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    Posts posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. No first name on the pigtailed Politruk. Just her last name filled in after "Comr." :(

      Doc 1 is a Mandate from the Nikolaev Committee of the Communist Party (Bolshevik) of the Ukraine (this is all in Russian, not Ukrainian) on April 25, 1919 (American style date) that the ParCom authorizes Appeal Court Member Comr. M. Dudkevich to be on the Commission for Taxation of the Bourgeoisie.

      Doc 2 is naval but so faded and wrinkly it defies (yet again) the fall of darkness and one eye....

      Doc 3 Attests on 3 July 3, 1923 (American style date) that Mikhail Mikhailovich KLEPIKOV holds the position of Assistant Commander of the Staff of the 143rd Rifles Regiment, 48th "Tversky" Divsion, his signature in the middle, and valid until October 3, 1923, as signed by the "Act. Comstaregiment."

      OK, Rick, this may be :off topic: but it matters to me, so I try again. Thanks.

      The "naval" document (I see the anchor too):

    2. Indeed-- and happily preserved intact! :beer:

      Oh, it will "melt" some day. Maybe sooner rather than later. Global warning IS real, Rick. A lack of "belief" in gravity will NOT send you floating upwards.

    3. I do like the mutiple Gallantry awards ( and, of course, the BEMs!!)

      More of those to come . . . :P

      Re Mohinder Singh. I.E.M.E. - I would think that the France and Germany Star to an Indian Recipient is scarce - ther must be a story attached to it - perhaps on a course in the U.K. and volunteered to go across to FRance?.

      I wish I knew the tale. Probably never to be known, as all the records are locked up tight with bureaucrats (uniformed or not). Est. 3,100 F&G Stars to Indians (and most would have been named). So far as I know (and the previous custodian knows, and all our wise friends know) this is the only named F&G Star group to an Indian in captivity. :)

      WWII medals to Indians (I must have put this elsewhere?): January 1946 numbers on ESTIMATED WWII medals for IA and RIN (no RIAF or merchant navy).

      War Medal 2,541,000

      1939-45 1,520,000

      Burma 1,210,000

      Africa 202,000

      Defence 201,500

      Italy 150,300

      Pacific 31,500

      F&G 3,100

      Atlantic 2,000

      ACE 0 (but no RIAF included)

      ISM unrecorded (it was too new)

    4. But if memory serves me right, didn't just this thing happen to a Ghurka vet who "Loaned" his medals, including his VC to his old regiment, who prompty claimed them as a gift and he never saw them again, and was refused the chance to wear them? additionally because he was not a British citizen he was not allowed to come to Britain to seek any medical treatment in the UK. Sure it's a thread on this site somewhere.



      No, actually, to make a long and tawdry story short: The British officers of his regiment bilked him out of his gropup, enticed him to donate it to the "Regimental Association" making him think that association had anything to do with him, and then they donated it to the museum that seems to care not at all for him. Rather like the British officers who plundererd the regimental silver of those Gorkha regiments remaining with the Indian Army, but that's another tale. A nasty story here, in which no one is clean, but the tricked Gorkha is the ultimate victim (as, perhaps, he has always been?).

      Oh, this may anger some,. should I edit my post, . . . . :rolleyes:

    5. "Some animals are more equal than others."

      I'd quote other wisdom: "You can't always get what you want. But, sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need."

      It is sad he has to sell, but at least he'll get something out of them and they won't wind up buried in some bumbling museum's back room. I know of several notable WWII gallantry groups, sold at DNW, purchased by collectors, but retained, by joint agreement, in DNW's valuts for the recipient to wear, when he wishes, for his lifetime.

    6. A bit "fringe" for me, a "Gora-Gorkha", a Gurkha who shifted to British service.

      388463 Major (QGO) Rukman Limbu, MBE, 1/7th Gurkha Rifles

      enlisted 4 December 1925, Quetta

      Lance/Naik 1932

      Naik September 1938

      Subadar-Major after 1948

      1954 MBE

      retired on pension 1955, Major (QGO)

      died 30 December 1975

      1- The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, 2nd type, member

      2- Burma Star - unnamed

      3- The War Medal, 1939-45 - unnamed

      4- The India Service Medal, 1939-45 - unnamed

      5- The General Service Medal, 1918-64, George VI (4th obverse, 1949-52) - MALAYA, MiD leaf - MAJOR. RUKMAN LIMBU. 7 G.R.

      6- Elizabeth II Coronation Medal, 1953 - unnamed (he was senior GCO of 7 GR in GR Contingent at London for the coronation)

      7- Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. George VI, 2nd type - REGULAR ARMY - 388463 CAPT. (KGO). RUKUMAN LIMBU. 7 G.R.

      8- The Indian Independence Medal, 1947 - 388463 SUB BAM RUKMAN LIMBU. G.R.

      The medals are as worn, complete with the most odd "singleton" Burma Star and no 1939-45 Star. More ressearch is needed, but it hasn't exactly been a high priority.

    7. IO 7480 Subadar-Major Tikajit Pun, Bahadur, OBI, IDSM, 3/2 Gurkha Rifles

      born 1905, West Nepal

      Enlisted 25 November 1922

      Jemadar 18 July 1937

      Subadar 1 October 1940

      MBE shown by Oct 1946 IAL - OBI (Bahadur), IDSM

      opted for British service 1 January 1948

      Lt (GCO) 1 January 1948

      Capt (GCO) 11 November 1953

      retired 14 February 1961

      died 29 October 1977, British Gurkha Centre, Paklihawa

      Later Honorary Major (GQO). His son: Major Lalbahadur Pun, MC, 1/2 GR.

      From the regimental newsletter, 1961:

      "Tikajit?s name was international news in 1953 when SS Sangola ran aground in the Hooghly river. The ship, which was carrying some 1,500 passengers, was soon in danger of breaking up and sinking. The Gurkhas under Tikajit?s command quickly organised the disembarkation of the passengers without any panic or loss of life. For this admirable action by Tikajit, the Chairman of BISN Company presented the Brigade of Gurkhas with three silver bugles - The Sangola Bugles."

      1- The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, 2nd type, member

      Shown by Oct 1946 IAL.

      2- Order of British India, second class

      21 June 1947, actually not presented until October 1951.

      3- Indian Distinguished Service Medal, George VI - SUBDR. TIKAJIT PUN, 3-2 G. R.

      Chhina, p. 236: IO 7480 Subadar Tikajit Pun, 3/2 GR - Hindu Gurkha, Nagli, Mallajha, 4000 Parbat, Bahunga, No. 4 West, Nepal - IDSM Burma/EFI 232-H/1944 - The IDSM was awarded for distinguished services during the First Chindit Expedition behind enemy occupied lines in Burma, March and April 1943. The IDSM was notified in the London Gazette of 19th October, 1944.

      Recommendation from WO 373/34:

      "Subedar Tikajit Pun was the senior Gurkha officer of a column which was forced through a breakdown in communications and the consequent lack of rations to return across the Chindwin under particularly arduous conditions. His energy and devotion to duty were unfailing and on all occasions he set a superb example of cheerfulness in great adversity. It was largely due to his exemplary conduct that his men, despite hunger and exhaustion, regained their base as a formed body and without casualties.

      "He displayed the same qualities of leadership during this difficult march as he had previously shown under fire and was throughout of the greatest assistance to his column commander."

      4- India General Service Medal, 1908-35, George V, 1st variety - WAZIRISTAN 1921-24 - 678 RFMN. TIKAJIT PUN, 1-2 G. R.

      5- India General Service Medal, 1936-39 - NORTH WEST FRONTIER 1936-37 - JEMDR. TIKAJIT PUN, 1-2 G.R.

      6- 1939-45 Star - unnamed

      7- Burma Star - unnamed

      8- The War Medal, 1939-45 - unnamed

      9- The India Service Medal, 1939-45 - unnamed

      10- The General Service Medal, 1918-64, George VI (4th obverse, 1949-52) ? MALAYA - CAPT. TIKAJIT PUN S.B. M.B.E. O.B.I. I.D.S.M. 2 G.R.

      Note that the naming is incorrect, in that it shows him as S.B. (?Sardar Bahadur?) rather than just ?Bahadur?, which is all he?d be with an OBI2.

      11- The Indian Independence Medal, 1947 - 388433, CPT. TIKAJIT PUN OBI MBE IDSM SB G.R.

      Note that the naming is incorrect, in that it shows him as S.B. (?Sardar Bahadur?) rather than just ?Bahadur?, which is all he?d be with an OBI2.

    8. Ed If you want to really make my day i'd love to see a ww1 MM group to an Indian regiment. Great stuff I especially like the trio and durbar medal to the Chief you have.



      No such group could exist, as the MM was not available to Indians until 1943. A few WWI MMs to ethnic Indians do exist, though I don't know of any groups. A single:

      Naik Tika Khan, M.M., Hong Kong-Singapore Battalion, Royal Garrison Artillery

      Named: H.K.S.B. 1390 NAIK TIKA KHAN. H.K-S.BN:R.G.A.

      An uncommon George V Military Medal to an Indian serving with the Hong Kong-Singapore Battalion, Royal Garrison Artillery. London Gazette 25 April 1918.

      For service on the Egypy/Libya border.

    9. I.O. 7269 Honorary Captain and Subadar Major Narbahadur Gurung, Sardar Bahadur, IOM, OBI, IDSM, 2/4th Gurkha Rifles

      Many puzzles remain on this group.

      Born 1903, Sabet, dist. Gandaki, West Nepal

      Enlisted 3 December 1921

      Jemadar 6 November 1936

      Subadar 1 October 1940

      WS Subadar-Major ????

      retired 1946

      served in Nepal Government as Deputy Minister of Health in Nepal, 1951-52

      died 26 January 1977, Pathankot, India, just after marching in Republic Day parade in New Delhi

      1- Order of British India, first class, type 2, 1939-1947 - Rawalpindi 13 Jun 1946, Gazette of India Extraordinary 13 Jun 1946, Notn 150 ? H. OBI2 ? Northern Italy, 14 June 1945, GoI Extraordinary, 14 June 1945, Not. No. 140-H.

      2- Indian Order of Merit, 2nd class, 1939-45 - This is a puzzle. With 1/4th GR as I.O. 7269 A/ Subdr ? Major in Italy, Gazette of India 19/ 6 May 1944. Not. No. 101?H. For Italy. Note the regimental history vol. 3 does not record this action but his name is recorded on page 454 as having been awarded the IOM. Not in Peterson. Almost certainly for escape from POW camp and subsequent evasion in Italy. (How does a Gorkha evade in Italy?!) Captured in North Africa in the ?Battle of the Cauldron? on 5/6 June 1942. Intermed in camp ?P.G. 63 P.M. 3400 Italy? per his letters (P.G. 63, Aversa? just north of Naples). He escaped, evaded, and rejoined the Battalion late in October and early November 1943. Recommendation is elusive, but what has been found suggests the recommendation was "not to be retained".

      3- Indian Distinguished Service Medal, George VI - Named "JEMDR. NARBAHADUR GURUNG, 2-4 G.R." For Black Rocks, Koti Raghza Waziristan, NWFP (gazetted as Waziristan, NWFP), action date 29 June 1937, Gazette of India Extraordinary 10 Dec 1937, Not. 192-H. Recommendation unlocated.

      4- India General Service Medal, 1908-35, George V, 2nd variety, "NORTH WEST FRONTIER 1930-31" - Named "6375 L-NK. NARBAHADUR GURUNG, 2-4 G.R."

      5- India General Service Medal, 1936-39 "NORTH WEST FRONTIER 1937-39" - Named "JEMDR. NARBAHADUR GURUNG, 2-4 G.R."

      6- 1939-45 Star - unnamed

      7- Africa Star - unnamed

      8- Italy Star - unnamed

      9- The Defence Medal, 1939-45 - unnamed

      10- The War Medal, 1939-45 - unnamed

      11- George V Silver Jubilee Medal, 1935 - unnamed

    10. Head Clerk Lala Ram Rakha Singh, Military Works Service

      Came with a stack of paperwork.

      1- British Empire Medal, George VI (civil) - "LALA RAM RAKHA"

      2- British War Medal - "RAM RAKHA, M.W.S."

      3- Victory Medal - "RAM RAKHA, M.W.S."

      4- India General Service Medal 1908 "Afghanistan NWF" - "CLK. RAM RAKHA, M.W.S."

      B.E.M. is in London Gazette 12 June 1941 to "Lala Ram Rakha, Head Clerk, Office of the Commander, Royal Engineers, Waziristan District, North-West Frontier Province" - the recommendation has not been captured but it lies (absconding) in PSV file 10(2)-H/1941 in New Delhi - I am 100% certain it is a retirement gift for someone whose salary was below the threshold for a title.

      Maybe not "sexy" by all tastes, but this is the person whose work made the empire function!

    11. Resaldar-Major Malik Singh, Bahadur, 3rd Bengal Cavalry

      1- Order of British India, 2nd class - named as shown below.

      2- Second Afghan Wer, "KANDAHAR" - "Ressr. Mullock Singh 3rd Bengal Cavy"

      3- Kabul to Kandahar Star - missing - anyone????

    12. 647 Sepoy Mukhtar Singh, 6th Raghubir Kashmir Light Inantry

      1- India Medal, 1895-1902, Victoria - RELIEF OF CHITRAL 1895 - 647 Sepoy Mukhtar Singh 6th Kashmir L. Infy.

      2- Jammu and Kashmir - Chitral Medal, 1895 - CHITRAL 1895 - 647 SEPOY MUKHTAR SINGH 6TH KASHMIR L I

      Regiment raised as a part of the ISF (2 companies of Hindu Dogras, 2 of Gorkhas, and 2 of Muslim Dogras) on 1 January 1892, though not trained until October 1893; at that time, the unit was deployed to Gilgit where it served on the Bunji-Chilas line. One hundred "Kashmir Infantry" in Col. Kelly's force. Returned to Jammu after the Chitral campaign. Disbanded 1896.

      Not a great scan, sorry.

    13. Rai Sahib Ganesh Dass, Inspector of Police, Quetta City, Baluchistan

      1- Indian Title Badge, George V, first variety, 3rd class, Rai Sahib - Lala Ganesh Dass

      An undated retrospective award of 1911 for those receiving titles prior to the institution of Title Badges. Title awarded in 1907 to Lala Ganesh Dass, Inspector of Police, Baluchistan. Not. No. 10-I.C. of 1 January 1907: ?Lala Ganesh Dass, Inspector of Police, Quetta City.? Recommendation:

      F, Frontier B, March 1907, 24-27:

      ?This officer is shortly to retire after 33 years? service of which over 20 have been in Baluchistan. After many years? approved service in the Quetta-Pishin district, he was specially selected by the Political Agent for work in Zhob in the early and difficult days of that Agency. When leaving the Agency Major McIvor noted, ?He has fully answered my expectations which were high. I have read over all his certificates and, good as they are, I think they are not one bit too good. . . . Ganeshdass has shown the greatest zeal and intrepidity in pursuing thieves right to the Kundar with next to no escort. He continued to do excellent work in Zhob for a number of years, his influence with the Pathans making him of the greatest use to successive district officers. Since his return to Quetta, his work has been equally valuable.?

      ?Major Archer, in again recommending this officer in March 1906, wrote:--

      ??He has continued to do most valuable work, and he has recently rendered excellent service in connection with the Royal visit. The anxieties connected with that visit would have been very much greater if we had not had Ganeshdas in charge of the City.?

      ?Mr. Tucker, Officiating Agent to the Governor-General in Baluchistan has noted as follows:--

      ??I endorse these remarks and shall welcome the grant of this title of honour.??


      Gazette of India 16 December 1911, Rai Sahib Ganesh Dass, Inspector City Police (Baluchistan). Research awaits.

      3- Visit of the Prince of Wales, 1905 - unnamed

      Recorded in the Royal Archives at Windsor under the name ?Ganesh Dass, Native Inspector, Quetta Police.? Only seventy medals presented. Ribbon incorrect.

      4- Delhi Durbar 1911, silver - unnamed and the civil rolls reman elusive

    14. Subadar Major Sardar Bahadur Gulzar Singh, IOM, IDSM, Burma Mounted Rifles

      Research far from complete on this one. It may or may not be missing medals.

      1- Indian Order of Merit, 2nd class, 1912-39 - unnamed

      South Persia (Marri Field Force) ? Rissaldar Gulzar Singh, I.D.S.M. (H&A p. 54; Duckers, p. 217). Sabadar Gulzar Singh was awarded the IDSM for gallantry on 25th May, 1918, when he extricated his squadron from a very difficult situation, returning to the open to retrieve the body of an officer and wounded men, under heavy fire. The IOM 2nd class was awarded for service in South Persia while attached to Marri Field Force. IAO 158 of 17 January 1919 (and IAO 882 of 1919):

      ?For gallantry on the 25th May 1918 when he extricated his squadron from a very difficult situation in excellent order and having done so returned himself to the open to help bring in the body of an officer and wounded men, under heavy fire. He was conspicupous for his skillful leadership in every action in which he was engaged.?

      Shown in 1941 War Services (p. 176), retired, as ?Subadar-Major Sardar Bahadur Gulzar Singh, Sardar Bahadur, IOM, IDSM" ? IOM 25 May 1918, Not. 158 of 17 Jan 1919.

      2- Indian Title Badge, George V, first variety, 1st class, Sardar Bahadur - Subadar-Major Gulzar Singh I.O.M., I.D.S.M., 2nd June 1923 - ribbon incorrect

      No. 1643-H of 2 June 1923 ? Sardar Bahadur to ?Subadar-Major Gulzar Singh, I.O.M., I.D.S.M., Burma Military Police, Burma?. Recommemndation elusive (file missing in the archives).

      3- Indian Distinguished Service Medal, George V, 1st variety - RISALDAR GULZAR SINGH, BURMA MOUNTED RIFLES

      South Persia ? Risaldar Gulzar Singh (Chhina, p. 174; H&A p. 128). IDSM by AO 1703 of 1918.

      4- British War Medal, 1914-18 - 77 SUB-MAJ. GULZAR SINGH, BURMA MTD. RFLS.

      Also MiD by AO 1188 of 1920 and 1747 of 1920.

    15. Rai Sahib Panchanan Ghosh, B.E.M., Subdivisional Officer, Government House, Calcutta

      1- Indian Title Badge, Rai Sahib, George VI - named "Babu Panchanan Ghosh 2nd June 1943"

      Babu Panchanan Ghose, B.E.M., Subdivisional Officer, Government House, Calcutta ? 2 June 1943

      PSV 42-H/1943:

      ?Babu Panchanan Ghosh has worked in the Communications and Works Department for 30 years, and during the greater part of this period he has held charge of subdivisions relating to Government House, Calcutta or Darjeeling. He has proved to be an exceptional and tactful officer, and his work has been marked by thoroughness and accuracy of judgment. In 1938 he received the Medal of the Order of British Empire, and since that year his work has continued to be of a very high order. His present pay is Rs.325/- and he is due to retire shortly. It is recommended that his long and meritorious service should be recognized by the award of the title of Rai Sahib.?

      2- British Empire Medal (civil), George VI - named "BABU PANCHANAN GHOSE"

      Babu Panchanan Ghose, Sub Divisional Officer, Government House, Calcutta, Bengal ? 1 January 1938.

      PSV, 10(3)-H/1937:


      ?Babu Panchanan Ghose has put in 24 years? service under Government in the Public Works Department and has held charge of the Government House sub-divisions in Darkeeling and now in Calcuttra. In 1935 he was awarded the Jubilee Medal. In 1936 he was awarded a first class certificate for his services in connection with famine relief work in Burdwan. He is an exceptionally able and tactful officer and his work [is] marked with thoroughness and good judgment. He is striongly recommended for the award of the Medal, and is of a class lower than those considered eligible for ?Membership? of the Order.?

      3- Jubilee Medal, 1935 - unnamed, on roll, p. 213, #539, as "Pachnanan Ghosh, Sub-Divisional Officer, Government House, Sub-Division, Calcutta"

    16. Sepoy Nehala 20th Punjab Infantry

      1- India General Service Medal 1854 - JOWAKI 1877-8 - "Sepoy Nehala 20th Regt N. I."

      2- Second Afghan War- ALI MUSJID - "Sepoy Nehala (1) 20th Regt N. I."

      3- Egypt 1882 - "Sepoy Nehala 20th Punjab Infy"

      4- Egypt: Khedive's Star, 1882 - unnamed

    17. I am immensely proud of this one, but most mainline "British" collectors don't get it.

      ME-102050 Naik Mohinder Singh, Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

      1- 1939-45 Star - ME-102050 NK. MOHINDER SINGH I.E.M.E.

      2- Africa Star - ME-102050 NK. MOHINDER SINGH I.E.M.E.

      3- Italy Star - ME-102050 NK. MOHINDER SINGH I.E.M.E.

      4- France and Germany Star - ME-102050 NK. MOHINDER SINGH I.E.M.E.

      5- Defence Medal - unnamed

      6- War Medal 1939-45 - unnamed

      I hope some can appreciate the extent of my glee??

    18. Lieutenant-Colonel Barkat Khan, Bahadur, Maler Kotla Sappers and Miners

      A puzzling group. Which ones aren't?!

      1- Order of British India, 2nd class -- 17 August 1917 for Mesopotamia to Major Barkat Khan, 1st Company Maler Kotla Sappers and Miners (ISF List 1 Jan 1918, p. 64b)

      2- India Medal, 1895 - clasps Punjab-NWF, Samana, Tirah -- missing, but shown in war services section of ISF List 1 Jan 1918, p. 72 -- anyone have it???

      3- China 1900 -- "51 Havildar Barkat Khan, Malerkotla I. S. Sappers"

      4- British War Medal -- "MAJ BARKAT KHAN, MALERKOTLA I. S. SPRS."

      5- Allied Victory Medal -- unnamed, but it came with the group -- restoration? -- he was not mentioned in despatches

      6- Durbar 1911 -- unnamed -- not on roll, but shown as qualified in ISF List 1 Jan 1918, p. 81 -- an award from the State quota?

      7- Jubilee 1935 -- unnamed -- shown on roll (p. 62) as "Major Barkat Khan, O.B.I., late of the Malerkotla State Forces"

      Shown in ISF List 1 Jan 1918, p. 50 as

      Lieutenant-Colonel Barkat Khan

      Commandant, 2nd Reserve Company, Maler Kotla Imperial Service Sappers

      Entered service 6 June 1891

      Appointed to the corps 6 September 1891

      Present Appointment 1 April 1917

      Order of British India, 2nd class

      His war services and other medal entitlements are as shown above

      Head and McClenaghan, vol. V, pt. II, add some to to this.

      Is he probbaly not missing a 1914-15 Star, as he seems to have been sent out to Mesopotamia only in February 1916 with a draft of reinforcements. The group would be missing the IGS 95 and "his" Victory Medal. Likely not missing an IGS08 for Afghanistan, as only the 1st company seems to have been deployed.

    19. Khan Bahadur Nasarvanji Navraoji, Sadri, Inspector-General of Police, Kolhapur State

      Surely not gallantry, quite, but rather more than a "normal" group? And very much mounted-as-worn, idiosyncratically and with a pre-WWI "feel".

      1- Khan Bahadur, George VI -- "Khan Sahib Nasarvanji Navraoji, Sadri 11th July 1940" -- Not. No. 84-H of 11 July 1940, "Khan Sahib Nasarvanji Navraoji, Sadri, Assistant to the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Criminal Investigation Department, Poona, Bombay"

      PSV 42-H/1940:

      ?(Pay = Rs.850/- p.m.)

      ?This officer joined the Police force in 1907 as a Sub-Inspector of Police, and by his meritorious work and record was promoted to the rank of Deputy Superintendent in 1929 and is now officiating as District Superintendent of Police, which appointment he is likely to hold until retirement. His record has been one of conspicuous ability and loyalty, as evidenced by the fact that he was awarded the title of Khan Sahib for his services in restoring order in Sholapur after the debacle there. In 1936 he was awarded the Indian Police Medal in recognition of his further meritorious work as a Police officer. In 1937 he was selected as the Deputy Superintendent of the Police Contingent from the Province sent to England for the Coronation of His Majesty the King-Emperor, and rfeceived very favourable commendations from the officers in charge for his own exemplary behaviour and for his general work in looking after the members of the Contingent.

      ?He is due to retire in March 1941, and is recommended for promotion to Khan Bahadur towards the end of a distinguished and loyal career under the Crown. He was previously recommended for this promotion in connection with the New Year?s Day (1940) Honours List.?

      2- Durbar 1911 - "NOSSERWAN NOVROJI SADRI"

      3- Jubilee 1935 - "KHAN SAHEB NUSSERWAN N. SADRI" -- On the roll as "Khan Sahib Nasarwanji Navraji Sadri, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Sholapur"

      4- Coronation 1936 -- "KHAN SAHEB N. N. SADRI"

      5- King's Police and Fire Services Medal for Distinguished Services, George VI, 1st variety -- "K. B. NUSSERWANJI NOWROSJI SADRI, I. G. OF POLICE, KOLHAPUR STATE." -- Gazette of India, 14 June 1945

      6- Indian Police Medal, George V, 2nd variety -- "N. Navraoji Sadri, Dy. Supdt, Bombay Police"

      7- Kolhapur: Coronation Medal of Chhatrapati Shahji II, 1947 -- This is the first specimen of this medal seen mounted/ ribboned, so it is important for establishing the correct ribbon.

      8- Khan Sahib, George V, 2nd variety -- "Nasarwanji Navroji Sadri 1st Jany 1931" -- Not. No 24-H of 1 January 1931 "Nasarwanji Navroji Sadri, Temporary Deputy Superintendent of Police, Greater Indian Peninsula and Madras and Southern Mahratta Railways, Poona"

      F&P, 54(2)-H/1930:

      ?This officer has an excellent record of 22 years? service as a Sub-Inspector. He was specially selected as Inspector in charge of the special force at Malegaon after the serious rioting there in 1921 when he acquitted himself admirably. During 1928 he was Inspector in charge of Bardoli and worked with the greatest devotion during the Satyagraha campaign in that taluka. Despite the general opposition encountered on all sides in the taluka, he set an example of loyalty to all and performed the many difficult tasks entrusted to him with determination and resource. Before the year closed, Mr. Sadri was again called on to play a part in the serious riots which convulsed Surat City in September 1928. He spent several days and nights with little or no rest or food and throughout those tragic happenings, he worked with conspicupus courage and by his tact and untiring energy assisted considerably in restoring peace to the disturbed city.

      ?When the Railway strike of 1903 broke out he was employed as a Deputy Superintendent of Police on the G.I.P. Railway. He rendered the most valuable assistance to his Superintendent and never spared himself in the discharge of the many arduous duties arising out of the strike. He was recently selected for the important duty of escorting the Nehrus and Dr. Mahmed from Poona to Naini and he discharged his duty most efficiently.

      ?[bombay has reported that the Baroda Darbar to which this gentleman belongs has no objection to this award.]?

      9- Masonic Medal, "Lodge Royal Jubilee No 742 S.C." -- named "TO WOR. BRO. KHAN SAHEB N. N. SADRY SECRETARY 1932-33"

      I am convinced he is one of those numerous ego-boosting biography volumes of the period, but so far he is elusive. Likewise, Much research looms.

      The group also has his ribbon bars.

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