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    Posts posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. A single Defence Medal is common (Home Guard and such), a 1939-45 Star, DM, and War Medal trio is quite common, a DM and WM pair is quite common, a 39-45 and DM is distinctly odd. But this is possible, given the complexities of the WWII medals which were far greater than the regulations reflect (and those creating the regulations at the time knew this even as they wrote the rules).

      And, in some ways, this would be less confusing if the Order of the British Empire (no way to know which class, but the width suggests to me a CBE) were civil rather than military.

      Chronologically, I think the DM came along AFTER the WM (I'm talking decisions, not formal Army Orders), so it doesn't seem to be a matter of chronology. If it were only the 1939-43 (later 1939-45) Star and a ribbonless MiD, we could easily give ths ribbons a date.

      These ribbons, I think, tell a very interesting tale! :jumping: And I do love puzzles, even if :banger: !

    2. Interesting.

      -- No WWII war medal. Makes one wonder if the 1939-45 Star was self-awarded? A possible, but unlikely set.

      -- The final uniform-coloured ribbon would have been used to hold a mention-in-despatches device or, as seems more likely given the group, a King's Commendation for Brave Conduct (rather a rare beast), though this would often have been added onto the Defence Medal.

      Nice. :jumping:

    3. hi Ed

      Oh, I see. Comparative data, indeed, as you said. thanks.

      On the defeat of Japan, please show your collection by the smallest number. Thank you. If any.

      To date, the lowest number that has been recorded for the Medal "We Won" is 111.

      Personally, the lowest number I have is 904 in the group to Lieutenant-General Damdin Tserenjav.

      You also may want to glance at http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10216&st=01 for information on this and the other Battushig "A" medals.

    4. I think that's our guy - HSU, 2 Lenins, 2 Red Banners, Red Banner of Labor, Badge of Honor, Friendship of Peoples, exactly what we can see on the picture. He must have left his screwbacks at home to save his suit. :beer:

      Good point. But I think his suit is long lost anyway on the left side, why not trash the right too?

      Seems to be still living?

    5. This may be :off topic: but this is a nasty machine translation of his bio on that site.

      Liventsev Victor Ilich

      21. 4. 1918

      The hero of Soviet Union

      Dates of decrees

      1. 1/1/1944 (A medal № 2631)

      Liventsev Victor Ilich ? the commander of 1st Bobruisk guerrilla brigade of Belarus, the colonel.

      Was born on April, 21st, 1918 in village Davydovka of Liskinsky area of the Voronezh region in a family of the employee. Russian. A member of the CPSU since 1940. In 1937 has ended 2 courses of the Voronezh teacher training college. In 1937-1938 worked as the teacher of Liskinsky high school.

      In 1938 Liventsev has been called in Red Army. Served in 20th cavalry to a regiment of 4th cavalry division, then - in 37th shooting to a regiment of 56th shooting division as the assistant to the political leader of the regimental battery. In 1939 took part in clearing of the Western Belarus, and as in the Soviet-finnish war 1939 - 1940 as the political leader миномётной companies. In 1941 has ended the Grodno military-political school.

      On June, 22nd, 1941 Liventsev has accepted the first battle near to the Western border. 3 days миномётная the company defended Anonymous height among bogs. Fighters did not know that have appeared in an environment. It has been then decided to depart on the east. Having joined a column consisting of isolated parts and divisions, 2 days battled under Volkovysky. The enemy has crumpled defence, and Liventsevu as a part of the surrounded group again had to recede. Fought in an environment near Baranovichi and in other places.

      In the end of July, 1941 Liventsev has appeared in the occupied Bobruisk. Having happened upon 2 others ?окруженцами?, Liventsev has started to create underground group. Soon they have contacted local Komsomol underground groups. Having united them, Liventsev has headed the underground organisation.

      At first have made to itself and another counterfeit documents, began to accept reports of Sovinformbjuro, to copy them on leaflets and to extend on a city. Collected the weapon. Destroyed separate Hitlerites. Soon the underground trace was attacked by Gestapo. Ливенцев has suggested all to leave in wood and there to continue struggle. In the end of November, 1941 nearby 400 persons have been deduced in guerrilla groups of October area. It was the unique case of a conclusion of the large underground organisation in wood without a failure. Especially ? without waiting spring. In it there was a big merit of the talented organizer of an underground of Victor Liventseva.

      In December, 1941 752nd guerrilla group under command of Liventseva has accepted the first battle, having broken fascist retaliatory group on farm Teterino. Then Hitlerite garrisons in village Kurin and settlement Ozarichi have been liquidated.

      In March, 1942 guerrilla group Liventseva has transferred the base in Klichevsky area of the Mogilyov area. Together with local groups the garrison in district Klichev on April, 20th, 1942 has been crushed. The huge territory of Klichevsky, Berezinsky, Kirov and Belynichsky areas has been cleared of invaders. There was a guerrilla zone. Bodies of the Soviet management have been restored.

      The Klichevsky guerrilla zone was left daily on tasks on highway and railways by diversionary groups. So P.Kozhushko's group of group Liventseva to autumn of 1942 had been derailed 23 enemy echelons.

      During spot-check to the railway Minsk ? Moscow group Liventseva has met Elena Kolesovoj's female landing group which had a portable radio set. There was a communication with "Continent". Soon on Klichevsky airdrome the first transport plane from V.S.Grizodubovoj's regiment has landed.

      In August, 1942 against Klichevsky Soviet area Hitlerites have thrown about 4 divisions. The most severe blockade has begun. Some days group Liventseva defended district Klichev, allowing to leave civilians in woods, and then, having broken through a ring, have left in Osipovichsky area where V.Tikhomirov's group operated. With arrival there group of the hero of civil war of A.Flegontova in area powerful guerrilla connection was created.

      In the autumn of 1942 group Liventseva daily confirmed the slogan: ?Kill the German in Belarus that there was no it under Stalingradom!? Tens enemy echelons have departed under a slope. If did not suffice тола, it melted from aerial bombs.

      On November, 4th, 1942 on a site of the railway of Talc ? Verejtsy has been stopped by a mine an echelon, and then by all group Liventseva is completely destroyed. In some days have in the same way burnt one more echelon. And on the night of New 1943 around station the Tatar group Liventseva has destroyed an echelon with a manpower. Hundreds Hitlerites have not reached to front.

      In the beginning of 1943 group Liventseva has been transformed by the order of the Central staff of guerrilla movement to 1st Bobruisk guerrilla brigade to which had to "work" in vicinities of a city of Bobruisk. It was necessary to change a disposition place again. During moving Liventsev has with own hand created a cliche for the new newspaper ?Bobruisk guerrilla? which soon began to be printed on отрядной printing houses.

      In 1943 the brigade of Liventseva "has endured" some blockade. The enemy environment was necessary to break through 4 times. Especially difficult fights were developed in May, 1943. Having broken through a ring, Liventsev has withdrawn a brigade again in October area.

      ?Rail war? the Brigade of Liventseva has begun summer of 1943 has received the site near Bobruisk. Within several nights all guerrilla groups left simultaneously on "piece of iron". All flied To air: rails, cross ties, bridges and arrows, and even the whole echelons overtaken in a way.

      In connection with approach of Red Army the brigade of Liventseva has started to make every possible difficulties to receding Hitlerite armies. On roads blockages and ambushes became, bridges were destroyed, the stolen property was selected at Germans. The brigade of Liventseva kept under observation Bobruisk, Osipovichi, Zhlobin. At station Osipovichi 2 magnetic mines on tanks with fuel have been put. In the neighbourhood there were some more echelons. Really the fiery enchanting spectacle soon has begun. Here the list of destructions: 5 steam locomotives are damaged, have burnt down 23 platforms with gasoline, 8 tanks with aviaoil, 30 cars with shells, 33 cars with aerial bombs, 15 cars with products, 8 tanks, the post, a building of depot and warehouses with coal are put out of action.

      On December, 25th, 1943 around settlement Parichi guerrillas have met the Soviet military investigation. The brigade of colonel Liventseva held the fort some days on a site of the "present" front, the main forces of Red Army were not tightened yet.

      1st Bobruisk guerrilla brigade became worthy replenishment to household troops of 1st Belarus front. V.I.Liventsev has been selected by the secretary of the Central Committee of Komsomol of Belarus.

      The decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR from January, 1st, 1944 for courage and the heroism shown at performance of tasks in back of the opponent, and for special merits in development of guerrilla movement in Belarus to Victor Ilichu Liventsevu had been appropriated a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union with delivery of an award of Lenin and a medal ?Gold Star? (№ 2631).

      With 1944 for 1950 V.I.Liventsev worked as the secretary, the second secretary of Central Committee LKSM of Belarus. In 1952 has ended republican партшколу, then in 1955 - the Minsk teacher training college of a name of M.Gorkogo. From 1958 20 years was the chairman of the State Committee on physical training and sports БССР. With 1978 for 1986 worked operating affairs of Central Committee KP of Belarus. A number of congresses КПБ it was selected the candidate for members of the Central Committee, at XXIV congress ? a member of Central Committee KPB. It was selected the deputy of Supreme body БССР 5 - 10 convocations. The author of the book "Guerrilla edge", published in Minsk in 1983. Lives in Minsk.

      V.I.Liventsevu appropriates ranks: ?the Honored worker of physical training БССР?, ?the Honourable citizen of Bobruisk?.

      "The honour Sign", many medals, and also Certificates of honour of Supreme body БССР is awarded by Lenin's 2 awards, 2 awards of the Red Banner, awards of a Patriotic War of 1st degree, "For service to the Native land in Armed forces of the USSR" III degree, the Labour Red Banner, Friendship of the people.

      So probably NOT him in your photo.

    6. Thanks, Marc. For more on him, see http://www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=7303

      The nasty/computer translation of his bio divulges:

      The assistant to the commander of 52nd bombing aviation regiment (2nd minno-torpedo aviation division, the Air Forces of Pacific fleet) major Ivan Karpenko skilfully ordered regiment operations at bombardment of military facilities and a manpower of the opponent in the Japanese port Racine (Najin) and naval base Sejsin (Чхонджин) in Northern Korea.

      Personally major Karpenko I.T. has damaged two transports, has sunk four landing barges, has destroyed a lot of manpower of the enemy.

    7. Another Czech HSU, 21 December 1943 (medal #2854).

      A nasty translation of http://www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=1553

      Сохор (Sochor) Antoninas - the commander of a company of submachine gunners of 1st infantry battalion of 1st separate Czechoslovak infantry brigade as a part of 51st shooting case of 38th army of 1st Ukrainian front, the lieutenant.

      Was born on July, 16th, 1914 in Czechia. Served in the Czech army. When its native land has been occupied by Hitlerite armies, together with other colleagues in 1939 has emigrated to Poland and then, with the beginning of 2nd world war, in September, 1939 as a part of Czechoslovak military unit has passed to Soviet Union.

      Was among the first who in February, 1942 has entered 1st separate Czechoslovak battalion generated from Czechoslovak volunteers under command of colonel Ljudvika of Freedom in the city of Buzuluk of the Orenburg region.

      In March, 1943 the commander of a platoon of submachine gunners lieutenant A.Sohor has accepted baptism of fire in the first fight of a Czechoslovak battalion against fascist armies at village of the Sokolov of Zmiyovsky area of the Kharkov area.

      Has especially caused a stir in fights for capital of the Soviet Ukraine - the city of Kiev. On November, 5th, 1943, when 1st separate Czechoslovak infantry brigade has begun approach to Kiev, Antonin Sohor's lieutenant ordered a company of submachine gunners, which as a tank landing, operated in avant-guard of a brigade. Overcoming resistance of the opponent, the company of Sohora promoted capture of the bridge prepared for explosion on Zhitomir highway and to an exit to near suburb of Kiev from outside farm the Raw.

      The decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR from December, 21st, 1943 for skilful command of a company both the shown heroism and courage to the citizen of Czechoslovakia to lieutenant Sohoru Antonina appropriates a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union with delivery of an award of Lenin and a medal "Gold Star" (№ 2854).

      In 1944-1945 A.Sohor participated in fights under White Church, Zhashkovom. And when the spring of 1944 had been created 1st Czechoslovak army case, - took in its structure part in Karpatsko-Duklinsky operation of armies of 1st Ukrainian front, battled in Slovakia and Moravia to an outright release of Czechoslovakia from fascist invaders.

      The nice son of the Czechoslovak people, the Hero of Soviet Union A.Sohor has died on August, 16th, 1950 at the age of 36th years ?

      It is awarded the order Lenin, an award of the Red Banner, medals, awards and medals of Czechoslovakia.

      The name of the Hero is carried by streets in the cities of Buzuluk and Kharkov.

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