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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Christophe

    1. Summary

      Here are all the topics dealt through our questions and answers of this Quiz.

      To find easily a post, please use the following link, in replacing the last figure 1 by the number of the post you are looking for :

      <a href="http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33082&st=1" target="_blank">http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33082&st=1</a>

      Example : <a href="http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33082&st=98" target="_blank">http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33082&st=1498</a> will drive you to post #98

      Are shown below :

      <b>* Subject / question dealt - Number of the post where has been asked the question.</b>

      Awards / Orders & Medals

      * Bulgaria - Bulgarian HSUs - #356

      Personalities (Awards)

      * USSR - Leonid Brezhnev - #362

      * USSR - Mikhail Mukhonov - #194

      * USSR - Marshal Nikolai Voronov - #213

      * USSR - 4 Generals & War prestigious orders - #35

      * USSR - Soviet Commanders & the Order of Victory - #28

      Personalities (Identification)

      * Bulgaria - Georgi Ivanov - #349

      * DDR - Gunther Schabowski - #316

      * France - Jean-Loup Chrétien - #343

      * USA - Robert Hanssen - #41

      * USSR - Rudolf Abel - #172

      * USSR - Flegont Bassin - #60

      * USSR - Mikhail Gorbachev - #164

      * USSR - Nikolay Harlamov - #150

      * USSR - Timofei Khryukin - #320

      * USSR - Major Grigorii Kravchenko - #326

      * USSR - Lydia Livyak + Marina Raskova - #336

      * USSR - Major general Aleksandr Lizyukov - #107

      * USSR - Kiril Meretskov - #254

      * USSR - Pavlik Morozov - #243

      * USSR - Lidia Pereprygina - #259

      * USSR - Yevgeny Petrov - #80

      * USSR - Nikolai Polikarpov - #115

      * USSR - Roman Rudenko - #5

      * USSR - Zurab Tsereteli - #46

      * USSR - Marshal Sergei Varentsov - #20

      Historical events

      * 1918 - North Russia Campaign - #346

      * 1945 - Berlin sectors - #284

      * 1968 - USS Pueblo and North Korea - #85

      * 2002 - Accident in Baikonur - #208

      Architecture / sites

      * Berlin - Berlin Wall - #308

      * Chernobyl - Helicopters cemetary - #187

      * Moscow - Sheremetyevo 1 airport - #128

      Aircraft, weapons, military equipment...

      * Ilyushin Il-80 Maxdome - #176

      Other topics

      * Ft Stalin - #99

      * "I'm a thief" sailor - #119

    2. Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz - 2009 - Season 4

      Soviet & Eastern Block Trivia

      After the success of the Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz "2006-2007" (Seasons 1 & 2) and "2008" (Season 3), I am relaunching here a new edition for 2009 (Season 4).

      This new Quiz is the successor of the first editions of the Quiz you can find here :

      2006-2007 : http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3144

      2008 : http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=24290

      The rules remain the same.

      This sort of quiz or trivia game has been very successful on other forums, and here also it has been very educative (and fun!)...

      The topic is wide enough (Soviet Union & former Eastern Block Countries' history, people, awards...), to allow each of us to find answers and ask for new challenges...

      All Forum members are eligible to participate, but there needs to be a few ground (and "classical") rules so there is no confusion among Forum members.

      1. Discuss only one trivia item at a time so as not to confuse what is being discussed with other Forum members.

      2. Once a Forum member guesses the correct trivia question, that member can then post their trivia question. Or if they wish can pass it on to another Forum member.

      3. To ensure we keep this thread friendly, there should be no heckling, bantering, quarrelling or arguing with another person when he or she does not correctly answer the trivia question. Never forget we are amongst Gentlemen (or -women).

      4. The trivia question must have a connection to the Soviet Union & former Eastern Block Countries, as it is the purpose of this Forum. The trivia could involve history, people, awards, badges or items. The trivia question needs to relate to a timeframe. For example, when was this award first established? Or When did East Germany come into existence?

      5. When the question is answered, the original poster should give background about the fact, the person, the item in question.

      6. No posting items to just show you have one unless its adds to the post that is being discussed or shown.

      This thread is for all of us to have some fun and at the same time educate ourselves and learn differently about Soviet Union & Eastern Block Countries.

      Have fun and enjoy this thread along with making new Forum friends!!!

      So, now, let's play !


    3. Hi to all,

      Here is the final updated version of the Summary for the Quiz 2008.

      Summary #3

      Here are all the topics dealt through our questions and answers of this little Quiz.

      Are shown below :

      * Subject / question dealt - Number of the post where has been asked the question.

      Awards / Orders & Medals

      * Imperial Russia - St George Cross - #290

      * USSR - Hero of the Socialist Labour - #267

      * USSR - The two latest Soviet awards instituted by the USSR - #149

      * USSR - Only man awarded the Title "Mother Heroine" - #628

      Personalities (Awards)

      * USSR - Oleg Antonov - #382

      Personalities (Identification)

      * Hungary - Kun Bela - #462

      * Italy - Palmiro Togliatti - #546

      * USSR - Rostislav Alexeev - #373

      * USSR - Mykola Bazhan - #361

      * USSR - Timur Frunze - #612

      * USSR - Marshal Sergey Khudyakov - #492

      * USSR - Ursula Kuczynski aka Ursula Beurton - #260

      * USSR - Marshal Alexander Golovanov - #199

      * USSR - Yuri Levitan - #462

      * USSR - Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov - #573

      * USSR - Marshal Aleksandr Pokryshkin - #326

      * USSR - Rozalia Zemlyachka - #52

      Historical events

      * 1907 - Raid against Bank of Tiflis, ordered by Lenin - #278

      * 1940 - Attack against Leon Trotsky in Mexico - #274

      * 1942-43 - Battle of Nevsky Pyatachok - #100

      * 1943 - German defensive Blue Line - #450

      * 1960 - Gary power's U2 - #12

      * 1961 - Big Ivan / Tsar Bomba nuclear weapon - #399

      * 1970 - Soviet return Apollo capsule to the USA - #368

      * 1981 - Plane crash of Admiral Psotnikov and entire commanding staff of the Pacific Fleet - #30

      Architecture / sites

      * Kirkenes (Norway) - Victory monument - #422

      * Moscow - Metro - #601

      * Moscow - Moskva Hotel - #516

      Aircraft, weapons, military equipment...

      * Rostislav Alexeev and Ekranoplans - #373

      * Foxtrot class submarine - #623

      * HMS L55 / Bezbozhnik submarine - #338

      * Lavochkin La-7 fighter - #247

      * Sukhoi-34 fighter - #447

      * 1947 Soviet Aviation Day - #298

      Other topics

      * Chief Marshal Amazasp Babadzhanyan and Vasily Grossman - #184

      * The Berliner train in DDR - #79

      * Choibalsan's boots offered to Zhujov - #225

      * Soviet Cosmonauts - #538

      * Lenin chessboard offered to France - #549

      * Soviet Lunar exploration - #407

      * 1980 Olympic Games mascot - #502

      * Soviet People's Commissariats during GPW - #71

      * 1965 "Plan of the 'Easterners' First Massive Nuclear Strike" Wargame - #329

      * Poland Battlefield Chaplains - #589

      * Vladimir Posner and Peter Jennings "Space Bridges" - #432

      * First and last Presidents of the USSR - #203

      * Propiska - USSR Internal Passport system - #165

      * Traktor / Traktir - #506

      * Carl Zeiss Jena's multispectral camera for space-missions MKF 6 - #281


    4. Hi Christian,

      Many thanks for your congratulations.

      Hi to all,

      I believe it is now time to close our Quiz 2008 and open a new one, the Quiz 2009 !!! :jumping:

      Here are the final 2008 stats :

      Quiz 2008 :

      * 49 questions asked,

      * with 632 answers,

      * and viewed more than 5,950 times.

      Nb of good answers for the Quiz 2008 :

      * 11 : Marc (Lapa)

      * 8 : Christophe

      * 6 : Christian (Zulus)

      * 5 : Dan (Hauptman) & Frank (Knarf)

      * 3 : Alex (RedMaestro), Auke (Ferdinand) & Marco (marcotk)

      * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Eddie (Taz), Jim (JimZ) & Wild Card

      The 2008 winner is without any doubt : Marc (Lapa), with 11 victories !!!! :jumping::jumping: Congratulations, Marc. I hope you will be as successful as this year in 2009!!!! :beer:

      Complete statistics since this Quiz has been launched (on 1 Nov. 2005) :

      * 220 questions asked,

      * with 2,776 answers,

      * This quiz has been viewed more than 31,000 times.

      * 43 Members of the Forum played, and 32 correctly answered at least 1 question :

      Nb of good answers :

      * 41 : Christian (Zulus)

      * 40 : Christophe

      * 17 : Frank (Knarf)

      * 13 : Jim (JimZ)

      * 11 : Bryan (Soviet) & Marc (Lapa)

      * 10 : Dan (Hauptman)

      * 9 : Auke (Ferdinand)

      * 8 : Simon (Red Threat)

      * 6 : Belaruski, Carol I & Ed (Haynes)

      * 5 : Wild Card.

      * 3 : Alex (RedMaestro), Andreas (Alfred), Ivan (Piramida), Kim (Kimj) & Marco (marcotk).

      * 2 : Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Jan (vatjan) & Order of Victory.

      * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Charles (Hunyadi), Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Dudeman, Eddie (Taz), Filip (Drugo), Rick (Stogieman) & Steen (Ammentorp).

      This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation in this Quiz. :beer:

      Now, let's play for the 221st question, that will be the first oen of the Quiz 2009!! :jumping::jumping::jumping:



    5. Ok guys I'll have a go ;)

      Bit cryptic

      Three officers on board dancing Foxtrot? Two were for, one against WW III.

      Regards Eddie

      Would it be linked to the Foxtrot class submarine (Project 641). Foxtrot was the NATO reporting name of a class of diesel-electric patrol submarines that were built in the Soviet Union.

      Foxtrots played a central role in some of the most dramatic incidents of the Cuban Missile Crisis. US Navy destroyers dropped Practice Depth Charges near Foxtrot subs near Cuba in efforts to force them to surface and be identified. The US Navy was not aware that these submarines were carrying torpedoes equipped with nuclear warheads. On submarine B-59, the Captain, believing that a war might already be in progress, ordered a nuclear torpedo armed for use; apparently two other high-ranking officers on board, notably Vasiliy Arkhipov, calmed him down.

      Is it this ? :rolleyes:


    6. Hi Auke, Congratulations!!!! :jumping::jumping::beer:

      Your turn, now !! Or Eddie (Taz)'s one as he won the previous one. Up to you!!! :rolleyes:

      Meanwhile, here are a few stats :

      Quiz 2008 :

      * 47 questions asked,

      * with 620 answers,

      * and viewed more than 5,840 times.

      Nb of good answers for the Quiz 2008 :

      * 11 : Marc (Lapa)

      * 7 : Christophe

      * 6 : Christian (Zulus)

      * 5 : Dan (Hauptman) & Frank (Knarf)

      * 3 : Marco (marcotk) & Auke (Ferdinand)

      * 2 : Alex (RedMaestro)

      * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Eddie (Taz), Jim (JimZ) & Wild Card

      Complete statistics since this Quiz has been launched (on 1 Nov. 2005) :

      * 218 questions asked,

      * with 2,765 answers,

      * This quiz has been viewed more than 30,500 times.

      * 43 Members of the Forum played, and 32 correctly answered at least 1 question :

      Nb of good answers :

      * 41 : Christian (Zulus)

      * 39 : Christophe

      * 17 : Frank (Knarf)

      * 13 : Jim (JimZ)

      * 11 : Bryan (Soviet) & Marc (Lapa)

      * 10 : Dan (Hauptman)

      * 9 : Auke (Ferdinand)

      * 8 : Simon (Red Threat)

      * 6 : Belaruski, Carol I & Ed (Haynes)

      * 5 : Wild Card.

      * 3 : Andreas (Alfred), Ivan (Piramida), Kim (Kimj) & Marco (marcotk).

      * 2 : Alex (RedMaestro), Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Jan (vatjan) & Order of Victory.

      * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Charles (Hunyadi), Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Dudeman, Eddie (Taz), Filip (Drugo), Rick (Stogieman) & Steen (Ammentorp).

      This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation in this Quiz. :beer:

      Now, let's play for the 219th question, Auke's or Eddie's !! :jumping::jumping:



    7. A very nice (and interesting) sewn-on ribbon bar that came with a uniform that has just arrived (photos of that when weather allows).

      Hi Ed,

      Very nice ribbon bar !!! :jumping::jumping::jumping:

      Just a basic question : how can be explained the mix of Soviet, then Mongolian, then Soviet again... awards ?

      Many thanks in advance.



    8. Hi to all,

      Here is an updated version of the Summary.

      Summary #2

      Here are all the topics dealt through our questions and answers of this little Quiz.

      Are shown below :

      * Subject / question dealt - Number of the post where has been asked the question.

      Awards / Orders & Medals

      * Imperial Russia - St George Cross - #290

      * USSR - Hero of the Socialist Labour - #267

      * USSR - The two latest Soviet awards instituted by the USSR - #149

      Personalities (Awards)

      * USSR - Oleg Antonov - #382

      Personalities (Identification)

      * Hungary - Kun Bela - #462

      * Italy - Palmiro Togliatti - #546

      * USSR - Rostislav Alexeev - #373

      * USSR - Mykola Bazhan - #361

      * USSR - Marshal Sergey Khudyakov - #492

      * USSR - Ursula Kuczynski aka Ursula Beurton - #260

      * USSR - Marshal Alexander Golovanov - #199

      * USSR - Yuri Levitan - #462

      * USSR - Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov - #573

      * USSR - Marshal Aleksandr Pokryshkin - #326

      * USSR - Rozalia Zemlyachka - #52

      Historical events

      * 1907 - Raid against Bank of Tiflis, ordered by Lenin - #278

      * 1940 - Attack against Leon Trotsky in Mexico - #274

      * 1942-43 - Battle of Nevsky Pyatachok - #100

      * 1943 - German defensive Blue Line - #450

      * 1960 - Gary power's U2 - #12

      * 1961 - Big Ivan / Tsar Bomba nuclear weapon - #399

      * 1970 - Soviet return Apollo capsule to the USA - #368

      * 1981 - Plane crash of Admiral Psotnikov and entire commanding staff of the Pacific Fleet - #30

      Architecture / sites

      * Kirkenes (Norway) - Victory monument - #422

      * Moscow - Metro - #601

      * Moscow - Moskva Hotel - #516

      Aircraft, weapons, military equipment...

      * Rostislav Alexeev and Ekranoplans - #373

      * HMS L55 / Bezbozhnik submarine - #338

      * Lavochkin La-7 fighter - #247

      * Sukhoi-34 fighter - #447

      * 1947 Soviet Aviation Day - #298

      Other topics

      * Chief Marshal Amazasp Babadzhanyan and Vasily Grossman - #184

      * The Berliner train in DDR - #79

      * Choibalsan's boots offered to Zhujov - #225

      * Soviet Cosmonauts - #538

      * Lenin chessboard offered to France - #549

      * Soviet Lunar exploration - #407

      * 1980 Olympic Games mascot - #502

      * Soviet People's Commissariats during GPW - #71

      * 1965 "Plan of the 'Easterners' First Massive Nuclear Strike" Wargame - #329

      * Poland Battlefield Chaplains - #589

      * Vladimir Posner and Peter Jennings "Space Bridges" - #432

      * First and last Presidents of the USSR - #203

      * Propiska - USSR Internal Passport system - #165

      * Traktor / Traktir - #506

      * Carl Zeiss Jena's multispectral camera for space-missions MKF 6 - #281


    9. Only 54 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

      On 24 October 2008, a judgement has been made in Paris by the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris. It has officially and legally declared "absent" Alo?zo Waleina, Companion of the Liberation, who did not give any news since 1948.

      Alo?zo Waleina, born in 1913 in Riga, joins the FFL (Free franch Forces) in London as soon as August 1940, and fights in Erythrea in 1941, where he is wounded. He will then fight in Syria, Libya, and at Bir Hakeim. In 1943, he will in the French Air Force in the Middle-East, will go back to London for training, before being sent in Britanny on the 6th June 1944. Back to London in february 1945, his last mission will be over the Netherlands in April 1945, where he is agian wounded.

      After the war, he will retire in London.

      Here is his bio (in French) :


      There are now only 54 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


      Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    10. Hi Christian,

      You are THE number 1 in number of victories in our quiz, and the Longest serving #1 "good answerer" (as you call it, or the one who have been the longest Number 1 in victories since the beginning of the quiz). :jumping:

      I had forgotten these small stats. :rolleyes:

      Here are the ones who have been Number 1 in victories since the beginning of the quiz.

      This indicates :

      * Name - (Victory N? who brought the status of N?1)

      * Period of time being N?1 - Number of days being N?1

      Here is an example :

      * Dave (Navy FCO) - 1 - 01.11.05 / 04.12.05 - 34 days.

      Means :

      * Dave has been N?1 with his 1st victory. He has been N?1 from 01.11.05 to 04.12.05, during 34 days.

      Here are the results :

      * Dave (Navy FCO) - 1 - 01.11.05 / 04.12.05 - 34 days.

      * Christophe - 2 - 04.12.05 / 12.02.06 - 70 days.

      * Bryan (Soviet) - 4 - 12.02.06 / 08.09.06 - 215 days.

      * Christophe - 6 - 08.09.06 / 30.11.06 - 84 days.

      * Bryan (Soviet) - 8 - 30.11.06 / 03.03.07 - 94 days.

      * Christophe - 10 - 03.03.07 / 12.03.07 - 10 days.

      * Christian (Zulus) - 11 - 12.03.07 / 12.12.08 - 641 days.

      In adding all these results, this gives as a grand total :

      * Christian (Zulus) - 641+ days.

      * Bryan (Soviet) - 309 days.

      * Christophe - 164 days.

      * Dave (Navy FCO) - 34 days.

      So, you are by far the N?1 of the Quiz!!!!! :beer:

      But, keep in mind that Marc (Lapa) is the N?1 for good answers in the Quiz 2008. :rolleyes:

      Great job from all!!!



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