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    Posts posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. Ohhhh :love:

      Quick "read":

      1- Wisam al-Istiqlal/Order of Independence

      2- Wisal al-Nahda/Order of Renaissance; Wisam al-Iftiqar al-Askari/Order of Military Glory (?); Wisal al-Istahaqaq al-Askari al-Husayniya/Al-Hussein Order of Military Merit

      3- ???; Midalat al-Ma'araqa al-Karama/Battle of Karama Medal; Midalat al-Iwabil al-Fazi/Medal for the Silver Jubilee

      4- Wisam al-Khidmat 1967-71/Service Medal 1967-71; Midalat al-Qafawat al-Qiyadiya/Medal for Administrative and Leadership Competence; Midalat al-Qafawat al-Idariya/Medal for Administrative and Technical Competence

      5- Midalat al-Qafawat al-Tarirbet/Medal for Training Competence; ??? (and I know I know this :banger:); Saudi Arabia- Order of King Abdulaziz

      6- ???; USA- Legion of Merit; ???

    2. And (easier to find, famous NJ dealer stocks it).

      Zhong Guo Hui Zhang ([n.p.: 2000]; ISBN 7-5306-3106-3)

      Bibliographically elusive, this small volume shares many of the problems of the CPRMM volume (above): it is entirely in Chinese with only Xeroxed captions included from most sellers. It does, however, seem to be more comprehensive and it does give text (in Chinese) beyond a simple caption on each of the awards. If more of us could read this text! This book is also easier to obtain, as it is fairly regularly stocked by the better Soviet award dealers.

    3. I have found only two even remotely useful sources on PRC awards, both in Chinese.

      Illustrated Collection of Badges in the Chinese People's Revolutionary Military Museum ([beijing: 1980]; ISBN 7-80603-104-9)

      One of the two standard books, this one has become scarce in recent years, though some of the better Soviet medal dealers occasionally stock it. The book is entirely in Chinese, but is usually sold in the USA accompanied by a Xeroxed set of translations of the photo captions. While the translations are less than elegant, they are a great aid to the mostly-non-Chinese-speaking phaleristic world.

      Hard to find these days.

    4. I agree. A worker's medal isn't quite the same as an MC or Vir Chakra.


      Well, actually, it is (as interesting as a VrC, but maybe not a MC). Surely more interesting than medals to Europeans. :sleep: Have you seen my Soviet collection? Workers usually matter more than soldiers to me.

      The problem is that they often don't come with ribbon, and when they do the prices are too high. You don't want to encourage the dealers in bad habits, do you? Moreover, my feeling about the Tatas (though from Bikaner State) make me predisposed to pay lower prices than usual for medals linked in any way to them. (For those not knowing Indian capitalist families, Tata ~= Ford.)

    5. Thanks for the input, James. I knew there had to be a few gongs in there somewhere. It's quite an impressive family.


      Interesting enough.

      I have no medals to the Tatas and have never cared to acquire any to their workers for long service.

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