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    Troy Tempest

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    Posts posted by Troy Tempest

    1. I sent the seller this message:

      Hi, I was under the impression the 1870 EKIIs never had marked ribbon rings. Am I wrong? Thanks!

      I just received this reply:

      Yes, 1870's EKs can be found with maker marks on the rings. I have seen many over my 40 + years of collecting EKs.

      My best,


      What am I to think of this? I fully appreciate I am only learning about 1870 EKIIs, but this seems to go against everything I have absorbed on this site about them?

    2. My link

      And if you can't read the whole ad it says


      For Sale:

      A beautiful 1870 EK2 with a Unique Pin Attachment Device which would allow its winner to wear it on his civilian clothes or even his military uniform for that matter. This is the correct style of pin device you want to see on this era of EK! The large ring has a silver content stamp of 999. Impossible to upgrade this cross!

      Payment by Cashier's Check, Money Orders, or PayPal +4% ONLY! No Personal Checks Or PayPal E-Checks accepted!

      I will consider trades for the following Nazi Daggers in minty condition as partial or full payment as well:

      SS EM


      Naval Officer, must have portapee in place!

      HJ Knife with motto on Blade!

      RAD Hewer

      Red Cross EM

      Teno EM

      Happy Hunting,



    3. My Flak-Artillerie badge is marked 6Sa. I also have two Jäger badges, one is grey, marked 7Sa, the other is green, marked 22Su. Judging by shades in my Tieste book, I gathered the right colour should be green, the grey one is identical to my Pioniere badge. Does this mean I got a Jäger badge that wasn't painted, as well as one that was? Or have I got a Pioniere badge that was mistakenly stamped Jäger?

    4. I'd be glad to post photos soon. My current digital camera doesn't focus down close enough to take shots of makers marks etc, I am paying off a much better one and should have it in a month or so. I will then be in a photo frenzy! Will post loads of photos on the site from then on. I have hundreds of pieces that need photographing properly and look forward to sharing them. Thanks again gents!

    5. Hi gents, I'm sorry if this has been discussed before, but could someone tell me if it's true or not that non-magnetic 1914 EKIIs were issued to the German navy, because of rust issues? I bought four EKIIs from a guy in Germany, very happy with three of them, but one was non-magnetic. I asked if I could return it and get a refund, as I thought it was fake, and this is the reply I received, via a translator program:

      "Hello, it does not concern a forgery, rather around a rarity. With the navy no iron core was used, rust danger. You can read up this in the technical literature. The best greeting."

      Is this true or have I been taken for a ride here? The amount of money is not a lot, less than 30 euros, but I'd like to know whether or not that is a plausable answer. Thanks!

    6. Hi Micha, but would the same maker have different types of maker mark? For example, the maker M or W, would their M or W always look the same? Both my M or W EKIIs maker marks are different, which makes me think they are not the same. If they aren't, one is upside down compared to the other. I will post some photos when I get my new camera, unfortunately the one I own now doesn't focus close enough to get good photos of makers marks.

    7. Hi Micha, I only own 15, I'm trying to get one from each maker, and I haven't seen an MFH since I started buying EKIIs, which has only been for about 18 months. I know the condition isn't good, and normally I wouldn't buy one like this, but now I have a MFH! I will have to keep looking for a better one, but if I can't find one, the MFH space in my collection is filled.

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