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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by paul wood

    1. There are numerous varieties of ensigns badges, as to hallmarks, is it definitely silver or is it silvered metal, quite frequently found on late Imperial badges and therefore not hallmarked. I would not dismiss the badge out of hand.


    2. Rural England had it's share of crime in the 18th and 19th century and under the bloody code virtually everything was punishable by death. I recently visited Bodmin jail which is now a tourist site cum boozer (the beer was bloody awful). Ranges of crimes for which people were executed included robbery, sheep stealing and a poor Mr William Hocking who was executed in 1834 for bestiality.


    3. Some people think that looking at a overpriced auction, it automatically sets the price for their item.

      Alas, being in the auction business it is only too true. Somebody phones up with an item which you know regularly fetches around £500 in auction, you tell them it is worth about £500, you then get the reply but there was one on the internet at £5,000 and therefore you are wrong. At this point you ask them if they believe every word in the Bible, to which they reply "Of course not", my reply is "then why do you believe everything you see on the internet."


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