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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Christophe

    1. Hi to all,

      I was away for a while, and the Quiz has been very very quiet these last weeks... :(

      Will try to reactivate it... with your help !! :beer:

      Time for a few stats :

      Quiz 2009 :

      * 20 questions asked,

      * with 205 answers,

      * and viewed more than 2,510 times.

      Nb of good answers for the Quiz 2009 :

      * 6 : Christophe

      * 4 : Ilja (ilja559)

      * 3 : Auke (Ferdinand)

      * 2 : Alex (RedMaestro)

      * 1 : Christian (Zulus), Doc (Riley1965), Simon (SU1977) & Wild Card

      Complete statistics since this Quiz has been launched (on 1 Nov. 2005) :

      * 240 questions asked,

      * with 2,984 answers,

      * This quiz has been viewed more than 38,900 times.

      * 46 Members of the Forum played, and 34 correctly answered at least 1 question :

      Nb of good answers :

      * 46 : Christophe

      * 42 : Christian (Zulus)

      * 17 : Frank (Knarf)

      * 13 : Jim (JimZ)

      * 12 : Auke (Ferdinand)

      * 11 : Bryan (Soviet) & Marc (Lapa)

      * 10 : Dan (Hauptman)

      * 8 : Simon (Red Threat)

      * 6 : Belaruski, Carol I, Ed (Haynes) & Wild Card.

      * 5 : Alex (RedMaestro)

      * 4 : Ilja (ilja559)

      * 3 : Andreas (Alfred), Ivan (Piramida), Kim (Kimj) & Marco (marcotk).

      * 2 : Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Jan (vatjan) & Order of Victory.

      * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Charles (Hunyadi), Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Doc (Riley1965), Dudeman, Eddie (Taz), Filip (Drugo), Rick (Stogieman), Simon (SU1977) & Steen (Ammentorp).

      This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation in this Quiz. :beer:

      Now, let's play for the 241st question, mine !! :jumping::jumping:



    2. Only 50 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

      As of today, here is the list of these 50 Companions :

      Jos? ABOULKER

      Marcel ALBERT

      Ren? BAUDEN


      Robert BINEAU

      Henri de BORDAS

      Guy CHARMOT

      Daniel CORDIER

      Louis CORTOT

      Yves de DARUVAR

      Bernard DEMOLINS

      Pierre DESHAYES

      Victor DESMET

      Jean-Pierre DULAU

      Rudolf EGGS

      Constant ENGELS

      Robert GALLEY

      Ren? GATISSOU

      Alain GAYET

      Hubert GERMAIN

      Charles GONARD

      Jacques HEBERT

      Paul IBOS

      Fran?ois JACOB

      Henry LAFONT

      Pierre LANGLOIS

      Claude LEPEU

      Ren? LESECQ

      Pierre LOUIS-DREYFUS

      Louis MAGNAT

      Roger MALFETTES

      Jean-Pierre MALLET

      Robert MASSON

      Fred MOORE

      Jean MUFRAGGI

      Jean NETTER

      Roland de la POYPE

      Andr? QUELEN

      Claude RAOUL-DUVAL

      Charles RUDRAUF

      Andr? SALVAT

      Etienne SCHLUMBERGER

      Pierre SIMONET

      Jacques de STADIEU

      G?rard THEODORE


      Jean TRANAPE

      Edgard TUP?T-THOME

      Andr? VERRIER

      Nicolas WYROUBOFF

      This complete list, with all bios, can be found here :



    3. Only 50 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

      On 31 May 2009 died Roger Lescure, Companion of the Lib?ration.

      Roger Lescure, born in 1912, is a member of the French Communist Party when the war began. As part of the Resistance, he is arrested in April 1943, and will evade in September 1943. He will continue to participate in the Resistance and be part of the FFI forces. He will participate to the liberation of the town of Egletons in Correze, and be part of FFI forces until the end of the war.

      After the war, he will be have several commercial activities.

      Here is his bio (in French) :


      After his death, there are now only 50 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


      Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    4. Interesting question...

      Here is my partial count (I have more, but mot 'cataloged', because acquired a long time ago :

      1914-15 : 2

      1914-16 : 1

      1914-17 : 1

      1914-18 : 4

      And, not including some framed (probably 1914-1918).



    5. Hi Rick,

      Yes, you're right... When one lands in Baikonur, seems quite desertic, what my pics show...

      I landed in the North airport (there are two in Baikonur), the Yubileyny Airfield, the one used by Buran and Antonov 124 and 225. BTW, there was an Antonov 124 taking off with us when leaving Baikonur back to Moscow (pics will follow). It just had delivered military stuff...

      In the 80s, Baikonur was said to reach a peak of more than 100.000 inhabitants. Today, officially, there are 70.000 persons. The North-West quarter of the city is called the "ghost-city". Totally empty, abandoned, and decaying... We saw it from far, but accesses are blocked by Checkpoint #1. Even in other areas of Baikonur, you can see abandoned buildings and flats. That's the case in the Proton area (the second pic I posted).

      I don't know if this figure of 70.000 people is real. For sure, when we visited the city, we did not meet a lot of people... Even in the local / central market (as future pics will show) there were really few people, and the market did not seem the right size for such a big city of 70.000... Few public transports as well... No, or few private cars... So... I have gone several times in Far-East Russia, even easter than Siberia, and never saw such a deserted city...

      The only real new industrial building I saw (showing signs of investement) is the Starsem one. Very new, and stylish in blue and white. It is very close to the ruined building of which I posted some photos. The air in baikonur seems very dry; maybe this explains why this ruined building seems like it has exploded yesterday...

      More to come, though pics...



    6. Why would such a distinguished and highly decorated member of the FSB lower himself to wearing those 2 "Xmas tree ornaments"??

      Hi Fran?ois,

      These two medals, even if unofficial, have in my opinion a very nice design and very sober, soviet-style, ribbons. I like them in terms of look and feel.



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