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    Troy Tempest

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    Posts posted by Troy Tempest

    1. Hot in Sydney today was it Troy? Chill out dude. Have one of these... :cheers: ... by the pool.

      A little bit of Humour is a good thing in this life for some of us.

      Describing this badge as "rare" IS funny, but it's the person selling it that laughable not you.

      Your humble apology is accepted however. (p.s. that's humour again)

      All the best


      Alas it's Melbourne weather all day today - no pool or beach for me I'm afraid! And I only drink champagne! :P Perhaps the seller was having a laugh but I'm happy with the badge, and it's adding to my small but growing tinnie collection, about 12 out of the total 200 pieces I have managed to gather in my secret (as far as the other half is concerned!) collection. I didn't have much interest in tinnies at first, but am taking a shine to them now.

    2. If one was to examine every pupil of every high school of the entire planet you would still find less pimples than there are examples of this badge floating around. One of only a very few tinnies I am sick of the sight of. :cheeky: . When it comes to sales blurb sometimes ignorance is bliss.


      Well excuse me Colin Davie, perhaps I should run everything past you first before posting anything else on this site? Please accept my most humble apologies for daring to ask someone a question about this tinnie, especially as by forcing you to view it, it has made you sick and taken you away from your fixation with pimples. Thanks again for your answer Naxos! :D

    3. Congrats! Are you collecting a certain type?

      Hi Paul! I'm collecting all three grades, have so far 26 HKIs, 6 HKIIs and 7 HKIIIs, three urkunde's and am hoping to get my first cased HKI. I also have now 8 EKIIs (imperial) and climbing! I know I have been promising to post photos soon, I have laybyed a digital camera that can focus down to 1cm, I'm going away to my mums for a holiday today for 7-10 days, when I get back to Sydney I'll pick the camera up and start photographing my collection. It now stands at about 120 items. I've posted about 30 on my site, but using the sellers photos, I'll replace them all early next year and post them all here as well.

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