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    Posts posted by bolgarin

    1. To this moment exist 5 emissions of the order:

      1 emission ? 1 class on neck ribbon, 2 and 3 classes on screw. On the central medallion exists letters B L. Really to this moment nobody cant say for sure is this orders really was presented to awarded peoples. Because nobody see any photos of recipients with such awards. Possible that this emission is some kind "probe emission"??

      1 emission. 1 class with swords averse

    2. Order of ?9 September? was established on 9 of September of 1945. It was presented to those Bulgarians and foreign peoples who take part in national revoke of 9 September of 1944 (peoples revoke which tern off monarch-fascist regime in this country). Later this order was presented for the achievements in building ?peoples power? in Bulgaria and for the achievements in the service for the power of the country. Order exists in 3 classes in 2 variants with and with out swords. Amount of awards of all classes and both variants ? 71 007.

    3. I think that this situation is possible:

      In the lust period of socialist regime in Yugoslavia exist big amount of non awarded parts of order of 2-d class and central parts of 1-t class. In order to make the produce more "rentable" on the mint began to make compilation of 1-st and 2-nd class details......

      Anatoly you know that in lust period of communist regimes such situation was possible. Remeber Bulgaria, Chehoslovakia, GDR, Mongolia. Quality of the awards became really terrible.

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