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    Posts posted by Mike

    1. Here's my special Brunswick pair...

      If I had THAT set ..I would have made the time to research what I had. This guy had another medal that he had no clue about ..I bought it ($40) , it's some sort of Papal Medal from the 20's ? looks like a Jeweler made it. Even though it was really out of my collecting "sphere" I could not pass it up . I'll post a picture of that as well in case someone can ID it

    2. Good job! Now go buy another case and get started!! ;)

      Hi Bob , I found a dealer set up in an Antique Mall that does not know German Militaria but ..within the past year ..I bought all of these Bars from him ! I can't figure out what's going on with this guy ! Every month or so I check him out and he has a few more...and he's cheap too. The Bars run about $20 to $25 per Medal. Really strange ...I started wondering if they were making these as well as everything else these days. But ..they look good .. Maybe he's the "X-Files" Dealer or something

      I think I'll bring him a picture of a Knights Cross and see what he can do for me :rolleyes:

    3. Impressive Mike!

      Whadda you mean...nothing earth shaking??

      It looks pretty massive to me! so much there!

      wow! did u rob a bank??? hee hee... seriously, how long have you been in amassing this collection?

      Thanks for showing.

      Can u possibly show us the riker mounts with your Imperial bars? :)



      Hi Paul ..thanks for that. I think I messed up by posting these shots in the wrong Forum (starting to be a habit of mine I guess) so ...I'll post the Medal Bars in the Collection Showcase section right now.

      Thanks --Mike

    4. Sorry you have had such unuseful responses, Mike. Would think the folks who hang out here would appreciate fascist Spanish medals more.

      It's ok Ed ..it's probably my fault for not putting it in the correct section I guess. At least I learned something new about it.

      A few months ago I ended up with a Cased Medal given to Italian Vol who fought in Spain ..also made by a City. It was a job finding out what that was as well. There are so many unoffical medals out there ..you'd figure someone would have done a book about them by now.

      --Thanks --Mike

    5. Hi Guys !

      I have just done a upgrade shot of My EK 1 Collection .

      Jan Arne

      PS ! Had to take a shot before I moved most of the Collection in to Banksafes .

      Hi Jan Arne , 18 CASED EK1's !! and a table full of uncased EK's as well as all the EK2's ??and you think that's SMALL ..:beer: What a fantastic group Jan

    6. That castle is the crest of the Spanish city of Ciudad Real:

      IPB Image

      BTW the ribbon is wrong.

      Best regards

      If the ribbon is wrong ...what ribbon should it have ? I'm not sure if I understand . You said " That item is not related in any way to neither the Condor Legion nor the Spanish Civil War." ..The metal buckle on the top of the ribbon looks like a Spanish construction style. Add the crest of the Spanish city of Ciudad Real that you found with the Arrow group and a short arm Swastika and I hope you could see why I thought it was a WW2 era Spanish award. Well , thatnks for looking at it anyway and , maybe someday I'll be able to match it up. ---Mike

    7. That item is not related in any way to neither the Condor Legion nor the Spanish Civil War.

      Hi Panzerpionier, Have you ever seen this style Eagle (with a Castle on it's chest) being used in Spain for anything ? I only thought it was Spanish because of the ribbon "buckle" and the arrow cluster.

      For all I know , it could be the Rare Albanian Hang Glider Night Fighters award :rolleyes:

      I do appreciate your help and if you do have any idea , please let me know. It is a strange one.


    8. A bit of a problem here with the weights. I have 3 pieces that are of the cast or poured version. They are all of different weights. Reason some are cut out some are not. The wreath is thicker on some. ll this aside, the piece in question in my very humble opinion, looking at the pieces I have is an original.

      Hi Warlord ..do any of your badges have the round magnetic pin ? I didn't see the backs of any. It looks like someone glued an SS Dagger handle disk on one of them ..I wonder why they'd do that. Guess I shouldn't talk seeing as how I WASHED mine when I was 11 :(

      Thanks --Mike

    9. Hi Rosenberg , What do you mean by "no rays"? Do you mean where the grey color being worn off the long bars of the Starburst ? If that's what you are talking about ..I don't believe there's any way that that's a normal wear pattern .My "feeling" (or guess) is that the Soldiers would sand or file the color off the longest bars of the starburst to give the Cross more character ..give it that worn "been there" look. Along the lines of taking the wire out of the top of a visor to make it a crusher cap. Plus the gold/copper color showing through made a nice contrast and dressed it up a bit

    10. Hi Mike, any chance you can shoot over to a jeweler and get precise height, width and weight. please?


      I have a digital scale and Caliper but I'll have to post a few pictures after I finish Lunch (or get a break).

      I just wish I had not played with it when I was a kid ..maybe we should have a new section dedicated to "what Militaria I messed up when I was young" :unsure:

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