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    Posts posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. The Czech hero Richard Tesař?k (1915-67).

      A babble-version of http://www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=1558 follows:

      Тесаржик (Tesarik) Rihard - the commander of a company of tanks "?-70" of a tank battalion of 1st separate Czechoslovak infantry brigade as a part of 51st shooting case of 38th army of 1st Ukrainian front, the second lieutenant.

      Was born on December, 3rd, 1915 in capital of Czechia - the city of Prague. After occupation of the Czech earths by fascist armies, together with other compatriots-patriots in 1939 has emigrated to Poland and then, with the beginning of 2nd world war, in September, 1939 as a part of Czechoslovak military unit has passed in the USSR.

      In February, 1942 R.Tesarzhik has entered 1st separate Czechoslovak battalion generated from Czechoslovak volunteers under command of colonel Ljudvika of Freedom in the city of Buzuluk of the Orenburg region.

      In March, 1943 the assistant to the commander of an infantry company the captain R.Tesarzhik has accepted baptism of fire in the first fight of a Czechoslovak battalion against fascist armies at village of the Sokolov of Zmiyovsky area of the Kharkov area.

      Has especially caused a stir in fights for Kiev. On November, 5th, 1943. When 1st separate Czechoslovak infantry brigade has begun approach to the Ukrainian capital, about 16 hours the commander of 2nd battalion has asked to help it tanks. To the commander of a company of tanks "?-70" to the second lieutenant R.Tesarzhiku on a portable radio set was the order is given - to attack southwest suburb of Syretsky camps, on city suburb. Using support of tanks and having committed to battle a reserve, the commander of 2nd battalion has undertaken roundabout maneuver at the left and attacked the opponent from back. As a result of joint efforts of a tank company of R.Tesarzhika and a reserve of 2nd battalion with support of the artillery battery, the straight line which has destroyed by fire наводки some weapon emplacements, were possible to break by 17 o'clock resistance of the opponent and in this area. Thus, the left flank of a Czechoslovak brigade also has carried out the problem set for it that, in turn, has created possibility for the further advancement of its left neighbour - 931st shooting regiment of 240th division of 51st shooting case of 38th army.

      Having seized at 18 o'clock a film studio and promptly having promoted along Zhitomir street, the company of tanks "?-70" of the second lieutenant of R.Tesarzhika with one tank "?-34" and a platoon of submachine gunners has broken to city centre of Kiev and already at 19 o'clock left to passenger station "Kiev-1" where - has encountered persistent resistance of the opponent. In the fastened fight Czechoslovak tankmen together with submachine gunners of 2nd battalion and a field company platoon have seized at 20 o'clock station and have rescued from destruction the bridge and other railway objects ?

      The decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR from December, 21st, 1943 for skilful command of a tank company both the shown courage and heroism in fights with fascist aggressors to the citizen of Czechoslovakia to second lieutenant Tesarzhiku Rihardu appropriates a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union with delivery of an award of Lenin and a medal "Gold Star" (№ 1693).

      Further the courageous Czechoslovak officer-tankman was at war under White Church, Zhashkovom. As a part of the 1944 of 1st Czechoslovak army case created in the spring it took part in Karpatsko-Duklinsky operation of armies of 1st Ukrainian front, and on September, 22nd, 1944, in fight for mastering in the height 694 which were called as "mountain Girovoj", was seriously injured ?

      This day the tank in which was надпоручик R.Tesarzhik, the first has broken to "mountain Girovoj" top, but during the moment when it has already approached to the first траншее the opponent, one of Hitlerites has shot on the tank from фаустпатрона. The car has lighted up and began to slip quickly downwards. From crew has escaped only надпоручик R.Tesarzhik. Fainted, covered with wounds and burnt, it was picked up by hospital attendants. They have rendered to the Hero first aid. In field hospital doctors have done the utmost to keep to it a life, but it was not possible to rescue the left eye ?

      After war the courageous officer continued service in Czechoslovak national army. The hero of Soviet Union, the major general of CHNA Rihard Tesarzhik has died on March, 27th, 1967 on 52nd year of a life. It is buried in the native city of Prague.

      It is awarded the order Lenin, an award of the Red Star, medals, Czechoslovak awards and medals.

    2. While the sources are weak (I can't locate my copy of Cardew or Willoughby, they are somewhere in the stacks, but then neither is usefully indexed), Hodson's had a very nasty time of it in Iraq (much of it sounding pretty modern). Their most famous action was their famous defence of the armoured train at Samawa, 3 September 1920.

      As yet, we have no really serious treatment of the post-armistace actions in Iraq, though I know of several scholars who are working on this (met several of them in the National Archives in Delhi).

      Sources to start with now (beyond the regimental histories alluded to above): Haldane's self-serving The Insurrection in Mesopotamia 1920 (interesting title?), Jackson's always-valuable India's Army, and the sacred text Gaylor's Sons of John Company.

    3. Major Vetchinov Denis Vasilevich

      Vetchinov Denis Vasilevich - the assistant to the commander of a regiment on educational work of 135th motor-shooting regiment of 19th motor-shooting division as 58th общевойсковой armies of the North Caucasian military district, the major.

      Was born on June, 23rd, 1976. Russian. Has left high school.

      In Armed forces since 1990th years. Has ended the Omsk higher общевойсковое command twice Krasnoznamennoe school of a name of M.V.Frunze, and then ? Kazan higher tank Krasnoznamennoe school, having received the diploma of the psychologist-teacher. Has been appointed замполитом. Served in the Shawl city (the Chechen Republic), then in a city Cool (the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic).

      Here that has been told about major D.V.Vetchinove in the office characteristic: ?In fighting conditions has proved the brave, courageous officer capable in any conditions to execute a battle-order and to make correct decisions in critical situations?.

      On August, 9th, 2008 major Vetchinov followed in structure колоны батальонной tactical group for rendering assistance to a battalion of peacekeeping forces.

      At entrance to a city of Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) the column in which the commander of 58th общевойсковой army lieutenant general A.N.Hrulev followed, the commander of a regiment A.P.Kazachenko and group of journalists was ambushed, unequal fight was fastened. Major Vetchinov, without having become puzzled, has opened from the automatic machine reciprocal fire and has personally killed three insurgents, having picked up a trophy machine gun, it continued to fire at a large forest in which there was a group of the opponent.

      At the last minute, being already wounded, bleeding profusely having noticed that from opposite flank from bushes the insurgent has aimed for shooting at the commander of army, without deliberating, major Vetchinov has rushed under heavy fire of the enemy and by the life has saved lives of the commander of army and being with a number of the commander of a regiment and journalists.

      Major Vetchinov has been mortally wounded in a head and on the way to hospital he has died...

      Major D.V.Vetchinova still had wife and the small daughter.

      On August, 15th, 2008 with military honours has been buried in a hero town Volgograd on the central Dimitrovsky cemetery on Avenue of Heroes.

      The decree of the President of the Russian Federation from August, 15th, 2008 for courage and the heroism shown at execution of a soldier's duty in the North Caucasian region, to major Vetchinovu Denis to Vasilyevich posthumously appropriates a rank of the Hero of the Russian Federation.

      It is awarded by medals ?For courage?, ?For difference in military service?.

      In capital of South Ossetia ? a city of Tskhinvali a name of the Hero wish to name one of anew restored streets.


    4. (NO good place to put this, so I put it here, out of habit.)

      Lt-Colonel Timerman Konstantin Anatolevich

      A nasty computer translation:

      Timerman Konstantin Anatolevich - the commander of a motor-rifle battalion of 135th motor-shooting regiment of 19th motor-shooting division of 58th общевойсковой armies of the North Caucasian military district, the lieutenant colonel.

      Was born on October, 11th, 1977. Russian. Has left high school.

      In Armed forces since 1990th years. Has ended a military college. Served in parts of the North Caucasian military district: in a city Cool (the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic). The participant of the Chechen war.

      Since May, 25th, 2008 lieutenant colonel K.A.Timerman fulfilled duties of the commander of a battalion of peacekeeping forces in South Ossetia. Has proved as the fearless officer betrayed to the business.

      On August, 8th, 2008 at intrusion of the Georgian armed forces into a zone of responsibility of a battalion lieutenant colonel Timerman K.A. competently, with skill, has organised performance of duty on posts, investigation and management of a battalion, protection and defence of base camp according to the mandate of peacekeeping forces.

      Being guided by the mandate of peacekeeping forces, till last moment tried to force the Georgian party to observance of an armistice and a non-admission of infringement of the established borders. In the answer the Georgian party has opened fire from all kinds of arms.

      Skilfully supervising over actions of subordinates at attack reflexion on point of a disposition of a battalion, lieutenant colonel Timerman K.A. has shown courage and heroism in a course of action, has personally killed six insurgents. Despite the got wound in a foot, he has not left a battlefield, continued to supervise over actions of subordinates competently.

      As a result of the first days of fight the division of lieutenant colonel Timermana K.A. destroys 6 tanks, 4 armoured vehicles, nearby 50 persons of a manpower of the opponent.

      In the further ambassador of arrival of division of strengthening lieutenant colonel Timerman K.A. has refused hospitalisation and continued to order division.

      When barracks have burnt down, and there was no place for shelter and fight conducting, lieutenant colonel K.A.Timerman has decided that it is necessary to withdraw staff. The battalion left on foot through mountains, led by the wounded commander. Have not thrown anybody: the one who could not go, bore on itself. From 200 military men subordinated to it has lost killed 15.

      Already being in district military hospital of Rostov-on-Don, has learnt that it is presented to the high award ? to a rank of the Hero of Russia.

      The decree of the President of the Russian Federation from August, 15th, 2008 for courage and the heroism shown at execution of a soldier's duty in the North Caucasian region, to lieutenant colonel Timermanu Konstantin Anatolevichu appropriates a rank of the Hero of the Russian Federation with medal delivery ?the Gold Star?.

      It is awarded by medals.

      See: http://www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=9877

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