemorative medal. Below is the civilian/veteran version on 4 corner mount.

      I already have inception dates and award criteria for all Defense Ministry medals except the 6 listed above.

      Good information you can find on Russian version of Wikipedia "Ведомственные награды Российской Федерации". If you will have any problem, I'll try help! Good luck, colleague! Maxim Tsarenko

      Thank you for the link to the Russian Wikipedia page, I already had it. This is a link to my Wikipedia page CLICK HERE

      If you can help with ANY missing info I would be most grateful! My Russian is quite limited, I just started learning it 3 months ago. Any info on these 6 commemorative medals would be a great start!

      Спасибо! :cheers:

    8. The medals below are all Defense Ministry Commemorative Medals (Памятная медали). I've been looking for over 18 months in Russian governmental web sites, press releases, decrees, I even joined three Russian language phaleristic forums (in vain) to get answers...


      I require their dates of inception and award criteria.

      If ANYBODY can get me this info, I will be EXTREMELY grateful! I must admit at being near the end of my rope on these...:(

      They are:

      1- Medal for the 300th Anniversary of Naval Infantry / Медаль За "300-лет морской пехоты"

      2- Medal for the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Submarine Forces / медаль "100 лет Подводным силам России"

      3- Medal for the 50th Anniversary of the Space Age / медаль "50 лет Космической Эры"

      4- Medal for the 50th Anniversary of the Special Inspection Service / медаль "50 ЛЕТ Службе Специального Контроля"

      5- Medal for the 90th Anniversary of Military Intelligence / Памятная медаль "90 лет военная разведка"

      6- Medal for the 50th Anniversary of the Moscow Commandant's Office Honor Guard / медаль "50 летие роты почетного караула Военной комендатуры Москвы"

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