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    Posts posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. Hi Fran?ois,

      Welcome over here. The work you have been doing on the OMSA site is fascinating and absolutely groundbreaking.

      I think a separate sub-forum over here on post-Soviet Russia (and maybe the other successor republics?) would be an extremely good idea.



    2. Very interesting. :jumping: I once had the chance to meet a double recipient of this award, so it must have existed. It wasn't a situation where I could ask to see his medals (I was trying to presuade him to get his guards to lower their AK-47s).

    3. If you can find it, F. T. Birdwood, The Sikh Regiment in the Second Worfd War (Norwich: Jarrold and Sons, {date?]) will be of value.

      As you probably know (data extracted from John Gaylor, Sons of John Company, and Chris Kempton, 'Loyalty and Honour', part III), the 6/11th was raised at Nowsherah only on 7 August 1940, served in India and Burma, and was disbanded on 5 August 1946. Kempton gives a breakdown of the battalion's various assignments. If I were in Delhi now, I could check the Indian Army Lists for you with ease.

    4. Well, after some delay (did the postal folks just not want to have to carry it around?) it is in hand. Well maybe not "in hand", "on desk". As others have observed, the first impression is that it is a BIG book. It makes the latest BB&M look almost tiny.

      The second imnpression, I am sorry to say, is that the standards of production are indeed disappointing. Indian publishers can do better and this volume falls much below the standard even of recent USI-I publications which, though they were not done by established publishers, have been of uniform high quality; this book is not to that standard and this is sad. The quality of printing and paper is low, the binding I fear may not stand up to decades of frequent consultation (if you can lift the tome), and (and this may just be a personal kvetch) I find the guilding of the page edges and the flock of little page-marking ribbons to be something unprofessional, tacky, and pretentious.

      However, we buy books for their contents, not their aesthetics. The contents are outstanding and first rate. While we may quibble about what has been included and what has been excluded (has anything been excluded?), what is clear is that Ashok has given us one of the true landmark books of recent years. Given the short print run, this book will, in a short time, become a collectible in its own right. The quality of the contents outweighs (no pun intended) the price and the quality issues. For anyone with any interest in the badges of the Indian cavalry, this is now sacred text; for those with less focused interests in the history of the Indian Army (from 1750 to 2007, so wider than just "British" interest), this is a "must have".

      My two annas worth . . . .

    5. And, for "equal time":

      770 Flight Cadet Shakir Hussain, Air Headquarters, Royal Pakistan Air Force

      Unfortunately only the Pakistan Medal is named. His career is, at present, untraced.

      Unlike so many Pakistani "groups" that are around, I think this is halal.

    6. My favorite IAF (ex-RIAF) group:

      3162 Group Captain Harbans Singh Monga, Indian Air Force

      Mounting a bit ragged, but a long and impressive (and heavy) group.

      Date of Birth - 15-June-1923

      Date of Commission - 25-June-1945

      Date of Subst Rank of Flt Lt - 25-June-1950

      Transport pilot. No.1 Transport Training Wing was based at Begumpet Airport, Hyderabad. The 1TTW merged with the 2TTW at Yelhanka, Bangalore to form the TTW there. Thereafter Begumpet reverted to 'AFS Begumpet' name. No.1 TTW at that time operated C-47 Dakotas and Devons for Training. G/C Monga would most probably have flown C47s with No.12 Squadron in J and K Ops.

      1- The General Service Medal, 1947 - JAMMU AND KASHMIR 1947-48 - 3162 FG. OFF. H. S. MONGA, I. A. F.

      2- Samar Seva Star, 1965 - 3162 GP. CAPT. H. S. MONGA, I. A. F.

      3- Poorvi Star, 1971 - missing, ribbon only

      4- Paschimi Star, 1971 - missing, ribbon only

      5- Raksha Medal, 1965 - 3162 GP. CAPT. H. S. MONGA, I. A. F.

      6- Sangram Medal, 1971 - missing, ribbon only

      7- Sainya Seva Medal - Himalaya - 3162 GP. CAPT. H. S. MONGA, I. A. F.

      8- Videsh Seva Medal - Nepal - 3162 WG. CDR. H. S. MANGA, I. A. F.

      9- The Indian Independence Medal, 1947 - 3162 FG. OFFR. H. S. MONGA, R.I.A.F.

      10- 25th Independence Anniversary - missing, ribbon only

      11- Twenty Years Long Service Medal - 3162 GP. CAPT. H. S. MONGA, I. A. F.

      12- Nine Years Long Service Medal - 3162 GP. CAPT. H. S. MONGA, I. A. F.

      13- The War Medal, 1939-45 - IND/3162 FLT/LT. H. S. MONGA, R. I. A. F.

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