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    Posts posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_09_2008/post-4281-1220520024.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_09_2008/post-4281-1220520053.jpg

      Hey Rick and lads. Thats the MEDAHUIA Order (Spanish Colonial order from the Marocco "Protectorate"

      , or "Spanish Marocco")

      I add the concession doc in arabian and the spanish doc.


      The Arabic document (though small) seems to be upside down.

    2. This one is more for Ed, who may not be aware of the benefits of radio 4:

      Here's an interview with the last living Indian army VC winner-good series. I listen whilst perusing gmic.


      Nice. I was distantly involved in helping friends at the USI-I and UK High Commission in New Delhi get this pieced together.

      I have been interviewed by them for a couple of their other shows.

    3. Prior to 1983 the Order of precedence was that the RVM was worn AFTER Campaign/Coronation Medals. It was then changed that it took precedence before the BEM (and consequently Campaign/LS/Coronation medals).

      Groups worn before 1983 are thus correct showing the RVM at the end of the ribbon bar.



      It is always sad (or worse) to see groups or ribbon bars forced into an order of wearing (or, for that matter, style of wearing) that was not in use during the period. While it is scarcely from from problems, Tuson's Medals will be Worn should live close at hand.

    4. I think that our colleagues are talking about the former Socialist Federative Republic of Makedonia, once part of Tito's Jugoslavia.

      Best wishes,


      Yes, Enzo, that was my thought too. To what degree were the Yugoslav provinces allowed to create their own, parallel, awards? Most States take a dim view of this sort of thing.

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