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    Posts posted by TacHel

    1. The webmaster is Marc Champenois. He's very pleasant to chat with and incredibly knowledgeable on French awards from all periods. He's a vet from the French service presently living in the South seas... (Lucky B... ;) )

      Any data/pics you might have that would benefit his site he will openly and thankfully accept and even list you as a benefactor.

      Don't hesitate to contact him, like I said, he's a pleasure to deal with.

    2. The design is on the money, I'm just surprised to see a "full" badge in lieu of a hollow one. All 1957 wound badges of any grade I've seen had a hollow back.

      ADDENDA: Well what do you know... I just found 2 other "full" ones just like this one. Mind you, all it means is that there's more than one, not necessarily good because it's on eBay. But encouraging.

    3. Yup, the paranoia surrounding the swastika in Germany has reached epic proportions. I guess they don't want to admit that this was the national symbol for 12 years. And Rick is right about re-attaching medals to a spange. I've done it a few times, and the results are never great.

      Actually, the paranoia is mostly from outside of Germany. Travel through Deutschland from flea market to flea market or militaria dealer to dealer... You'll see more swastikas there then in 1933! All they do is stick the price sticker on top of the swastika to hide it, very often barely even partially. I've been to militaria dealers there that had back rooms that looked like bloody party headquarters with banners, flags, awards, posters, busts of "H" himself! Dealers don't even hide the swastikas if the items are inside their shop, even when in the front window.

      But this seller was a moron, all he had to do was to photoshop over the swastikas without permanently maiming this fine set.

    4. That's a fine period ribbon.

      The signature and hallmarks are there.

      The design is correct.

      The suspension is correct.

      The patina isn't the greatest... Looks like somebody plated this medal after it was already well worn. Which sometimes denotes a copy... Sometimes. I can't see why somebody would copy a medal issued by the millions...

      Or it this due to the fact you used an Epson? :rolleyes:off%20topic.gif

      Sorry... ;)

    5. Other possibility here... But purely hypothetical.

      The owner might've removed the crown himself. Many St Helena medals had the small cross atop the crown broken off by the recipients because after the horrible defeats of the Grande Arm?e, they said " there cannot be a God" and simply snapped them off.

      Maybe this person really did receive a "Monarchie de juillet" LoH and simply removed the crown during the "2nd Republic" period to match (center disc not withstanding) what was being bestowed then? Like I said, purely hypothetical.

      In any case, it doesn't change the fact that this set for sale is wrong.

    6. i got one of those 'voov' combat brother veterans merit medals for about ?10 from a dealer i know! For ?10 is is is a very good quality award even if it is a tad worthless in other ways. It came with an award document.

      Watch out for those award documents... I've caught many Eastern Europeans making false ones and inserting the names of ministries in them in order to get higher prices for worthless junk. eBay is rife with them!

      I'm posting a thread on it real soon in the Russian Federation section.

    7. A LoH "Monarchie de juillet" without a crown? :o


      Either the crown is missing and they reworked the suspension or the star is more modern and older center pieces were inserted. It isn't that rare to see an LoH with center discs that were changed.

      But as is... NO WAY!

    8. Extrait des Minutes de la Secr?tairerie d'?tat

      Au Palais des Tuileries Le 20 f?vrier 1813

      Napol?on, Empereur des Fran?ais, Roi d'Italie, Protecteur de la Conf?d?ration du Rhin, M?diateur de la Conf?d?ration Suisse, etc., etc., etc.

      Sur le rapport de Notre Ministre Directeur de l'administration de la guerre, avons d?cr?t? et d?cr?tons ce qui suis.

      Article 1

      Sons nomm?s Chevaliers de l'Ordre Imp?rial de la R?union, les Messieurs Broussaud es Pegouri?, m?decins, Lemaire es ?, Chirurgiens majors, Fauch?, Pharmacien major, es Blondel, Pharmacien principal, employ?s ? l'arm?e du midi de l'Espagne.

      Art. 2

      Le grand chancelier de l'ordre Imp?rial de la R?union es charg? de l'ex?cution du pr?sent d?cres.

      Sign? : Napol?on

      Par l'Empereur

      Le Ministre Secr?taire d'?tas

      Sign? : Le Comte Daru

      Pour Copie Conforme

      Le Ministre d'?tas Grand Chancelier

      I couldn't identify one of the names, if anybody wants to give it a shot...

    9. Extrait des Minutes de la Secr?tairerie d'?tat

      Au Palais de l'?lys?e 7 Mars 1812

      Napol?on, Empereur des Fran?ais, Roi d'Italie, Protecteur de la Conf?d?ration du Rhin, M?diateur de la Conf?d?ration Suisse, etc., etc., etc.

      Nous avons d?cr?t? et d?cr?tons ce qui suis.

      Article 1

      Sons nomm?s Commandeurs de l'Ordre Imp?rial de la R?union.


      Le Comte d'Anguissola, S?nateur.

      Le Comte Buglioni de Perugia.

      Monsieur de Balbi, Recteur de l'Acad?mie de Turin.

      Monsieur Bartolucci, Conseiller d'?tat.

      Le Comte Belderbusch, S?nateur.

      Le Comte de Laville, S?nateur.

      Monsieur Brancadori de Sienne, maire de cette ville.

      Le Comte de Brignole, ma?tre des requ?tes.

      Le Comte Carbonara, S?nateur.

      Monsieur Castellalfieri, Chambellan de Son Altesse la princesse Pauline.

      Monsieur Adami Cavaillan.

      Le Baron de Coninck, ma?tre des requ?tes Pr?fes des bouches de l'Elbe.

      Le Comte Neri Corsini, Conseiller d'?tat.

      Le Baron Garzoni Venturi, Chambellan.

      Monsieur Fabrom, ma?tre des requ?tes.

      Le Comte Fossombroni, S?nateur.

      Monsieur R?mis Lorenza Ghettini.

      Monsieur Guinti, Conseiller d'?tat.

      Le Comte Lascaris, (fils du feu vice roi de Sardaigne)

      Le Baron Dal Pozzo, 1er Pr?sident de la Cours d'appel de G?nes, Ma?tre des requ?tes.

      Le Comte ?mile Pucci, Chambellan, Maire de Florence.

      Le Comte Salmatons, Intendant des biens de la Couronne en Pi?mons.

      Le Marquis Sorbello de Perugia.

      Spannocchi de Livoume.

      Le Comte d'Osmond, Archev?que de Florence.

      Monsieur Sproni, recteur de l'acad?mie de Pise, Membre du Corps l?gislatif.

      Le Comte Venturi, S?nateur.

      Art. 2

      Notre Grand Chancelier de l'Ordre Imp?rial de la R?union es charg? de l'ex?cution du pr?sent d?cres.

      Sign? : Napol?on

      Par l'Empereur

      Le Ministre Secr?taire d'?tas

      Sign? : Le Comte Daru

      Pour Copie Conforme

      Le Ministre d'?tas Grand Chancelier

    10. I've been collecting for 30 years now... At first I stayed away from NAZI stuff simply because I wasn't sure where or how to get it... As my budget increased over the years, so did my knowledge and to this very day, the ONLY NAZI items I have are part of documented sets which span both wars.

      There are more NAZI fakes about than genuine articles and many are now so incredibly good that even experts aren't sure, so they tend to call everything a fake. During my last two visits to Germany I found a veritable infestation of repro Deutsche Kreuze in gold and silver. Absolutely magnificent repros that only years of collecting allowed me to identify as such. I found these dealers quite abrasive at anybody with knowledge of ODMs and was somehow told on many occasions they had to close early as I was escorted to the door. Munich is rife with some shops... One, a single merchant was honest with me when I balked at some of his items and prices, he smiled and said "the Americans will buy it, they buy anything with a swastika on it".

      I truly hope these peddlers of repros/copies/fakes stay the "H" away from Imperial items!! It would be such a shame to destroy such a beautiful and historic hobby line.

    11. My latest addition to my 57 collection... courtesy of Christian. Many thanks my friend for the award and the use of the pics:

      I never realized they'd reissued these in 57 as well but Grant and several others confirmed it. It's another one I'm eagerly awaiting it's arrival in the mail from Germany. Can't wait to see it in person! :jumping::beer:

      Dan :cheers:

      Really? :o You sure? :o Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no knowledge to the fact they didn't reissue them... I'm just a bit puzzled as to why they'd have to since it didn't require any denazification. A full list of everything that was reissued post 57 would be nice huh?

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