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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by paul wood

    1. Bill,

      You may well by right, another possibility it that many of the Indian Victory medals were purchased en-mass from Indian scrap dealers, there are tales, certainly before the export laws in India toughened up of them being purchased by dealers for a fraction over the scrap by the hundred weight, same is the case with Memorial plaques and Stars. The BWMs were always a bit more pricey as they ended up with the silver dealers (if only I could get a time machine and go to India in the 1960s the treasures that were available)


    2. Your knowledge of scripture is impressive (nearly as good as Stalins, if he had entered the priesthood what would the world be like). As an ex theological student it is nice to here scripture quoted as it has disappeared largely from day to day English. I was at Newcastle University and our faculty motto was "Newcastle University Divinity Department, living proof the Devil can quote Scripture." But to quote our Lord I must depart "I Thirst."


    3. The Colombians have the best award, The Canine Merit Decoration (Al Merito Canino), which is placed round my labradors neck on special ocassions. I presume the decoration was awarded to police dogs based on the number of felons or government opponents they bit where it really hurts.


    4. I was surprised it went for that price but it does support the widespread perception that Manchukuo orders are Japanese, not Chinese.

      Imagine what a cased 2nd Class Golden Grain or Striped Tiger set would have sold for.

      Paul - well done on that 1st Type 3rd Class Double Dragon. 40,000 pounds must be a new record.

      Yes the Chinese did incredibly well, the type 2 1/3 star made £8,500, even managed to shift that late Cloud and Banner for £2,400.


    5. It seems that you can't give Japanese medals away even at a half to a third of what they were making 35 years ago, even the auspicious clouds sold on the reserve. I reckon if I sold my collection of Raj Medals to Indians I could fill a warehouse with Japanese ODM on the proceeds.


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