I was raised by WWII vets and they told me many things . . . from my teachers, to my scout master, to my little league coach, to my church leaders, and my own family. all of the adult men in my early years had been in WWII or Korea . . .or both. All of those men who had an impact on my life are now dead . . . I have known men who were at Pearl Harbor, Guadacanal, Guam, Iwo Jima, Chana, Burma, and India.....and the Pacific Ocean. I have known men who were in England, France, Belguim, Italy, Holland, and Germany . . . and the Atlantic Ocean . . . I have met men who were in the US Navy, US Army, US Army Air Corps, US Coast Guard, and the US Marines. On my wife's side of the family we have members of the Wehrmacht and the Kriegsmarine U-Boat service. (no they were NOT Nazi's . . . .. just Catholics) What stories would you like to hear from the next generation?