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    Posts posted by TacHel

    1. hi François,

      You have right, what a book it will be. But like I have more than 1600 cards I think I will make several volumes ;)


      So many of those INCREDIBLE shots have NEVER BEFORE been published. So many great pics have been lost to history, a book or series of books containing these great shots would ensure their survival for posterity.

    2. #1 Is marked COTAM, this stands for "COmmandement du Transport Aérien Militaire" (Military Air Transport Command).

      It is the badge of the "Centre Opérationel du Transport Aérien Militaire" (Military Air Transport Operational Center) at air base #107 Villacoublay.

    3. Actually, that is incorrect, this piece is post October 1946 (4th or 5th Republic). An earlier (3rd Rep.) piece would've had the year 1870 after "RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE" on the front. Both 4th and 5th Republic models are exactly alike.

      A maker's mark "might" narrow it down a bit more, but just maybe... Definitely a modern (post 1946 piece).

    4. The next photo shows what appears to be a parade composed on BW soldiers and members of a Veterans Orgaization. From the cars in the picture this photo could date from the late 50s early 60s.

      The sashes being worn by the vets... I know it isn't that evident to make a call from a B&W picture but...

      Are they Red White and Black akin a 1939 EK2/RK ribbon?

    5. Because of the construction of the plate and pin? I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on that part.

      I can possibly see the 1870/71 medal not being original to the set and being replaced by a Frontkampfer but that other ribbon being the WW1 Hungarian medal? THAT I simply cannot agree to... If it is in fact from the 30s, then I think the other ribbon is still from Hessen as previously thought.


    6. :Cat-Scratch: Bling? Meet General of Infantry Dr. Eduard von Peucker, 1791 - 1876. Here is an example that, in my opinion, approaches being something other than German - North Korea comes to mind.

      Wish that I could make this picture larger so that you could really see the details of all this. :banger:

      And if you count them... It is but a mere fraction of the number of ODMs our main character has...

    7. Mind you, I have seen an Honour Medal and a Red Eagle Medal mounted with such a ribbon, but only once, and IMHO, wrongly.

      Other similar ribbons (228, 267, 294 & 465) make very little sense and I very much doubt they are correct for this bar...

      Ribbon 211 for the "F?r Tapferkeit" medal from Hessen-Darmstadt (most likely Ludwig III) like VtwinVince hinted, is the most likely candidate if this isn't a poorly manufactured Prussian ribbon.

      Are we going to see a pic of the reverse?

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