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    Richard V

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    Posts posted by Richard V

    1. Here are a couple of interesting Austrian medal bars I've acquired over the years. I thought these were beautiful examples. My original interest came from a set of golden Verdienstkreuze with and without crown, Iron Verdienstkreuz without crown, bronze Tapferkeitsmedaille all with the award documents I received from my Austrian godmother's husband. The medals and papers also included 3 promotion documents. I'll try to get them pictured in this thread too at a later date when I have a bit more time. For the time being, these 2 medal bars will have to suffice. Hope you enjoy them.

      Richard V

    2. I was rooting about in my box of tinnies the other day & came across two SA's I forgot that I had.

      Here's the first, I picked this up as I had a picture of one in wear....

      Don, there is one of the exact same style but from a different province that I have in my collection. I obtained it on the cheap and thought it would be great trading material since I believed it to be the same as the one I already had in my collection (pictured in your post). It wasn't until I received it that I discovered it was not the same. I'll try to scan it tonight when I get home and post it here. By the way, how can you get such detailed close ups on your scanner as you did with this shot of the badge in the photo? When I try this, the resolution is either too low and any blow ups turn fuzzy or, if I use a higher resolution I always get an error message saying "scratch disc is full". Still haven't figured out what that means other than for some reason there is not enough memory to process the image even though I have 512k RAM and 57 gigs left on the hard drive.

      Richard V

    3. Enzo, thanks for the reply. I should have been more specific. The book I'll try to get (probably the one that Rick listed if I can find one a bit better price wise than the one I saw for $400) I would like to cover the Imperial awards from say the mid 19th century to 1938. I think that would be good for my situation as I don't think I'll be looking for awards prior to that time.

      Richard V

    4. Dear Richard,

      if you are looking for a comprehensive reference book about the 1st Republic, then Prof. G?nter Erik Schmidt's book "Ehrenzeichen und Orden im ?sterreich der Zwischenkriegszeit 1918-1938" (189 pages) would be the right one.

      MGM M?nzgalerie M?nchen offers a copy for only EUR 48,- http://www.muenzgalerie.de/kataloge/pdfs/n...eratur_2006.pdf

      Best regards :beer:


      Hi Christian, thank you for the information. Since this will be my first Austrian reference purchase, I want to buy the most comprehensive book I can that covers as large a time span as possible. If I become more specialized, I would then try to focus on more limited time periods. I do appreciate your letting me know about this volume though.

      Richard V

    5. Thanks very much guys. This gives me lots to start on! I see several of these are apparently out of print as the prices are on the high side (found the Mericka book suggested by Rick on a website for $400!) I'll have to browse around and see if I can find some of these at a more reasonable price. Hunting for good reference material is sometimes like hunting for good deals on the awards themselves.

      Richard V

    6. I have been collecting Austrian medals from the pre 1938 Anschluss era for sometime as a sideline to my other military interests as I think they have some of the nicest enameled medals. I seem to find it difficult to locate any good reference material for this area of collecting. Is there anything that anyone can suggest? Any help would be appreciated.

      Richard V

    7. Pat, the books are not too difficult to find and a search with yield both the AH and the Deutschland Erwache in the $75 to $80 range. The price varies depending on general condition, completeness of pictures, dust jacket or none and if they come in the original carton or not. The Deutschland Erwache was put out in several editions. The first 2 editions were prior to the purge of Roehm and on page 52 (I'm not at home to verify so I may be off on the page number) of the 1st and second editon you will find Roehm listed as the SA chief while all editions thereafter have Viktor Lutze as the Stabschef der SA. The first 2 editions, while scarce, bring only a small, disproportionate premium over the later editions.

      Richard V

    8. I have always wondered what purpose the backplate in the CCC's served? If it was to strengthen the award, it would have made more sense both construction wise and cost wise to make the award solid rather than with a hollow back that then required the application of the backplate. The only logical thing I can think of is that the construction was to provide some color contrast for the central device but even this makes less sense than coloring a single piece. Anyone with any theories on this one?

      Richard V

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