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    Posts posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. whoa- amputated his own leg?

      Yeah, he came out of a helicopter in Bangadesh in 1971, stepped on a landmine, boom, did his surgery, tied it off with his belt, found a stick and kept going. And then, his hardest job, to persuade the bosses to keep him in uniform after his prostesis had been fitted. (All he got was a Wound Medal!) Has become a major activist for "handicapped" rights after his retirement.

    2. Very nice and VERY interesting. Looks to be in the tradition of the regional "Warlord" medals known from all over China. Which Warlord was active in Inner Mongolia in the 1930s? That is probably him in the obverse center. Need to check. And what does the legend say?

      A very nice find!! :jumping::love:

      Here is the image.

    3. Are they engraved on the back or rim at all? What are they struck from? Bronze?

      What sort of pension extras does one receive for this award?

      Just looked at the MOD site. 14/21 posthumous awards is quite something. That Captain Sarian leading the bayonet charge against the Katagans is really a hair-raising story! Bayonets, grenades, SMGs, machetes, spears, kukris-yee Gods, it must've looked a bit like Actium!

      Bronze, but not claimed to be anyone's captured anythings.

      The three I have seen are named on the rim. Two nicely, one poorly (the most recent - no surprise).

      Pensions? Very complex, very controversial. I know a good book :P that covers those.

      Regarding Salaria, see http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33577 - opinions may differ on his award. Interesting in that, to date, his has been the only "UN service" PVC.

      Read Ian Cardozo, Param Vir: Our Heroes in Battle ([New Delhi]: Roli Books, [2003]; ISBN 81-7436-262-2). While a popular book, still very moving and very valuable. (And written by a very modest hero in his own right; anyone who amputates his own injured leg with his own kukri . . . :speechless1: . And a GREAT person.)

    4. When it comes to quirky and nasty mountings, this one contends for the prize. At least he got ONE ribbon right. Listed in the order he wears them, however incorrect.

      1- Raksha Medal, 1965 - 229052 CPL. MURAD, K.L., I.A.F.

      2- Samanya Seva Medal - Nagaland - 229052 JWO.1 K.L. MURAD, I.A.F.

      3- Sainya Seva Medal - Bengal-Assam - 229052 CPL. MURAD K.L. I.A.F.

      4- 9 Year Service Medal - 229052 CPL. MURAD K.L. I.A.F.

      There is also (not mounted - lucky medal?)

      5- Sangram Medal, 1971 - 229052 CPL. MURAD KL I.A.F.

    5. It is a measure of the confusion of the times, Raoul Salan received it AND commanded a Division fighting the Germans in 44-45.

      Fascinating. I can't imagine he got both this thing and the Order of Liberation?!

      Must be a story there . . . .

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