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    Everything posted by jonv

    1. Can someone confirm the identity of this officer in Garde du Corps uniform? He looks similar to Wilhelm Graf von Hohenau, a staff officer in that regiment, but I'm unsure. https://prussianmachine.com/prussia/hohenau_w.htm Thanks! Jon
    2. Königlich-sächsisches Militär-Verordnungsblatt Although I've heard that Ancestry.com offers access to these documents, I was wondering if this source is available for free from another on-line archive?
    3. Thanks for that answer. My guess is that the listed awards in both the Wochenblatt and Bavarian Verordnungs-Blatt fall under generic publication dates for that issue. When a secondary date is given below in the text, maybe it is close to accurate (?)... but I'm still unsure if it matches the correct action date on the certificate. What a complicated mess I've gotten into.
    4. The Militaer-Wochenblatt 1915 Jul-Dez edition has Genmajor Hinzler awarded the EK2 and EK1 medals on the same day: 06 August 1915 Can someone explain if this is possible (common)?
    5. Many many thanks! In the Bavarian Rangliste, 1914 Maximilian was Generalmajor z.D. on 17.07.1896 but ... as far as I can tell, he was NOT recalled to active duty. He would've been 72 in 1914. So, the recalled Frh von Schacky who was promoted GenKav ch. on 26.12.1917 must have been Karl/Carl ... whose photo I haven't been able to find *the Sutterlin looks like: Frhh von Schacky Oberst(?)
    6. Need help! I suspect this is Kommandant of Munich Karl von Schacky auf Schönfeld, but .... possibly his (brother?) Maximilian. I believe at least Karl was recalled to active duty during 1914-18.
    7. Is there a technical difference between the promotion in rank identified as charakterisiert (brevetted) and the promotion ohne Patent? ... Or are they synonymous?
    8. Would anyone know of a source that lists Schwarzer Adlerorden recipients and award dates through 1918? I have the book Die Ritter des K.P. Hohen Ordens vom Schwarzen Adler, but ... listing is only through the year 1880.
    9. Sorry if I'm repeating Old News here, but was very happy to find the SLUB webpages (Sächsische Landesbibliothek — Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek)... This site very nicely complements the Hathi site, which has several missing Saxon Ranglisten. SLUB has all of the books, at least 1850 - 1914, very easy to find and download as PDF. Also various and sundry regiment histories available. https://digital.slub-dresden.de/werkansicht/dlf/31677/1 * find the scroll down menu to the left of the above page.
    10. thanks Glenn! My intention is to clarify his rank by War's end; so I will update his profile to show a 12.4.1916 promotion ... but with Patent not until 16.6.1920. It's a career path that was a bit out of the ordinary, so maybe this is a reflection of that?
    11. Many thanks, both you guys, for the assist! So Glenn, Lossow was promoted to Genmj 12.04.1916, but ... no official Patent until four yrs later on 16.6.1920? Obviously that is not normal, correct? Jon
    12. A couple questions regards Generalmajor Otto von Lossow: The two included photos are both in Lossow's German Wiki, but ... is this truly the same guy? It just does not look like the same person, to me. Also trying to pin down von Lossow's promotion date to Generalmajor. Again, the Wiki shows 19.04.1916 (I have 12.04.1916 in my notes), but ... the Bavarian Rangliste of April 1918 seems to have the date at 17.04.1917. The note "ohne Patent" here I'm assuming is not the same as "charakterisiert". Was his promotion possibly ante-dated at some later point? I could not find him listed in the Mil-Wochenblatt 1916-1917 nor the Bav. Verordnungs-blatt 1916-1917.
    13. Grossartig! Habe ich endlich das Genkdo-Frankfurt gefunden (neben dem Schaulspielhaus). tks!
    14. ok Thanks Andy ... let me give that a look-see. besten Dank!
    15. Tag Andy! Besten Dank fuer die Infos und Hinweis ... hab ich richtig was zu tun. cheers = Jon V
    16. OK, ob jemand mir bitte helfen könnte, information (Adresse, Beschreibung) oder photos einer der folgenden Armeekorps-Gebäuden zu finden? Ich habe jetzt mindestens 20 Jahren fruchtlos versucht, etwas zu finden: 1. VII. AK HQ in Muenster 2. XII. Saechs-AK HQ in Dresden 3. XVIII. AK HQ in Frankfurt aM 4. I. Bay-AK HQ in Muenchen many thanks! Jon http://www.prussianmachine.com/
    17. Tks GreyC! I will assume then that the photo caption is correct, except for locating the building in (nearby) Charlottenburg. Such a nice building, seems there would be more published photos. Jon V
    18. Looking for some help re the III. Armeekorps Generalkommando headquarters facility in Berlin. I understand that in the 1914 time frame, the building was located near Magdeburger Platz at the address: 2 Genthiner Str., and co-located with the Intendantur, as the below map shows: I've tried for 20 years to find an image of this building, no success... but then .... I found the below undated photo which is great. I'm very very happy .... There's always a however, though, and I think Genthiner Strasse is not really in Charlottenburg, as is labeled on the photo. So, wondering if the photo is indeed the Genthiner Str building?? Or, maybe another III.AK Genkdo facility that was actually in the Charlottenburg section??:
    19. OK great, Glenn! ... that is what I was looking for. Much appreciated. Jon
    20. Thank you so much, Glenn, for answering both questions. On the second one, I guess it is more complex than I'd thought, although I am limiting the question to general officers. I've considered (mistakenly?) the terms Epauletten and Achselstücken as interchangeable and so have used epaulet to describe both. So the question is if there was a dated order to phase out the older fringed epaullette, seen below with Wilhelm I? Images of WW1-era generals seem to only depict tunics with the oblong-shape Achselstück that Moltke is wearing: Jon
    21. I'm looking for a date or year when Prussian officers started to switch from wearing the older epaulets to those worn during the First World War. Also interested in the time frame when the army changed from using General-Lieutenant to Generalleutnant. Thanks!
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