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    Posts posted by Mike

    1. Documents 13, 14, 15: The SS is accused of the legal

      plundering of the occupied eastern territories. These

      documents show that the laws in this respect were issued by

      the Trustee for the Four-Year Plan, Goering, or the Minister

      of the Interior, Frick. The Reich Commissioner for the

      Consolidation of German Nationhood and the Office for Racial

      Germans (Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle) were entrusted with the

      resettlement and bringing back of Germans. This is shown by

      Documents 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 and 23. Documents 25,

      26, 30, 33, 34, 40, and Exhibit USA 674 I submit as evidence

      that the Civil Service law, the

      Documents 29, 36, 38, and 39 show that citizens of foreign

      States, in so far as they were of German descent, were not

      forcibly drafted into the Armies of their respective

      countries, but into the Waffen SS. This was on the strength

      of State agreements.

    2. From the Trials --

      Himmler, the holder of several offices, combined in one person the position of Reichsleiter of the Security Units (SS) and of Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of Germanism (Reichskommissar fuer die Festigung des deutschen Volkstums). As such, he was charged with the leadership of all State and Party organs within Germany, which, in turn, controlled the German settlements, the work among the German Fascist minorities in other countries and the re-immigration of Germans into Germany.

      In this field his executive apparatus was the so-called "Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle."

      The leader of this organisation, and therefore the actual deputy of Himmler, in this special sphere was Obergruppenfuehrer S.S. Lorenz who will be discussed later.

    3. Mike, thanks for showing your equipment and the fun reminisce of the local "flavor"!

      Reminisce ?? ..There's no reminiscing on your end because you guys can have Tartar Sauce on your fingers in a matter of minutes ....All I can do IS reminisce because the only way I'll find Ipswich Fried Clams around here is if I "GOOGLE" 'em :banger: .. I'm jealous.

      I'm glad you liked the pics ...for years now I've used (and loaned) parts of my collection for Public displays and ..it seems that the MV Vehicles and Larger items (Belt Feds etc) always attract the most attention . In a way , it bothers me a little but ..I guess that's the way the "Public" is. You can put out a fantastic named grouping with the Soldiers pictures Medals etc , and they'll walk right past it to look at the Panzerschreck or MG42. There's a well known TV show that borrows items from me ...they were doing a special segment comparing Saddams on-going Trial to the Nuremberg Trials. I have a friend who was one of the interrogators for the War Trials and I'm very lucky to have most of his documents/ID's/signed depositions/verbatim interrogations ..I have 4- 3" binders full of these orig Trial documents. Well ...they wanted to borrow a "stack" so they could look through and pick out a few items to show ...but they only had about 20 seconds available for covering the documents. I don't feel there's anyway they could properly represent the Nuremberg Trials or the Documents in a 20 second window .. these are not common items and I won't have them treated like "film props" ..so , I would not loan them out.

      Maybe some Collectors wouldn't agree with my "attitude" on this but , I feel that since we are the "Custodians" of these items ..we do have an obligation to make sure (if they are used) they are used properly . When the Public views a WW2 display or visits a Military Museum ..they should leave with a better understanding and hopefully will have learned more about the subject than they knew when they first walked in the door ....I hope you don't think that's "snobbish" of me ..maybe I'm being too protective.

    4. Hey Mike, Ronnie's Ice Cream on Southbridge Street (Route 12) iis still there, but no Ronnie's on 20 (??????) Maybe I'm confused a bit! We can ask The (Truly) Evil Twin?.... but I don't think he gets out of the cave too much!

      That's the one , close to where 12 & 20 meet ...the old Drive In Theater is down on the left ...New England Seafood , I miss it :love:

      Because of our Mess Hall schedule ..(7 days a week for 4 years now) I don't get to visit Worcester that often ...sometimes I don't even have time for the Hobby . So if you guys don't see me around for a while , I'm not MIA ..just tied up in the Kitchen

      Speaking of Food ...gotta run...have to feed the Troops

    5. PS: I grew up in Westfield.... as a kid I delighted in the one "cool old guy" in town who drove around M-F in a perfectly preserved Willy's. Radio, gerry Cans, Shovel, axe and pick.... full kit.

      On the weekends he drove an M-43 Track........ now THAT raised a few eyebrows when it went by! ;>)

      I have been working on 2 other deals for the last 6 years ..I HOPE that I can get them , we'll see.

      One old Timer has an original covered with dust DUKW sitting in a Barn next to a 1943 MB (Willys) Jeep ..he told me when he's ready , they are mine ...trouble is , I've been ready for years ...he's still not ready. I've offered him money but , he won't take it ...he says I'll get them when his time comes.

      Another Older Gent in upstate NY has a complete 1943 White HalfTrack in unreal running condition sitting in his Garage (big Garage) ..he bought it from Sarafan (MV Dealers) because it "Looked Neat" and he always wanted one ...he is not a Collector , just thought it was cool ..last year it looked like I would buy it but , he also said he's not ready to part with it yet :speechless:

      What's with these Collectors ?? Why do they keep stuff ?? .....uhh ...never mind :blush:

    6. Well, that's not entirely true Mr. Research...... I happened to come across a pair of Self-Propelled 155mm Guns on low-boys right around the corner from your house...... now that was a sight!

      Now...... if they just had that red flag that said "BANG".....

      You know ...that started me thinking about Rt20 and Auburn and RONNIE'S FRIED CLAMS ...thanks a lot guys , now I'm hungry and NY doesn't know what Ipswich Clams are :angry:

      I'm doing "MidRats" out of our Restaurant tonight (not the Mess Hall) so, I guess that will have to do ..

    7. "The Dept of Motor Vehicles told me I might need tailights and a light or red flag at the end of the Tube when I tow it..."

      That's interesting, because when I see the Real Military coming through every so often towing 155mms nobody pulls THEM over.


      So... you're in uniform going to reenact and get pulled over? Just say "My Captain's gonna kill me for breaking convoy" and see if you get away with it! :cheeky:

      No Kidding ..Look at the Pickups and other vehicles with Troop Seats in the back ...with no seat belts. They have their own rules and ours don't apply. Guess they drive better than we do :unsure:

    8. Mike ... have any Daughters? It would come in handy as a warning sign to all "prospective" males sniffing around the neighborhood .... lord knows I could use one sitting on the front lawn. :violent:

      Nah ....in this PC wonderful world we live in , that would be sending the wrong message and offend someone :shame: Although ...I bet all the "prospective males" would address you as "SIR" right off the bat !

      The Dept of Motor Vehicles told me I might need tailights and a light or red flag at the end of the Tube when I tow it . You know what would be funny ...maybe I should make up a red flag with "BANG" printed on it and stick it in the Barrel

    9. That would look great out front under a "Neighborhood Watch" sign! :cheeky:

      Nice to know the east bank of the lower Hudson now has some flank protection for the USMA! :beer:

      I already heard from many there .."You bought a WHAT ???"

      As long as WW2 Japanese Tanks are the only ones coming down the road :cheeky:

      From what I've read , these 40mm's were not much use in Europe after 1940 ...the Japanese had thinner skinned Tanks so they saw a lot of action in the Pacific.

    10. It's in great condition but , I am missing a few items. I am trying to find a seat and the Ammo Box for it ..I think a friend might have the optical sight ...we'll see (no pun)

      It's not a lightweight one ...1700 pounds !

      I'd love to know how it ended up in the US

      so ....what you guys think ..ya like it ? I couldn't pass it up

      Think I'm ready for treatments or ...should I join a "Military Collectors" Support Group :speechless:

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