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    Posts posted by joerookery

    1. I could well be wrong, but I think this is okay. I think it is a group from the NCO prep school, which would have put them at 14 years of age. Maybe 15. The helmet certainly looks like the helmet of the NCO school.


      Non-commissioned Officers (NCO) came from two sources, either promoted from the ranks or having gone through the NCO training schools. Students graduated from Volksschule at approximately the age of 14. Military service would not begin until age 17 when young men could be inducted into the Landsturm. In addition to work, there was an option of joining a NCO preparatory training school (Unteroffiziervorschulen). There were nine such schools scattered throughout the empire (Annaburg, Bartenstein, Frankenstein, J?lich, M?lln, Sigmaringen, Weilburg, Wohlau, and Marienberg). The preparatory school had a general curriculum with much attention paid towards physical development throughout the two-year course. Once graduated from the preparatory school pupils could go to a NCO school (Unteroffizierschulen). There were eight of these (Marienwerder, Northeim, Potsdam, Treptow a/R, Weissenfels, Wetzlar, F?rstenfeldbr?ck, and Marienberg). The course lasted two years for preparatory school graduates or three years for those who joined the NCO school directly without having gone through the preparatory school. This was a purely military school, whose graduates were either 19 or 20 years old. Upon graduation, they had to contract to remain in the active Army for four years. Graduates were posted to the regiments with some coming out as sergeants and others as Gefreiter. These schools accounted for about 25% of all NCOs.

      I still have no idea about Mister medal man!

    2. Well I am confused -- what else is new!

      The gentleman in the first picture is identified, and there is no problem. The gentleman in the last picture is allegedly Kurt's father who was allegedly in the Garde-K?rassier Regiment. The uniform he is wearing in the picture does not support that thought , but rather that he is part of some other K?rassier regiment. Allegedly this guy's name was Georg Erdmann Karl Ferdinand. Who is who? Here is another picture of the older gentleman thought to be Georg Erdmann Karl Ferdinand.


    3. Thank you gentlemen for your kind responses. They were certainly quick!

      being commissioned directly into the Landwehr

      Glenn I am a bit confused about how he did this. What was his source of commissioning? As he was an instructor did he get some sort of gong because he had an Abitur? Is it possible to tell from all of your records?

      As you both know I'm not very much of a medal guy but what is that award on his left breast? Thank you both again!

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