Jean Louis Lacarde died about three years ago - while working on a book about "La Panzerwaffe 1918", which remained unfinished. May he rest in peace. - Regarding the German tank formations, they belonged to the "Kraftfahrtruppen" (motor transport service). The detachments thus had "Kraftfahrer" and "Waffenpersonal" (weapons personnel), the latter drawn mainly from artillery (for the guns), infantry or machine gun units. Interestingly, the commander of the detachments was an engineer captain, as was his deputy. The detachments had five Lieutenants as tank commanders (theoretically Kraftfahrers, but in reality a mix of everything), one artillery officer and one machine gun officer (both lieutenants as well). The replacement unit was the Kraftfahr-Ersatz-Abteilung 1 at Berlin-Sch?neberg. Thus uniforms with Kraftfahrer "K" on the shoulder straps and machine gun sharpshooter badge on the arm together with Prussian guard lace on the collar were not uncommon.