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    Richard Gordon

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    Posts posted by Richard Gordon

    1. It is reasonable to presume that these sets were supplied to the PKA by Godet, given the appearance of the cases. However, I have never examined a known, original cased set of this nature personally, so I do not know if the cases or the lower grade awards bore any Godet trademarks.

      I think it would be reasonable to assume that in these sets the RK is unmarked given the early date as I would assume that period preceeded the creation of LDO and PKA numbering.

      I think I read somewhere (but unconfirmed) that Pieter Verbruggen owns one of these sets?

    2. hi

      Is the L/54 Schauerte and Hohfeld Ludenscheid? The arched makers mark on the example shown in Gorden Williamson The Iron Cross on page 130 is clearly different is this significant?


      You can find 2 styles of marking for L/54.


    3. They also used the Imperial-style ovaloid ribbon loop.

      Zimmermann's can also be found with this style of loop making it slighly confusing. Would that not suggest that Godet was supplying the parts?

      While it's clear the two used the same parts, has it been documented anywhere who was the supplier? I go with Zimmerman but am interested to know if it has been fully proven.

      I often wonder why so few Zimmermann/Godet RK exist.

    4. Hello Richard

      Thanks for that. I had a notion in the back of my mind that RKs that appear to have rounded inner corners are Junckers. Thanks for confirming that. As for the GC, please shoot me :speechless: I looked at the scan and lumped in with the RKs. Clearly the size of it alone makes it a GC, which I am fully aware have dipping rings. I will shuffle off now and berate myself for sillyness and lack of observation on this one :blush:

      David, we all have bad days. :cheeky:

      One thing I don't recall is about the Oaks...which manufacturer? Juncker? S&L?? Godet??? Other????

    5. Hi,

      It was before your time, way back in the mists of time. The guy ended up getting his money back I think.


      Well it took a bit of searching but I found the thread:


      Incredible... not only did he try to pass one fake case but to try with the second is simply outrageous! Seems Dave Kane lives by double standards... in one life he's shouting for fakers and conmen to be named,shamed and beheaded, in this other life he's one of them! :shame:

      I can see now why he was banned from this forum. Certainly not the type you'd want as a role model nor member.

      Do you know if he was suspended for this on WAF?


    6. Did you miss that !!!

      It was a really entertaining thing... I loved the threads of the poor guy in Asia struggling to get his loot back.

      Whoa! :o Back up the truck... you're telling me that Dave Kane, the most holy-of-holy, one of the few with 'backbone' to call a spade a spade actually got caught selling fake RK cases as real?? Would you happen to have a link to that handy so we could see that?

      My world has been shattered... I mean Dave Kane is WAF's most premiere authority on all things RK, I mean that's the impression I get...members look up to him like he speaks gospel when ever he writes about RK's. How can he still be a member, and a lifetime member at that if he's been caught with the perverbial pants-around-the-ankles??

      What happened to the victim?

      Just to confirm, is that why Dave Kane was expelled from here? For trying to pass of fakes as genuine?

    7. I'm afraid I can't add to your gallery of Souvals Micha, they are my least favourite manufacturer of EKs and I purged them all out of my collection some time ago.

      I never liked them either and have never added one to my collection. The very mention of the name Souval sends a shudder down my spine. How would you ever know if one was pre-may 1945 unless it had iron-tight history direct from the recipient??

      Another turn-off is the number of different cores and pin hard-ware. Just too many variations for my liking.

    8. Stephen

      Those are beautiful and really nice to see. There doesn't seem to be too many modellers focusing on these pioneering aircraft. They look like a real labour of love.


    9. Is the tooth pick holding the case lid up period as well ? :lol:

      I checked it for markings but couldn't find any :rolleyes: LOL

      Thanks for the comments, guys. Looks like Dave's laziness was my good fortune! :jumping:

      It's a very exciting piece for me... you know how it is. I keep taking it out and drooling on it. :D


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