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    Richard Gordon

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    Posts posted by Richard Gordon

    1. Here's the comparison.

      I think now they are the same. It looks like the date numerals on Jan Arne's are slighly more to the right exposing more of the '1' whereas mine is more to the left slightly hiding the '1'. That and dirt accumulation also make the numerals look a bit different?

      What is your opinion?


    2. The thing is, some folks will pay more for maker marked. Definitely in TR EK's. Most of my nicest EK1's are unmarked and superb condition yet I paid no more than standard price.

      Mentally rules... maker marked must be better therefore yes, it will affect Imperial too so expect to see more maker marks being faked. As already mentioned Godet and Wagner are already there and I've seen fake KO marked (which is crazy as it's one of the cheapest out there). Not forgetting the Meybauer crest has been heavily faked so expect it on an auction site EK1 near you soon!


    3. Jan Arne

      Yes, they can be hard to find. I only found one last year after many years of looking.

      Maybe my eyesight is going but it looks like the cores are different. Frames and hardware match, no doubt, but cores look different. So my question is... was there more that one core or is my see-sight actually going? :speechless:

      (Yes, the pin is marked '1' but the tarnish almost hides it)


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