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    Posts posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. While I might quibble with aspects of James' highly Anglo-centric survey, he touches the main points and Jagan's IAF site at Bharat Rakshak is first-rate.

      You may also want to check out: Rana T. S. Chhina, The Eagle Strikes: The Royal Indian Air Force, 1932-1950 ([New Delhi]Centre for Armes Forces Historical Research, United Service Institution of India, [2006]; ISBN 81-903591-0-X). Don't be distracted with his marvelous photos, the text is quite professional and valuable too. I think it is available through the Bharat Rakshah bookstore.

    2. Yes, as Rick knows well, most of what is out there -- especially in the public arena -- ignores the complexities and, moreover, embraces the perspective of one of the two inheritors (and over-simplifier) of those compex events: The Nazis or the DDR. And, as this discussion shows, even contemporary amateur historians selectivbely embrace one view or the other (here, usually the Nazi view) and still celebrate some of the maniacal slaughter that took place in what verged on a German Civil War.

      I always find it strange how flexible people can be, simultaneously embracing the "defenders" of the German Republic but the destroyers of the Spanish Republic.

    3. "The collector who lacks the knowledge in the Iraqi ODM, which are growing in numbers. This is due to the vast market all over the web with large numbers of Iraqi medals to purches."

      This suggests that a good color book of as many as possible, front and back, with names in English would be welcomed. :cheers:

      Good point, Rick. But, speaking frankly, I have no interest at all in empowering [the show me] the "war booty" uniformed crowd. Silence is golden.

      I am almost glad that my Iraq Medals website is now dead and that the volumes of regulations I got from now-dead friends in immediate pre-"liberation" Iraq lie (mostly) untranslated on the shelves. Someday, maybe, . . . .

      Similar fantasy/fake/lunatic stuff/garbage is coming out of occcupied Afghanistan.

    4. Well, at least there is Current Interest and a large market for the REAL items that are being faked or embellished, with all their mysterious unreadable squiggles.

      Well, the "squiggles" can be read. And, you of all people. say this, spending your non-family-reunion free days pfutzing-about in pre-1918 German medal rolls written in scribble-scrawls in no known human language?? Ha! :cheeky:

      NOT like the tidal wave of Frankenstein Chinese items (I am now seeing increasingly :speechless1: "war lord Orders" appearing) on the market that would have been better used as COIN metal or gutter flashing than as tat nobody wants and nobody collects. maybe it can all be recycled as shhip ballast and sent back where that came from.

      Us as knows and has the books (with their goofy caption translations) knows what Chinese things are (mostly) real. Someday, there may be a book in barbarian-speak. Tee-hee. :jumping:

    5. So much crap now seems to be concocted these days for sale to the idiots in the occupying forces that it seems to be worth stopping collecting Iraqi ODM (as I have done since 20 March 2003).

      (I write this without seeing many of the previous posts, sorry.)

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