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    Posts posted by bmsm

    1. KPR Friendship Decoration and chest ribbon. It is made of brass and the planchet is 1-5/8 in. from point to point.

      This is not a North Vietnamese Award but an award from the Kampuchean People's Republic (KPR) to the People's Army of Vietnam for friendship to the KPR.

      Kampuchea was formerly known as Cambodia.


    2. Resistance Decoration was awarded in two classes denotated by one or two stars on the ribbon.

      Two stars is the First class and one star is the Second Class.

      The planchet is 1-1/16 in. from point to point.

      KHANG CHIEN (resistance) is inscribed on the obverse bottom.


    3. The Victory Order was awarded in three classes. The first Class was awarded to personnel at the Regiment or Division Level, the Second Class to the Company, Platoon or Squad level and the Third Class was awarded to NCO's and Enlisted Men.

      The classes are recognized bt the number of yellow stripes on the ribbon (First Class has three stripes, etc.).

      This Order was awarded for Army Service length of at least five years and good conduct during this time.

      There are two versions to this award, one with the official red enamel center and one with a gilt center.

      The penchant is 1-3/4 in. from point to point.

      Shown are two different red color (painted) and enameled centers.


    4. Well Bob it is good to hear from you, it seems that Iraqi military and civil services are coming out with all knid of insignia to wear. I have seen many of these new Insignia pop up since 2004-to now! As a collector one of each set would be great for my collection!!

      Thank you


      So, what do the different insignia in post #729 and #730 represent? Are they for artillery, foot soldiers, etc? Should they be in pairs to be a complete set?


    5. Order of the Soldier of Glory (left picture)and the Soldier of Glory Decoration (right picture).

      The Order is found in three classes.

      The first class has three yellow stripes, second class two yellow stripes and third class has one yellow stripe. It was given for nine(first class), seven (second class) and five (third class) years of meritorious service . It has the red flag and "Resolved to Win" stamped on it and "Soldier of Glory" on the bottom. The star is 1-3/4 in. from point to point.

      The Soldier of Glory was issued in one class. It was awarded for 3-5 years of service with no discipline in the PAVN. The star is 1-11/16 in from point to point.


    6. Mervyn,

      I have had this sword about 20 years and the person whom I bought it from had it +or - 20 years and you are not going to break this blade by leaning on it as I've tried.


      Bob - a very nice sword - in excellent condition for it's age. The pattern was an 1820's made by the French and for many years they made and shipped them to the US. I think most of the later ones were made in the US.

      Because of the popularity of the sword - obviously associated with the Civil War - it is the most highly forged sword in the World ! India is the main producer, closely followed by Italy. The copies are so good that I will not buy them - the only positive way to tell is to put the point on the floor - and lean on it...... if the blade snaps it is a forgery - but sellers don't like you doing this ?

      I am sure you have good provenance - how long have you had it ?

    7. Yes, there were other year (1861,1862,1863, etc.) that were used but the 1865 year blade apparently were made too late to be used in the war.


      I'm no expert on US swords and I know that 'new models' never get issued as fast as headquarters, but if it was approved in 1860 there must have been some made bewyeen then and the end of the Civil War in 1865, even if there weren't enough to arm all the cavalry.

      Also, swords were carried by US cavalry for some years after 1865. An account I read yers ago about US cavalry 'pacifying' the US West mention that troops on patrol against possible hostile Indians didn't carryswords but the clear implication was that swords had been issued. And they would certainly been carried by mounted troops in full dress/parade order till at least 1900 or later.

    8. This is the Combatant Order Third Class (one star) and Second Class (two stars) and was awarded for bravery in battle.

      It is 1-5/8 in, from point to point on the planchet. It is made out of aluminum.

      It was awarded to Officers, heroes, high ranking PAVN Personnel, Sapper Units and battalion and larger size units.

      Also shown is the corresponding chest ribbon.


    9. This is my Model 1860 Cavalry Sword with the maker mark of C. Roby W. Chelmsford, Mass. and US/1865/A.G.M. It has a 35 in. long blade.

      It is my understanding that this year of swords were made too late to see action in the American Civil War or also known as the War Between the States.


    10. The Military Exploit Order comes in three classes and was awarded to individuals and units for outstanding performance during combat.

      First and second class were awarded to smaller units and the third class to Battalion size and larger.

      The order is made of aluminum, 1-3/4 in. point to point and total height is 4-1/4 in. The planchet is attached to the ribbon with a small gold wreath. "Order of Military Achievement" is inscribed on the obverse of the order.

      The third class is shown.


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